Isn't dual booting awesome Sup Forums?

Isn't dual booting awesome Sup Forums?

You get to use Good old WIndows AND ubuntu. Best of both worlds!

Other urls found in this thread:

>Ubuntu best of GNU\Linux world.

It is linux

>Try to install architect
>Follow exact instructions from video tutorial
>Grub updates, reboot, Windows does not show up
>Insert Windows disc to do startup-repair, cannot resolve
>Reformat and reinstall Windows and lose all my shit for nothing

Fuck you

accidentally wiping your Windows partition is a rite of passage in the Linux community

It did not wipe the partition, it fucked up the boot loader. Grub is the absolute worst fucking ever.

Even Syslinux is more Windows friendly when I installed Arch the hard way. Architect only works on VM, install it bare metal and it fucks up constantly.

Should have gone with debian based.

babby cant into grub

What is bootrec.exe /FixMbr

Debian and its derivatives have issue with wireless and sound. Manjaro worked very well though.

ah good to hear. yeah that works well. I'm using xubuntu not actual debian. not much point in pure debian anymore . for me anyhow

I installed it correct to /dev/sda/ which was my windows partition and mounted dev/sda3/ during install which was my Linux root partition. I am stupid but not that stupid. I have done Ubuntu netinstall many times without any problem.

>i installed ubuntu and it worked

wow fucking good job, kys

Manjaro implementation of Xfce and KDE is beautiful. Compare that to Kubuntu and Xubuntu, they look like shit honestly.

Compton on xfce was go-to choice for me for a long time.

There are a heap of reasons why it might not have shown up but usually it's because you don't have ntfs-3g or something installed. You can usually check the grub config file before reboot to make sure that windows actually gets detected.

Hell, it's not even hard to manually add an entry to your grub menu for wangblowers

I am already on suicide watch.

>/dev/sda which was my windows partition

You install grub to windows partition because that is where MBR is to dual boot. What is the problem? If you are using Linux stand alone then you can do it in the root partition.

Reasons why Linux will never be truly respected by the population:

1. Cancerous community

Long time compton user as well. Also used with openbox. I know how to rice xfce4 quite well. also ran xfce+openbox with tiling script. I am glad xfce4 added the middle click to close on panel. that was smething that made me happy.

If someone is fucking incompetent, they deserve to be ridiculed. That's what gives incentive to learn.


unless you manage to install windows to a partitionless disk, /dev/sda isn't your windows partition
HDDs have a thing called the boot sector which is located at /dev/sda
it contains 512 bytes telling your PC where your bootloader is located
you did right by installing grub there, but you didn't add windows to it

basically, you're an idiot for solving it by reinstalling Windows when all you had to do was edit grub.cfg to add windos

>dual booting when you can VM at practically no performance loss

Reasons why Windows will never be truly respected by the community:

1. Retarded users

yup. actually why I avoid some linux talk and it. the people who use it are normally just horrible minded

get some system error or do not know some long terminal command. " you fucking retard"

system fuck sup after an update " fix it you retard. it's your system. it is your fault!"

no thanks. I dualbooted Windows and Ubuntu for a while but inevitably after a couple weeks grub went full retard. I have a Windows machine for games and Photoshop and a Linux one for general use

>Not being able to configure dual bot even with a fucking assisted install

Next level


>people still butthurt about failed arch installs
>it sours them forever more
>too stupid to know the specific drivers for their PC (obv not even CompTIA certified)
>all they have to do is install antergos, manjaro, or use the architect installer and select ALL driver options

what are some good dual boot progs

Did you install Grub os prober?


>giving the BOTNET cancer bare metal access

not really since one offsets the others' swap partition and makes it slower.


Ubuntu bare metal plus Win8.1 VM master race.

Too much work. I just got another computer.

Yes, the two most spoonfeeding OS's in the world. Why not just stick with one, fucking newfag cuck

y u mad tho

Using a Linux Host and Windows VM is a superior solution. It keeps the Windows garbage away from real man's work.

>Using a Linux Host and Windows VM is a superior solution.
Except Windows is the OS you actually need bare-metal performance in, not Linux

Linux drivers for your GPU/etc are always worse to begin with

I dual boot except I never use windows any more. And if I do want to use windows then it forces me to chkdsk every time even though my HDD is fine, and I can't skip it even if I mash the fuck out of my keyboard, then when windows checks the disk it deletes files from my shared ntfs partition that windows doesn't like. Windows is just shit and retarded, I'd nuke it entirely if I weren't so lazy.

Stop being so lazy you fat fucking pajeet

y u try too hard?

>needing bare metal performance on your desktop

plebs be plebbin again.

Did you not understand "real man's work"



I won't even go out in the snow unless I have dual boots.

Why are people so afraid of Gentoo?

>needing bare metal performance on your desktop
>Did you not understand "real man's work"

what is CAD
what is MATLAB

grub is shit m8, I don't know why people put up with that junk when there's refind

> what is MATLAB

grub is terrible

Dual booting is indeed awesome
But dont try putting GNU/Linux on the same hard drive as windows
I heard alot of bad thing with bootloader corruption when windows updates

Disable fast boot for windows. It's a problem with dual boot. Can cause efi or other partition data corruption.

Will do

Why would I use Windows though?

>wiping your Windows partition
One of Linux's greatest features,imho.

>Upgrade cpu and mobo.
>Decided to make a fresh install
>Took almost 2 days to get a dual boot of win + ubuntu up and running.

That's funny, most times when my dualboot fucks up it's when Grub updates.

But yeah, dualboot is nice. Even if Grub or the Windows bootloader fucks something up it's mostly a temporary annoyance (as long as you keep your important files on different partitions, which as a fa/g/ you should always do).

Because you bought a prebuilt, so you already paid for it. And you're part Jewish.

gay men

>Cancerous community
Wizard level channers, really.I love the angry banter of the Linux community,to be honest.

underrated post

also, dubs!

>dual booting
What is this, 2006?

Can I create an image of my windows partition and boot it a VM, so I can get rid of the physical partition?

VM in 2016 moron
If you truly need dual boot make a hybrid vm that can also boot to metal.

>Womyn in tech

I think I fucked up. I updated my Wacom drivers in my Ubuntu partition and it downloaded a shitload of shit from here.

Hey guys ubuntu gets stuck at the login screen now and won't do anything.

Like when I go to user it just resets. Should I just wipe my HDD and start over? It's actually been doing this for months now and I've just been using windows.

Also not it started fucking up when I tried installing a Nvidia update while using ubuntu

Switch to gentoo and stop being such a cuck

>Grub is the absolute worst fucking ever.
Correct you are. Which is why I use rEFInd, and you should, too.

Totes, bro. I really only use windows when I do work with the Adobe Suite.

Have you ever heard of a fucking backup? Asshat.

Nah not really. It's still restarting everytime you want to do something specific.

So I have to stop my torrents or my podcasts or so just so I can play something? Eh. Fuck that.

I mean I personally believe that Linux is moreover meant for Laptops. I would never put linux on my desktop.

Yeah, it's pretty suitable for that. If I had any use for a laptop I wouldn't use Windows on it because the two things I require from Windows (Illustrator and games) are things I'm not going to use on a laptop.

What pisses me off to no end is the fact I have right here a tablet that could be used as a laptop with a linux distro but can't, because it's a weird ass clover trail tablet with barely any support there.

Learn to gpu-passthrough if you don't want to dual-boot.

My problem is not learning how, it's the amount of time it takes, the fact that I don't know which distro to stick with so that I don't have to do the whole process again and that I just have 8GB of RAM which for some games is just about enough, but on a virtual machine it's a different subject.

? So if someone is trying to install Linux but he is not magically knowing how to fix simple problems he deserves to be ridiculed right? How does he dare to approach Linux.

Or use windows retarded friendly alternative - insert repair CD or USB from windows - write 1 word and have boot fixed.

Ubuntu install iso will automatically sort it out for you - or if you install Arch there's just one extra command line you have to write.

But he tried very little he actually used meme abbreviations instead of full words - it means he tried less, consumed less energy and actually managed to even trigger you.

It looks like you lost.

>the amount of time it takes
A one-time setup that's worth the time it takes.

>the fact that I don't know which distro to stick with so that I don't have to do the whole process again
All distros are the same. Stick to one flavor and stay with that.

>you get to use spyware AND an OS full of bugs.

All distros are the same my ass. If I wanted for instance to use proprietary drivers for my AMD card without issues I would have to use anything but Ubuntu 16.10. A couple of years ago if I wanted Nemo to work fine with plugins, anything like Arch was going to be a broken mess.

Why are you using AMD?

>not installing rEFInd
I immediately found your issue

Because I got a decent deal and I have no issues on Windows?

Yea on windows there are no issues for Linux there re.

If you got a good deal then there's no problem - it's only stupid to get AMD when you pay full price.

Dual booting is great, unless you are using Botnet 10. I actually experimented with that on a separated machine and the botnet always broke.

Plus, it also fucks up Grub with some big updates, like the "Threshold 2" update. Pretty shit.

To tell you the truth, I'm not that happy with my current GPU (280x) even though I got it at half its price on the market back then.

I know there are issues on linux. I was thinking, in the event that I actually went and did the whole gpu passthrough thing it wouldn't really matter much though because I'd have to use my integrated graphics (intel hd 4600) and I would guess that the AMD GPU would work roughly the same way on that virtual machine as it does on Windows (just with a bit of a loss of performance due to CPU usage I would assume?)

Just like I said, another 40 dollars just so I can use my system on top of another one doesn't seem like the best current idea and there's quite a few tutorials on that gpu passthrough thing, the difficulty I see is that I don't even know which to follow at all. The only level of experience I have is being able to set up Arch with my DE of preference which isn't a problem.

>Follow exact instructions from video tutorial
i bet it told you to format /dev/sda as one partition didnt it.