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Cool cock ahmed

Cool clock cuckmed


Fuck you.

>make suspicious as fuck device
>get called out
>lose shit
>muh racism card
>get showered in free shit
>get offered school slots he never would have gotten

Nigga doesn't need an apology.


Kiss it.

The president invited this guy to the white house!! Show some respect.



this little shit just pulled apart a digital clock
literally did fuck all

I apologize for not thinking up this sympathy scheme for free school before this kid's parents did.

Apologize for/to the future of Muslim Tech? Why would I do that?


Look at how much his peers love him!

>you shall know that your tasty treat has been prepared

Aloha Snackbar indeed.

>Hey clock boy wanna go to super science rocket camp?



Anyone want to learn how to make a "clock"

that girl right above his head wants to fug him.


>pirated Windows
Kek never noticed that

he has a popular pirate's tool called μTorrent® as well.

I wonder if the people surrounding Ahmed actually did something more than unscrewing a clock

>Any age
>Playing Roblox

What ever happened to the guy? After his lawyer announced the 16 million dollar lawsuit, he immediately disappeared from the news,


Whats that box with the windows logo on it? a tablet?

That's what happens to terrorists.


This must be one of the CPUs he's soldered into being.

This faggot turned down a full scholarship to MIT to go to school in Qatar for a few million dollars.

Wow you guys are cool, hating on a kid and all.

This cant be real

He knows he's never gonna make it at MIT.


>He tries to return to the US
>Trump blocks him

Amazing deduction skills, user!

His family played the American people like a fiddle.

That kids room is a mess

I heard the kid on the right took apart a calculator and took it to class.

>he thinks a clock looks suspicious

Underrated post.

>Bomb failed to explode
>Pretend it was a clock experiment

Unlike those fucking stock photo models he at least knows how to hold a soldering iron.

I fucking knew it. I bet the Jews were behind this too.

Daily reminder that when you look at books aimed at teaching kids about computers they call the motherboard the CPU that Ahmed soldered a motherboard together. This was probably what he meant when he says he soldered a CPU.

>Guy brings in a "clock" inside a pencil case, resembling a briefcase bomb... to literally anywhere
Nope... not suspicious at all, carry on my good man.


>make clock
>get accused of terrorism and is physically dragged out of class by police

>HURR his dad put him up to it to scam money from the government!!!1

Sup Forums is leaking again

You low IQ white trash losers are everywhere in the US. Most are angry that despite having all the privileges of being born white in America, they still cant compete against immigrants. Most immigrants are not citizens when they come to the US so have few rights. Still they end up doing better than most white trash despite enormous obstacles


It wasnt just the clock that was suspicious. It was his behavior. The little faggot kept fucking with it in the middle class and he set it to go off during story time.

>Teacher tells student to stop trying to plug the clock to wall
>Student refuses
>Disciplinary action is bad

Fucking piece of shit kid I hope he dies in his sleep all those fucking sjws taking the bait it makes me so fucking mad I fucking hate everything, I wasnt even racist 10 years ago but now I am thanks to all these fucking sjws, I swear on my mother they gonna make me a murderer

He got a scholarship to MIT? For what

For being a sandnigger. welcome to 2016. You may now go back to your rock and sleep there for another 2 decades.

>want to show off homemade clock because you are an insecure teen

Americans everyone.

In the end of the day, we won. He's out of the continent and Trump won't let him return.

because he is a smart young man who was falsely accused by racists.

For his innovative clock-making and soldering skills

Gr8 b8 m8 r8 8/8

He took a clock, put it in a fucking metal suit case and started acting mad suspicious, if that's not trying to bait reactions, I don't know what is.

Man, when I made a rocket all that did is get me arrested
Why can't I pull the race card?

You're white. Literally Hitler.

What kind of rocket?

>actively attempt to start a bomb scare repeatedly
>someone takes the bait
>be treated like a faggot kid who started a bomb scare
>demand that the policeman cuff you for a photo so you can raise a stink about nothing

Terrorists, everybody.

It's a clock, not a desktop computer dummy.

Indian detected.

His clock's alarm went off in the middle of his English class. The school thought he made a fake bomb as a prank.

I'm Russian
Would I get a pass for that in the US?
Small sugar rocket

Pocket Rocket.

After the camera goes away this fucker is going straight back to making psp hacking tutorials for youtube

Russian American bro here...
No, you wouldn't.


The only thing he used that computer for was fapping.

>It's all literally meme tech

He said he soldered a CPU when asked about his other projects. This became a meme.

This guy gets all this free tech and is treated as "dat boi who can code", but in reality,


I want to destroy the subcontinent of India and kill the subhuman Indians.

that'd be kewl


Great tutorial

Apology accepted, now get off my plane

Ahmed couldn't compete either, that's why he had to use his brown privilege at the cost of his dignity.

>take apart clock
>put it in a makeshift box
>be surprised when teachers discipline you

I've seen white kids dragged out of class just for making bomb noises while playing soldier. I've seen white teens dragged out of class by cops just for not listening.

It's not race. American schools are just shitty indoctrination camps.

he also looks like a terrorist

hahahahaha what a bunch of free ebay junk

>dat salt

They moved to Kuwait or one of those stupid little Gulf countries.

It was one big stunt from his attention whoring father.
Apparently his dad has tried to pull shit like this before.

The victim playing ISIS cunt got all that? Fuck !

Oh just go back to pol m8

That's a raspberry Pi, you cuck

no it isn't



Someone explain my by rights why this moron's visage EVER should grace my screen, other than a latent societal pederasty fetish.

Protip: you can't do it.

can you run for president so I can vote for you?

I meant "explain to me* by rights".

To further clarify: I am positing that this thread is inherently, and in it's most basic conception, about SEX, nothing else.

> 100 dvd-r spindle
> utorrent
> pirated windows
> roblox

definitely a jew
