Tell us which languages you've written code in

Tell us which languages you've written code in.
Put parentheses around it if the code was trivial.
Basic, (Algol-W), (360 Assembler), PL/I, (Algol 68), (Snobol), (BCPL), Lisp, TAL, Prolog, (Scheme), Java, C, C++, Python, (PHP), tcsh, bash, (JavaScript)
...I've probably forgotten some

Bash, C, Fortran, Elisp, JS, Matlab, Python, R

is that a tally for how many cocks she's taken

Basic, (Mathematica), (Clojure), Java, C, Python, PHP, JavaScript, (VBScript), (Pascal), PL/SQL

(basic), sql, (fortran), c++, (visual basic)

t. database fag

(Basic), (Assembler), (Blackbox), Pascal, Bash, Ada, PROLOG, C, C++, (C#), (D), (Java), Python, MATLAB, (PHP)

C (sh) (ksh) (csh) Java
Meaning to learn Fortran and Scheme sometime.

(bash), C, C#, C++, (Common Lisp), (Forth), GML, Haskell, Java, JavaScript, (Julia), Lua, OCaml, Python, Rust, Scheme, x86 assembly, 6502 assembler

Want to learn: Go, Racket, Coq

(C), C++, Assembly, (Java), Javascript, Python, (Ruby), PHP

>Languages I use
x86 assembly

C#, Javascript, Actionscript (Made tonnes of newgrounds flash games in my younger years)

Haha was going to include AS for the same reason, but wasn't entirely sure if it even counts as a language any more. Isn't it just JavaScript?

Yeah not really sure. it is VERY dead though along with flash, sad but it had to happen.


What the fuck did you write in Prolog?

(c, c#, python, java, matlab)

(C++), (C), (Python), (bash), (sh), (Java), Lua, (VB.NET), C#, (Javascript), (PHP), (Clojure)

(Java), PowerShell, bash, (batch), AHK

What's the best language for making simple desktop applications on Windows to fill functionality I can't find elsewhere?

Oh fuck, forgot (batch) and PowerShell.

she's been spanked 26 times?

C, C++, (Python), (Lua), (Bash), (Fish), Perl, (Matlab)

Is that how much dick she sucked last night?

(Assembler), AutoIt, (AHK), Bash, (Batch), C, C++, C#, Lua, VB.NET, Python, (JavaScript)

(C) (C++) (Python) (8051 assembly) (Matlab) (Java)

Jquery, HTML, Angular, Node.js :^),
Assembly, C, C++, Java, Python, PHP, Javascript, bash, fish, prolog, Scala, SQL, whatever runs on Ti calculators, (Rust, Ruby, MATLAB, VB, AppleScript, Go, Lua, C#, Swift, brainfuck, whitespace)

C, C++, Java, Javascript and all its bastard children, python

If you learn one, how hard is it to jump to another one?

Its probably her age, wonder whether she will keep getting it done until she's like 80, knowing white women she probably will

Hi grandpa

C, PHP, internal scripting engines (RPG Maker, mIRC (lel)), Lisp

Java, Python, Haskell, (Mips Assembler),(C++),(C#)

Wish i had more time.

C# WPF applications

I'm just going to take a guess and say some sort of A.I logic or a logic based database. It's the only thing I've ever used it for anyway.

Java, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Does HTML and CSS count?

(Ruby, pascal, Prolog, Node.js, SVG)

(C), (Python), Ruby, Javascript, (PHP), (Java)

you probably wrote some Pascal in there somewhere

Python, Java, Haskell, (C), (C++), (C#), JavaScript, (Bash), (PHP), (Perl), (Assembler), SQL, (Lua)

C++, C#, C, Haskell, (Prolog), (SQL), (Haxe), (ActionScript3)

>Three horizontal slashes and one vertical slash.

Does mIRC's scripting language count?

Oh, I didn't notice that.

I guess that makes a little more likely

So it's pretty stupid it's the only language they teach in every highschool IT-course in my country?

(JS) (C) (Java)
first year student here. Hate Java and JS.

I like to think that all code I write is trivial.

Disgusting lanugages I had to learn for University and wouldn't touch again with a 10 foot pole:
(Assembly), (C), (Prolog)

Langauges I've stumbled upon but wouldn't use again:
(QBasic), (PHP)

OK-tier langauges I learned at jobs:

Languages I actually like:
Java, (Ruby)

Languages I'd like to learn someday:
Python, Erlang

(C), C#, C++, Python, (Java), (Lisp)

dang like 90% of those same here
bash, C, C#, C++, (CL), Forth, Haskell, Java, JS, (Lua), OCaml, Rust, Scheme, x86 am, (6502 asm), Idris, (Prolog), F#, (F*), (SML),, Swift, (Ruby), (Perl6), PHP
Wanna learn: Coq, ATS, Ur/Web, Erlang
depends how different they are. some languages are entirely different paradigms (Haskell vs. Lisp vs. Java) and others are super similar (Java vs. C#)

Basic, bash, batch files, Python, Perl, (OCaml), (Ada), (Algol 68), (Algol 60), (Prolog), (Standard ML), (Common Lisp), (x86 assembly), (PowerShell), JavaScript, (Java), C, (Haskell), (PL/I)

(MIPS), (C++), (C), (java), (python), matlab, R

She looks good for 42 then

>how many languages have you written CODE in

>people mention things like actionSCRIPT and javaSCRIPT

C++, C#, (QBasic), (HTML) does it even count?, (Powershell) it's junk, (VBScript)

Python, C, C++, Matlab, (Mathematica), Maple..., (Fortran), root, Bash, (Julia), (Javascript), (Lua)