He uses a GNU/Linux distribution as his desktop OS

>He uses a GNU/Linux distribution as his desktop OS

Dumb frogposter

>he doesn't


>not user friendly
>the ones endorsed by Sup Forums are time consuming and often break

>not user friendly
It is, it doesn't prevent you from doing exactly what you want.

You mean "retard friendly".

>the ones endorsed by Sup Forums are time consuming and often break
When Sup Forums say "install gentoo", that's a meme user.

You miss the point of the thread, unless you are doing UNIX exclusive software development, it makes no sense to use a GNU/Linux distribution as your desktop OS over a Windows or Mac machine.

>i-i-if you use your computer for daily stuff y-y-you must use Microsoft Windows j-just b-b-because

What email client do you use?



Why not Outlook?

Why on earth would I use Outlook? Can't stand the interface, and it doesn't even have half the functionality I get through my plugins.

Thunderbird works both on my Linux machine and on my Mac, and plugins are sync'd automagically.

Also, can I even run Outlook on Linux?

I just leave a gmail tab open on chrome :^)

>doesn't even have half the functionality I get through my plugins
Lol. You are a NEET.

Outlook is shit, but nothing beats the windows 7 + thunderbird + firefox combo, anybody thinking otherwise is a try hard nerd

Uh, okay? What makes you say that?

>windows 7
Why do Windows users desperately cling on to deprecated and unsupported versions of their OS?

Wanna know how I know you are both unemployed? :>

He's ignorant. IMAP has made Exchange servers obsolete.

>Wanna know how I know you are both unemployed? :>

Well, I'm not actually.

Also, I already asked in so why are you still meme'ing?

IMAP has existed since.... forever, and Exchange != outlook. Thunderbird connects to Exchange servers fine.

One of my accounts is an exchange account, it still works in Thunderbird.

Because every new version fucks them a little bit harder than the last. I guess even a battered wife tries to minimize the beatings she voluntarily sticks around to take.

i dont have a job

>he has burger king ads in his start menu

>He says GNU/Linux

What retard wears a tan shirt with a bright blue sweater? Is it fucking stained with coffee or some shit?
Dumbass frog.

Fuck off pajeet. You would be unemployed too, if it weren't for shilling companies

Hello neckbeard. How is the job hunt going? I know companies don't appreciate your experience configuring Arch window managers, but don't sweat it and keep trying tiger!

smart frogposter

>not user friendly
You're not trying hard enough. If you want user friendly check out distributions like Zoris OS, rather than, say, Slackware.

>the ones endorsed by Sup Forums
Only a fool would take anything on this website for truth, and only a truly hopeless fool would come here for real advice

I meant Zorin, that was a typo...

Why wouldn't I?

>Zoris OS
Why? My Windows machine is undeniably better for day to day use thanks to inuitive proprietary software and my CentOS workstation is purely for UNIX development.

Where can I buy cheap windows 10 key I keep asking this in every thread where shills push windows but no one ever answers... I don't want to pay 130$ for windows.

I was referring to user friendliness. Zorin is as easy to use as Windows. I should know, I use Windows everyday.

Does it have Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Power BI, and Office365? Why do you use it?

>CentOS workstation is purely for UNIX development.
This is hilarious.

What company do you work for, what is your position and what OS do you use.

You won't answer me.

Funny that you missed the whole point Pajeet.

A predictable reply. Thanks for proving my point.

>Don't have to pay 100 fucking dollars for an OS
>Can do all the same damn shit with it
>With mostly free software

You're welcome. Thanks for proving you're a clueless shill.

>UNIX development
It's almost like they have no idea...

Is there a legit, solid Linux alternative to Windows? Srs question. I've used Windows all my life and lately it's just being annoying me, doesn't feel as smooth as I used to think. I use Ubuntu in Comp sci labs, I don't like it. Strictly talking about the interface, it feels like an off-brand Windows. Every browser I use constantly crashes, same with various other applications. If I ran it at home, would it be significantly better? Any better recommendations?

>Shilling for CentOS
You're an embarrassment.

Absolutely not. If you are working with enterprise distributions then you should familiarize yourself with GNU/Linux, but the proprietary software for Windows and Mac machines eclipses the GNU/Linux alternatives and then some.

Who said anything about centos?

Follow the reply chain you absolute mongoloid.

Just carry on doing your UNIX development on linux pajeet.


Linux Mint would be a good start, I'd recommend trying it with both the Cinnamon desktop and the KDE desktop.

They'll probably look like off-brand Windows, it kinda feels that way for a while, but you get used to it quickly and start realizing that you don't need as much of a desktop as you thought you did.

Also don't listen to this faggot.

You can find a better alternative to every proprietary software Windows offers except for maybe the Adobe brands (and Linux is already catching up).

please consider suicide

>i don't like having to learn new things

Designated shilling squad has been busy today.

Office -> Libreoffice (supports all Word documents)
Power BI -> give wine a try and if that doesn't work run a Windows VM on Virtualbox in seamless mode
Office365 -> Anything you can't do in a browser you can find an alternative for

GNU/Linux literally has no upsides other than being popular

It sucks as an everyday desktop OS compared to Windows

It sucks as a server OS compared to FreeBSD

It sucks as a contrarian tinfoil freedums OS compared to OpenBSD

It sucks as an OS for developers compared to OS X

Literally useless meme-tier OS for tryhards.

Linux Mint, bro

>Use something you like less, just because

you buy windows 8 from a key reseller for a couple of bucks and use the win10 upgrade

When will /v grow up?

>Posts frog
>Expects anybody to take him seriously

>You can find a better alternative to every proprietary software Windows
I invite you to list better alternatives to Excel, Word, Power BI and Office 365. There are none.

Please don't embarrass yourself by even mentioning video/audio/image editing tools. Face the reality dumbass.

Sorry dude but that frog made me not take you as serious.

Fucking this!

drop that "GNU" shit...call it linux

Oh please. Off the top of my head there's Libreoffice. Not sure about Power BI, though it's Microsoft so it'll be obsolete soon. What do you even use Office 365 for, email and calendar? There are a trillion alternatives if you cared to look.

enjoy your "free totally-not-spyware" mandatory updates, hopefully nothing breaks this time.

>he uses windows as his desktop os
>an os which not only limits his freedom by not providing the source code, but also spies on you
>nowhere near as customisable as linux
>a desktop os should be in total control of the user, not vice versa

The fuck kind of Ubuntu distro are you using where Chrome/Firefox won't work? The problem's not with the OS, newfriend

Thank you for proving my point, you listed 1 alternative that has only 1/4 of the functionality and integration capability as Word.

>He's worried about the government stealing his revolutionary source code and management emails

Embarrassing. Your ISP will hand over all your information in a serious investigation.

His shit is probably out of date

Sure, and let's start calling MS Windows "system32."

user friendly is just an attempt for smart people to get stupid people to pay them money because they're to stupid to figure shit out

even semi-stupid people used computers through the 80s without a gui

List the open source alternatives to Word, Excel, Power BI and Office 365. List the open source alternatives to any multimedia editing tool.

Now that you've done that, rationalize why you use applications with 1/10 the power of the proprietary software. I am absolutely willing to pay 2 hours salary to save 200 hours of work per annum.

>he willingly pays to let people tell him what to do

Don't Google Docs and that fucking browser-based Microsoft Office do more than Office 365 does?

>per annum.

>he pays for services
What is your argument?

Not even close. It's not unexpected that an unemployed Archbabby "enthusiast" is ignorant on this matter.

>t. NEET

>he pays for services
>What is your argument?

>you can only use this when and how we tell you
>no you can't change anything around, what, you think you bought anything more than a license to use this code?
>by the way we're releasing a new version in two years. That'll be another $200

Repeat after me: I am free.

>you can only use this when and how we tell you
Your open source alternative has 1/4 the functionality that the proprietary software I use does. Who is free here?

I'm free to add that functionality should I ever need it. Convenience is no excuse to put yourself into slavery.

I just want a FUCKING LINUX distro that I DON'T have to worry about breaking, I DON'T have to waste entire days FIXING OR MAINTAINING, and that I can just WORK ON.

Arch Linux fucking sucks for this, Gentoo sucks for this, fucking Fedora sucks for this, God damn! Is there a SINGLE LINUX DISTRO like this?

>hurr durr you're only proving my point by answering my question

You argue like a bitch. What functionality do you need that Libreoffice doesn't provide

>Embarrassing. Your ISP will hand over all your information in a serious investigation.

What the fuck kind of rationale is that? Are you trying to be this retarded or are you legitimately disabled?

>I'm free to add that functionality should I ever need it
Can you add that functionality in 1hrs time?

The reality is that you are a slave to the open source meme and are most likely a NEET.

Try Ubuntu or Linux Mint?

Still crying about Libreoffice? I wouldn't expect a NEET to know anything about Word, considering you live in your safe bubble all day and never venture out into the corporate world.

Funny how you can only muster 1 sad alternative and can't provide anything else for media editing or Excel, Powerpoint, Power BI and Office365. Embarrassing.

You can edit documents in real-time with other users on Google Docs

>Can you add that functionality in 1hrs time?

What has that to do with anything? As I said, convenience is no reason to sell yourself into slavery. Perhaps you just like being told what to do?

Why do you list Office 365 separate from the programs that are a part of it?

Cute. Isn't that proprietary software that harvests your information (i.e. the only half decent reason Sup Forums undergrads use GNU/Linux)?

An empty and embarrassing reply that missed the point entirely.

But literally though

I don't mind using proprietary software. I just hate Windows 10, so I switched to Linux Mint because it doesn't look liek it was made in powerpoint

Still crying about being a little bitch who can't win his arguments?

I'm still waiting to hear about those features you so desperately need. Embarrassing really.

>An empty and embarrassing reply that missed the point entirely.

My point is that I can do what I want, whereas you can only do what you're told.

I gave you 3 chances to defend your OS, and 3 posts later and you still can only name 1 half assed open source alternative to an industry standard application.

Laughable. I accept your concession.

What industry?

Fucking idiot.

God you're deft.
It's a fact the majority of industry software is for Windows, and as a result, Linux has inferior software for things like video editing, photo manipulation, programming, etc.

"lol wat industry"
isnt an argument.

Hello undergraduate. Are you enjoying your summer vacation? You better be applying for those lab assistant positions if you want to get into grad school!

>you gave me three chances

Aww how cute, he thinks he's winning this argument.

Hasn't even answered one of my SIMPLE questions. Can't even come up with 1 feature his "industry-standard" application does better.

Pathetic really. Come back and play when you can actually defend yourself.

>He thinks the argument is about Word vs Libreoffice

There are hundreds of features lacking in your trash alternative dumbfuck. Read the documentation.

I will throw one at you right away, Tracking Changes.

Funny how you desperately cling to this one point, it speaks volumes about you freetards. I know you won't respond to any other software, Libreoffice is the only thing even comparable to the proprietary alternative and even then it falls short in nearly every category.

I installed arch in less than 10 min you dumbass. Windows takes somewhere around 90 minutes.

Isn't it obvious? Dragon Dildo R&D