What is the worst piece of software you've ever had to use for work or school?
What is the worst piece of software you've ever had to use for work or school?
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Facebook, seriously, why was it a requirement for a class?
At the age of 30 she should've been looking more matured, like bigger, sagging boobs.
Unless she is an Asian
Some girls never get over B cup, and it's hard for a B cup to sag.
Probably visual studio, though it wasn't that bad once I got used to it
Ios 6
Laggy as fuck on my old iPod touch 4g. Had to overclock it or Temple Run would lag.
What was the name of the word processor on Apple II?
Activinspire, seriously bloated UI, shitty formats, would crash and corrupt files and had way too much bloat
MS GP Dynamics
Serial RS-232 drivers. They were terrible and had difficulty working across Windows 7, 8, and 10. I fucking hate those Chinese pieces of shit, why does Xilinx insist on putting serial on all of their boards?
All old CNC machinery has this problem too. The fuck am I going to hook up a parallel port to my laptop?
OS X . Fuck being forced to buy a macbook for college
I bet you were using it for modeling and wanted to kill yourself
Max is great for modeling, Maya for everything else.
My god I hate excel. I legitimately did all my graphing in matlab one year because how much I hate excel.
>Windows 7, 8, and 10. I fucking hate those Chinese pieces of shit
Me too. RS-232 used to just werk. Now forced to use USB adapters that break off when you look at them wrong. Now there is talk of using something besides RJ-45 for Ethernet... why can't anyone learn not to fuck with it when it has been working for decades?
At least RJ-45 isn't completely incompatible with USB, which is going to be around in some form or another for eternity.
RS-232 is partially incompatible with USB. You will never find a RS-232 to USB adapter that will work with EVERYTHING (CNC machines come to mind), because some communication protocols aren't supported. It's simply impossible.
Yep. Professor said we had to use Maya and only Maya.
Eifel Studio
just fuck everything about that.
"Movie maker"
Not all women turn into worn out roasties, cuck.
And I will use it for the rest of my career, which makes me want to kill myself.
Use a *BSD then.
Oh wait, it can't even boot on most hardware.
Anything written by a scientist in Java. It's really annoying that I now have to convince the non-science queers just writing something in C or labVIEW with their exposed driver interfaces is a better use of time.
Xilinx, it was sooo slow and bloated (VHDL development)
is not a piece of software
Yes, can only do 10s of thousands of FFT per second.. waaay slower than fucking outerspace alien tech.
why the fuck calculus teachers are such normies
Microsoft Project
it's janky but not in the endearing, "our primary goal is getting stuff done, not ergonomics!" way
more like the half baked way
Really? I just watched a few YouTube tutorials and I was on my way thanks to Pajeet.
It ain't hard man.
>Anything made by AVID
>Fl Studio 12
>Google Sketchup
>Visual Studio
>Virtual Audio Cable (good software but I hate using it)
>Corsair anything is trash; putrid garbage.
>Windows Movie Maker
>Video Pad
>Open Office
>Terminal thing for linux that made the terminal come from the top of the screen like Doom or Quake consoles, I think it was called Guake. Shit broke everything. I might just be bad though.
>On the behalf my legally blind albino friend, Windows's magnifying tool is shit
>Skype, Tox, Team Speak, Raid Call, Ventrilo
>Ubuntus package manager
>Windows package manager (do not attempt)
>Any Google app like Docs or Music
I have more if you want more of my trash opinions
what the fuck this is a thing?
>tfw I graduated in 2009
Solidworks is gr8, babby couldn't get over the learning curve
wolfram mathematica
what a garbage language. I took a mathematical modeling class where the professor had us use this. I wanted to use R but he said learning mathematica was a goal of the course. I could have dropped the course but my PhD committee wanted me to take it.
anyway the syntax is dogshit and it's all proprietary garbage. like capital letters are important. that's fucking dumb.
unity3d. drag and fucking drop
Holy shit, the proprietary RIP software for the LogoJet UV2400 is the biggest most expensive blemish to software design I've ever seen. desu that machine is a total fucking mess. The software is awful and the hardware is a Frankenstein's monster of a Pro H4 with a UV lamp taped onto the print head and tubing and ink containers that can't withstand the acidity of the ink. Most expensive pile of garbage I've ever seen in my life.
School decided that it was a requirement to use this in my calc3 course. By this point i was already comfy with matlab, i wanted it all to end.
Christ. This was a requirement for the college I attended briefly.
Literally all of these.
i'm going to cry if i ever have to use OSX for school
>internet explorer
>win XP on an old imac with that shitty mouse
Adobe Director.
Move your mouse at all while any key is pressed? File corruption.
Move your mouse the wrong way? File corruption.
Click another window on an odd-second tick? File corruption.
On top of just being all around shit at what it's meant to do.
Was forced to use it by an instructor who had a fondness for it. And a mid-90s version of Poser and an early private alpha of Milkshape3D because fuck everything.
guakes not perfect but i haven't had major problems with it.
visual studio has a few stupid defaults but overall it's pretty nice
tox has like one guy working on it, for that its pretty good.
firefox has really gone downhill
PTC Mathcad
the most unstable piece of garbage i ever had to use it crashed for half the class in the finals
Fucking JMP for IOS
Alice, back in my high school programming class
God damn respondus lockdown browser. Whole thing takes over your computer, its like fucking malware. And it doesn't work at all on Linux, so you're forced with windows or osx
Dude the reason she broke up with you is because she cheated on you for me. Just let go of Alice, man.
>it's hard for a B cup to sag
I wish!
That's fucking kawaii.
>Fl Studio 12
Roast beef get out
Plugins no longer wrap properly or map MIDI CC like it used to, ASIO4All has become complete ass (for those without audio interfaces), although the support for 64 and 32 bit plugins is really nice it fucking BREAKS plugins with large patch libraries or intense amounts of features (like U-he Hive or Diva or Trillian)
FL 11 was fine but FL 12 is a piece of shit.
post proof
anyone have sauce?
This in combination with photoshop and the constant compatibilty problems when using files i used on windows before. At the end of my school time i simply stopped using the imacs entirely and did my work at home.
When I used it, the installer shipped a huge collection of object files named after their hashes; it then used symlinks to map the names it expected to some of those hashed files. Every version of every library they had ever used was shipped, and you could roll back as needed.
You had to do this, because some of the extensions were only compatible with specific library versions, so you might have to roll a part of the software back several releases to keep a needed tool working.
Also, the license system was point based. You bought a pool of points, which were shared across all sessions. Different actions cost different amounts of points, and points were only released when a user quit.
Saving required points.
So you would end up in a case where multiple users were deadlocked, with no free points, and one of them had to quit and lose their work to free up the points so the others could save.
>Plugins no longer wrap properly
Not been an issue for me
>or map MIDI CC like it used to
Haven't had any problems with that, though I only use a simple keyboard
>ASIO4All has become complete ass (for those without audio interfaces)
If you're making music, then you should get an audio interface
>although the support for 64 and 32 bit plugins is really nice it fucking BREAKS plugins with large patch libraries or intense amounts of features (like U-he Hive or Diva or Trillian)
I use Kontakt libraries that span from 2 gigs in size to 60 gigs and I haven't had any issues.
And I haven't had any issues with big VST's either.
Granted, I don't use those plugins you listed, so I wouldn't know about them.
>FL 11 was fine but FL 12 is a piece of shit.
FL 12 is pretty new, so I'd give it time before it's perfect, like every previous versions.
what is this program even for?
Windows, Word, Excel, etc.
Texas Instruments software
only if she had a history of drinking and doing drugs, like most club whores. most non-slut 30-something women are hot, and the added expansiveness only makes their ass and tits look finer.
That's more or less the fault of Windows shitty COM subsystem
Serial ports just work on OS X and Linux
Windows, Office. Why the fuck are public offices using closed source expensive software as a default?
Honestly if they would use the money to instead hire some local company to give additional open source features to open office, gimp and inckscape then it would still be cheaper, less resource heavy and more secure. than this current BS.
autocad for shop
the software itself wasn't shit, far from it, HOWEVER, we were instructed to use it as though it was mspaint, making any quality of the clunky to use shit pointless.
be in the design class well after 3ghz processors were the minimum you would buy for gaming, forced to use macs that were crts, using the most recent version of programs that would work with them, because the school was too poor to buy new macs and the teacher had a hard on that you can only use macs for design work, when all we did was illustrator and other adobe shit.
the crap lagged like a motherfucker and the smug cunt had the only mac pro.
we made a concerted effort to bombard him with anti mac assignments, seriously even the people who didn't care about computers hated this shit enough to go along.
found out a few years ago from my little brother he quit because they were forcing him to use a pc instead of macs due to they are cheaper.
Java SE development toolkit. Still makes me cringe to the teeth
lol, this is why i saved everything in universal formats.
don't know if you realised, but my typing sucks, when i was in school i did all my work through dictation with dragon at home, cocksucker booked a computer lab for 3 days, i had the assignment done after 1, but was failed for it because "i didn't use my time wisely"
this was fucking english, i had the shit done and the cunt refused to look at it and used me as an example of a shit student for it.
in the end he passed me with a d- just so he didn't have to see me next year, the following year i got a good teacher and got my first a+ in a class i half assed at best, c+ when it came to grammar the following semester though.
>Visual Studio
Whats wrong with this? Its great for quickly making GUI programs for Windows with C#
when you work in an office, you get shit done, time is money.
opensource when its not insanely matured or updated is buggy at best.
gimp will not be as good as photoshop with some plugins, can't say the same for inkscape because i don't know it well enough.
when shit does go wrong, you can hire an outside it guy to fix it if yours cant, open source thats not an option.
i esd 2006, but a few years earlier we were to have a myspace that was kept up to date.
i just took 3F's and a d- for that class to pass, the year.
IDLE/Python Debugger
seriously, fuck that shit to pieces. it's worthless.