Switching my iPhone 5S for an Android, what does /g suggest? Thinking S7 Edge

Switching my iPhone 5S for an Android, what does /g suggest? Thinking S7 Edge

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Lol nope

Get Nexus 6P if you want the best Android experiebce

HTC 10 all the way baby

I switched a few weeks ago from iPhone 5S to Redmi Note 3 Pro. This is a fucking sweet phone for 200€.


looking like an actual flagship device and not a poor people phone (like any other android, like HTC or nexus)

Don't care much for the edge, the bigger screen and the frameless look is awesome though



That's just ridiculous

The HTC seems pretty good, a lot less battery than the Edge though, which is a big reason for my switch in the first place

Nexus 6P. Don't buy any skinned android

>not a flagship

Nexus 5x

Usable with one hand, cheaper than 'flagships' but still has 90% of the features. Stock android, and an IPS screen. I prefer the neutral color accurate stuff over the AMOLED screens.

Looks like Sup Forums is still retarded

>buying samshit or apple

I got myself a 6 Edge last year for only 450 euros. Will never regret buying it, looks awesome and touchwizz being bad is an old meme. Also you can just use the theme shop and download whatever theme you like. And still every week people comment on how ''cool'' the edge screen is.

>is an old meme
It starts with the s5. It looks cartoony as shit and it's packed with pointless bloatware

>Also you can just use the theme shop and download whatever theme you like

I got an S7 Edge and still for the life of me can't decide on one damn theme

i wish there was more just straight up customization, rather than being forced to have whatever the theme gives

>swapping a phone that's obsolete every 4 years for one that's obsolete every 5 months

>samdung account

>caring about other people's opinions on your phone
Underage detected

I bought the S7 for Gear VR desu

The porn has been worth it. If you're doing too then I'd say you get the flat S7 and not the Edge tho.

inb4 Cardboard VR
It's not even close, I've tried both and neither is an otherwordly experience, but the Gear is just the more enjoyable.

Get your hands on A Oneplus 2 use mate you won't regret it

>implying HTC flagships are cheap

No dont go for a nexus 6p or iphone 6s nigga

>Being too poor to afford a decent phone.

>preferring touchjizz to stock android
>implying the 6p isn't flagship
Yeah, just keep drinking the kool-aid

Touchwizz is more thought out than stock, not that you've ever used it

I used it on the original galaxy s and the s3 before switching to Nexus. Bloat Ware is retarded and shouldn't be allowed

>I used it on the original galaxy s and the s3 before switching to Nexus. Bloat Ware is retarded and shouldn't be allowed
>implying they still have bloatware

Even skinning the icons and GUI is bloat

It's not bloatware when it actually makes the phone more usable in comparison to stock clusterfuck of an UI

>my experience with touchwizz from 4 years ago is relevant to a discussion about a current product


oneplus three

Are you retarded, the S7 has literally the most accurate screen ever to be put on a phone.

>mentioning flagship phones on Sup Forums

The only phones mentioned on Sup Forums are chinkphones and nexus devices because they can't afford anything else.

Not waterproof
Last gen
Last gen
Probably won't be waterproof

Just buy the s7 without the gimmick edge, or get the xperia x performance if you want a phone that doesn't look like a toy for children, doesn't have the multitask and back buttons reversed, and has a sweet sweet two stage camera button


>Nexus 6p
>Last gen
Nigga wat. Hauwei has easily made the best Nexus except for maybe LG

Samsung's phones have glass backs and they crack easily at the first drop.

So, if it ever happens that you drop it, you're fucked.

Also amoled screens do not last as long as lcd screens, even though they look better. It's like you're choosing something which feels better but in the long term, you might get fucked by burn in issues or yellow whites.

Samsung doesn't give a shit about durability. They just put on their phones whatever shiny shit makes people open their wallets.

Also you have to live with the locked bootloader, if I'm not mistaken. Unless you want to lose your warranty.

Do whatever you want, actually, why do you want other people to choose your phone is beyond me. Usually, people pick their products based on their personality, rather than rational analysis.

>snapfire 810
It's a last gen flagship, just like the xperia z5, the oneplus 2 and the htc m9

huawei & lg are going to re-release their 6p/5x with a snapdragon 820 pretty soon

get either one of those

Or get the new Moto phones

there is no new nexus yet so by definition it is not last gen