Stop saying it wrong. The creator specified how to say it in his documentation 20+ years ago...

Stop saying it wrong. The creator specified how to say it in his documentation 20+ years ago, there's literally no debate that can override what he called his own product.

Other urls found in this thread:

I know. People say "gentoo" incorrectly too.

>there's literally no debate that can override what he called his own product
He should have spelt it properly then. Is he fucking retarded or does he not speak English?


I've even heard people say "Linux" instead of "ganoo plus linux"

um retard its pronounced jift not gift

I don't care what the creator says, he's fucking retarded and wrong.

He should have spelled the acronym for Graphics Interchange Format "JIF". Okay.

If "GIF" is pronounced jif, then how do you pronounce JIF? If they're the same, then it's not following the rules of the english language.

gentoo is an actual word


Explain how it isn't following these rules.

Therefore it's pronounced GIF. We're not going to change the rules of the English language for some retarded autist that made a terribly inefficient image format.

>there's literally no debate that can override what he called his own product.
Yeah there is. It's called "we don't care what he thinks".

I live near Chicago. There's a sculpture there. The artist calls it "Cloudgate". I have literally never heard anyone call it this. They call it the Bean, because it looks like a bean. The artist got very butthurt over this. People chuckled at him and then proceeded to ignore him.


>the rules of the english language
Drop the bass.

P in jpeg is photographic.
I guess we should start pronouncing jpheg from now on.

i give my thanks to the creator of Graphics Interchange Format!
and i do what the fuck i want.

pic is you.

>The creator specified how to say it in his documentation 20+ years ago
You and the creator can both kill yourselves. I don't give a fuck, faggot.

Good thing ignoring facts makes them go away, eh?

What rule states GIF can't start with a soft G?

I've always pronounced it jif.

The english language is retarded. The rules change all the time based on context.

The creator gets to name it, he also gets to define how it's pronounced.

The g in GIF is for "graphic". The documentation by the creator is where the pronunciation is specified. Your argument is entirely invalid and irrelevant.

You sound like a nigger that just makes up words and spells things however they want.

How the creator prefers it to be pronounced it also irrelevant.

We aren't dealing in facts here. We're dealing in opinions. And the thing about opinions is that people can and do ignore them if they find them silly.

How do you guys pronounce giant?

>I don't have a legitimate answer so I'll resort to bigotry.

Like this
>O-P i-s a g-i-a-n-t f-a-g-g-o-t

>english language


>Being stupid enough to think English doesn't have rules
The words and rules that contradict each other are due to the words coming from many sources. Directly from Latin, from Latin through French, from pre-english Germanic languages up through old, middle, and modern english, and then there's borrowed words from basically every language.

what the fuck are even gifs bro?

There are many things that are pronounced different from the original pronunciation. Mt EEverest for example. You don't give a fuck about the correct pronunciation, because language isn't defined, it develops by many people speaking it. You could say that "jif and gif are two different dialects. Now calm your faggy tits and fuck your sister as you planned to do anyway

it's pronounced "Jeff" you fucking retards

Only an idiot would pronounce a word that starts with a G as "Jiff"

If it was supposed to be said that way then the developers should have named it fucking Jif instead.

We pronounce g in gym or giraffe as a j because it has history.
Why should we pronounce it jif, just because he said so?
It's like wifi, it doesn't mean anything, it just stuck and became a normal term, like the pronunciation of gif, it doesn't have any real way of being pronounced, it just stuck and became gif.
Does the word "wifi" actually mean Internet because the creator said so, or because it became normalized by being used as a term for wireless internet?
Also, how autistic do you have to be by getting annoyed by someone saying gif instead if jif.

>tfw teacher says it wrong

logically, because it's an acronym for Graphical Interchange Format, the hard Guh makes sense, yet it is not the intended pronunciation

it's pronounced "YIFF"

you fucking dumbass, the p doesn't have an f sound, the ph does. it's jpeg not jpheg so it's obviously a fucking exception you piece of shit.

Find me a single word that starts with G, then a vowel, then an F that is pronounced with a soft G. Pro-tip: you fucking can't. Hell, even most one syllable words that start with G have a hard G and the ones that do are mainly abbreviations that inherit it (gym, gin, gen, gel).

The developer said it was jif to parody peanut butter Jif's "choosy moms choose Jif" slogan as "choosy developers choose GIF". As it turns out, choosy developers don't choose GIF because it's slow, low quality piece of shit so that reasoning can go out the window.

Don't see a J in gif, bro.



Notice no ones says jerrafficks


They are like assholes. Everyone has one and sometimes it's shitty.


gift is pronounced with a hard, not a soft g. unless it's different in Calcutta, idk.

>post this thread
>come back four hours later
>find exactly what I expected from "GIF" camp

You guys need new material. This "me me me" entitled attitude is irrelevant. The creator says "jif" so you say "jif" or you're an idiot, it's that simple.

This thread is rife with autism.

Collective intelligence is wrong
singular intelligence is right
nty bud

>This International Standard specifies a datastream and an associated file format, Portable Network Graphics (PNG, pronounced “ping”), for a lossless, portable, compressed individual computer graphics image transmitted across the Internet.

>pronounced "ping"
I've always just said "P N G"

your mum


>Why should we pronounce it jif
>because it has history.
here you go.

How do you guys pronounce .swf? I remember Adobe urging everyone to call it "ess doubleyou eff"

gift - hard g
drop the t
you got gif
hard g
gif gaf gelt got

>the creator has the final say in how other people want to pronounce it



Get mad OP.


What you're referring to as English, is in fact, American English, or as I've recently taken to calling it, American Plus English

Allow me to produce a Venn diagram using ASCII characters.

(things worth caring about) (how we pronounce acronyms)

>graphics interchange format
the creator is retarded so fuck him

I do what I want faggot. Guuuhhhh iiiiiii fffffff

Hope you're fucking triggered

>Stop saying it wrong.
Then stop writing it wrong.

English speaking countries seriously need to start writing in some other language, it's embarrassing.

>he pronounces "meme" meem

Oh so you say acronyms out loud? Do you say "scuh-bah" for SCUBA?

>The creator gets to name it, he also gets to define how it's pronounced.
why should he hold that authority? Moreover, why should he hold that authority when he's quite clearly a fucking idiot?

Do you people pronounce giraffe and George with hard G's? I mean come the fuck on.

The language existed long before the faggot being so arrogant as to expect us to bend the rules for this shitty format.


Thanks op



>thinks the name and pronunciation given by the creator is the end of story
but it's almost never that way bruh, he just said it was jif to be assinine and I'm not going to sound like a tard when talking about it and having people wonder what the fuck I'm talking about just to get your approval

Anyone has a GIF of a GIANT GIRAFFE?


>Jraphics interchangeable format

I'll stick with the one that doesn't sound retarded.


and still funny that everybody calls its with g.... as if people have the power to call it whatver they waant

>“However, the pronunciation with a hard g is now very widespread and readily understood. A coiner effectively loses control of a word once it’s out there…”

Fuckboy coiners vote doesn't count.

>The creator specified how to say it in his documentation 20+ years ago

Quote from the Chief Editor at the Oxford Dicitonary. How about you learn how language works before you make such claims.

>ive never heard of a homonym before

please kill yourself
>that's not 20+ years ago
>fuck him, he's retarded

jiff in hell furfag

GIF is an acronym for Graphic Interchange Format. How do you pronounce "graphic"? Certainly not 'jraffic."

Would you kindly fuck off and stop posting disinfo?

see You've also apparently been pronouncing the word scuba incorrectly all your life.

Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, makes LASER. And yet it is "lay-zer", not "lay-sir". Your argument is moot.

No one cares. It's gif, and it'll stay gif.

>tfw 10 years since the .GIF patents ran out

Can't forgive. Was a time when they were genuinely useful, combined with annoyingly encumbered. Fuck I'm old.

Just like 'Mount Everest' will always be pronounced wrong, even though Sir George Everest himself pronounced his own name differently.

It is Ee-very-sit, no?

Well the Creator told you to only fuck the opposite sex but here you are. Fag.

>its pronounced "jay"
>not "gay"

>its pronouced "jewy"
>not "gooey"

I don't GIF a fuck.

Jesus christ that guy is punchable. Also he is wrong.

He ignores the fact that Gift is pronounced with a hard G. It's more than likely that it follows the rules of that word.

Also please read this, you mongoloid.

I sure loving using the Jraphics Interchange Format too, OP.



The acronym is a new word. Doesn't matter how the individual words are pronounced.

It's still gift though.

"jif" sounds fucking retarded you moron. The creator is a literal retard if he thinks "jif" is acceptable. "gif" is much, much better