What browser do you use on your Android phone?

What browser do you use on your Android phone?

Chrome, syncs with desktop and just works

Lightning, it's incredibly fast and syncing with your desktop is a bug not a feature so you don't even need to worry about that.
Plus it has integrated adblock and is free and open source.

ABP browser to browse paheal on the fly without getting cancer

Opera, it's the best period

dolphin browser
firefox only cause addons and plays youtube vids in background

The default Samsung browser, it just werks

Stock xiaomi browser

firefox, muh plugins

>buying chinkshit

Naked browser

Is it Chinese/NSA botnet? Or as I've recently taken to calling it Chinese + NSA botnet

Firefox Beta and Orfox, depending on if I want secure browsing or fast results. Firefox also syncs across devices.

Chink botnet > US botnet

I've tried a bunch, Lighting, Firefox, Opera, UC and sadly Chrome is the most stable

Snapdragon optimized, Chromium based browser.

Forgot the name.


I've been using it for years
not in jail or lost any personal info yet that I know.

>Snapdragon optimized, Chromium based browser.
>Forgot the name.
RSbrowser. Personally, I use the stock xiaomi browser and haven't benchmarked either. I'll get around to it someday.

I recenty installed orfox but havent got alot of browsing hours with it.

got any problems with it?

>Being more than an arm's length from your phone at any time so unable to check the name
I don't check my phone every two minutes but I never leave it behind. I don't trust people not to call just then or maybe even steal it if I'm not around. I have nothing incriminating on my phone but I have every protocol on it where I can be reached, so I'm always available. It's waterproof so I don't even have to leave it out of the bathroom when I shower. I have answered calls mid-shower, I just turn the water off while talking.

Getting offtopic here so I'll say I use Firefox on my phone. It syncs my history so I even carry that with me at all times.

Lightning. The ineffectiveness of the incognito mode helps remind me not to look up porn.

Chrome for regular browsing and Chromer for opening links from apps (google it).

Firefox for Android aka "Fennec"

lightning and icecatmobile


I just got a Galaxy Alpha for free.

What's the cheapest way to unlock it? Currently locked to an EU network.

Seems to be about $30-40 on average on various websites, but looks a lot cheaper on ebay.

How the fuck do I know if they're legit?


You gotta be fucking kidding. BTFO shills.

I have an iPhone

Androids are shit

You mean Androids shit on iPhones?

Get it unlocked at your carrier bro.

iPhone user here, and safari.
Why would you get anything non-Apple?

Noice choice

Its the only browser which makes Windows Fonts readable


you're going to pay to have someone flash odin on your phone?
just do it yourself


Seconding Opera.

is that all i need to do? can i just root it?

Firefox with ublock and flash player it's same as the desktop experience. It also helps that it syncs with my other Firefoxes.

Chrome Dev

but I only use it because of the .webm support

Internet Explorer

chrome dev and puffin browser pro

This but mine is Lg one

Chrome beta because it's just smooth af

Fight me faggots.

Dolphin for pr0n, firefox for everything else.


i'd fight you but i think you have enough fights with russian malware

All of these are memes

boku no firefox+µblock

There are multiple versions of this, but the most popular are swe browser, rsbrowser, and Tugabrowser.
Personally, I would recommend these to anyone who has a snapdragon device since these are ridiculously fast when compared to any other browser, including naked or lightning.

Firefox with https everywhere ublock origin and other privacy addons

Firefox + uBlock

>dem tabs
>dat speed dial sync
>dem downloads - pause, resume, retry, choose download folder

Also quick "to the top/bottom" buttons appear while scrolling.

Chrome for normal browsing

Photon if I need Flash

This is a meme

I was a chromefag until I tried Lightining. Awesome fast with a better ui than chrome. You have a lecture mode and also a full screen ui without the bar.

UCbrowser 9.0 because it's the only thing that works with 4chins on 2.3.6