Monitors are the biggest scams

Why the fuck are monitors so expensive?

My phone at 5.5" has 1920x1080 pixels. A 4k monitor of 22" has a lower ppi than that. How the fuck do they go for over 800$? And TVs are a different beast altogether.

What do you think would be the production cost of a OLED IPS 4K monitor? Around 30$?

New tech = more expensive
There you go.

Big thing is more expensive than small thing. What a surprise.

Larger panel = lower yield = higher price.


Yes, goyim. Fall into my trap. Buy the memeK.

we have finally reached the point where people just think "IPS" is a word for "good".

>not using Yotsuba B
>not using PNG to make it transparent

All these oblivious goyims in this thread make me sad...

because people are willing to pay so much money

companies would be completely retarded to lower their prices when the panels will sel at this price anyway

>implying it's new

does it surprise you that someone as retarded as him would be such a fuckup?

Not really, 90% of Sup Forums are either college dropouts of kids that know fuckall.

10% are actualy worthwile discussing about tech.

Phone is 5-6 inches, monitor is 27
Phone uses a battery, monitor doesn't
1080p Phone is $500 unlocked, monitor 1080p ips is $300, monitor 4k ips is $600.

Are you stupid? Wait no, you are.

6/10 troll I bit the hook, reeeeeeee

I'm on my phone and I'm not spending 30 minutes on a post, you autist. And I don't know, I find whining fuckheads like you that don't actually seem interested in the discussion a lot more annoying. If you want to be "le meta" and circlejerk here, >>>>>/reddit/

So a phone only consists of a battery and a screen. No PCB, processor, camera, etc.? And where did you pull those numbers out of? A 4K TV costs around $2000 and you're paying too much for a 1080p meme phone. Especially if it only has a screen and a battery.

>4k monitor at 22"

Good luck finding that.

22-24" should be 1440p tho.

I'm giving an example of a higher resolution and bigger screen having a lower PPI. I agree though, you can really see a difference below 32"

>why is my 5.5" smartphone less expensive than my 27" monitor
Gee, I fucking wonder OP

My LG 49UB8500 which is true 4k, 4096x2160 was $900 brand new

do you even know what those two words mean?

>not using a dark theme

You really are clueless, aren't you?

>le dark like my soul is le better

Not him but, dark themes are fucking awesome on my OLED screen.

>implying it's not

>wants pure white letters on pure black background

Enjoy your fucked eyes m8s, i bet you are sitting in a completely dark room too.

>true 4k

kek, 4k has exactly 4x the pixels of 1920x1080.

1920x1080 = 2073000

2073000 x 4 = 8294400

3840x2160 = 8294400
4096x2160 = 8847360

>implying Sup Forums's dark theme is pure black on pure white

Why would a dark theme be bad for your eyes?

No, he's right. 4x1920x1080 is called UHD technically, not 4K.

>implying Sup Forums's Tomorrow theme is pure black on pure white

It should at least be called QHD, not UHD.

Fucking bullshit.

No, QHD is 2560x1440. HD is 1280x720, "quad HD" is 2560x1440. 1920x1080 is "Full HD" and 3840x2160 is "Ultra HD"

>Doesn't know what maymays are
Fucking newfags off my board