OS X look on Linux

Ok, anons. What's the closest thing I can get on Linux to look like OS X? I have a couple of things that might help.

Arc OSX GTK-3 theme

As described by the website, an edited compilation OS X Yosemite theme for GTK and gnome-3.

This is only the GTK, tho. I'd also like recommendations of softwares (like file managers) that looks the closest to the actual OS X file manager. Music players, etc.

Also the panel. Maybe MATE's panel can help on that regard, but I'd like some applets recommendations as well. Also lemonbar, which is quite customizable. That'd require some programming, tho. Which I'm not really good at.

Other urls found in this thread:


Also, left-sided titlebar buttons. I know there's a way to mess with that with some gnome plugins but I don't really know.

Rounded borders. Specifically bottom borders, I never saw a window manager that could do that. Except for fvwm, but it has terrible anti-alias support, if it supports it at all.

Also the dock. Forgot to mention that. A could dock theme + icon set. Breeze looks quite good, Flat Remix would be a good addition too.

a mac

it's still unix, you fucking gay

Just fucking install OS X already. Hackintoshing today is simple compared to five years ago, and you'll get the looks, iTunes plus proprietary software. So just do it already.

Go to InsanelyMac or TonyMac. Get yourself Clover and start installing instead of wasting time applying some shit semi-OS X theme in fucking GTK.

hackintosh if you want to to all the trouble

Elementary OS


Install gentoo and suck off 20 dudes.

my hardware is too shit to run a hackintosh
why do you think I'm actually using Linux?
wow rude

Don't listen to trolls (or probably shills).

I will drop everything I got, give me a second, meanwhile

Thanks, kind user


The eos is built around being a osx copy

why would you do that to yourself....
you have the option of using god tier tiling window managers but you instead devolve yourself to this level of inefficiency

Some people work differently than you, how hard is it for you to understand that other people are different and like different things and prefer doing things in a different way than you.

That was Mbuntu. The next is Macbuntu

Now the Global Menu, which is for having the menu bar ala Mac

For file manager i prefer PCManFM ut you will probably want either Nautilus (now called GNOME Files) or Dolphin.

For the dock, the most popular is Cairo-Dock, or you can use Avant Window Navigator.

Now, it might sound like a joke, but if someone ever reverse engineer Red Star OS we would have a look even nicer than native Mac. North Korea made a rocker looks with that.

I like the beauty and sophistication, user.

It works for me.

I'm currently running Arch + awesomewm and I'm kind of fed up with it. I want to try some new stuff.

Most of it are for Ubuntu, tho.

Forgot to say Macbuntu and Mbuntu are preconfigured themes, yes, for Ubuntu, they come with default menubars.

But if you want to pick exactly what you want you can to install separately Global Menu, the file manager and the dock in any distro.

So the best DE would be Cinnamon? I'm sure MATE has something like that and I prefer MATE over Cinnamon tbqh.

and by something like that I actually meant the global menu

Actually don't recall MATE using the Global Menu, but you can use anything in any DE, supposedly.

I would do a minimal installation of something like Debian (or better yet, Devuan) and install everything separate. Probably using an LXDE if you are newbie.

Is more easy to build from the ground up, if you have some experience.

But, you could use Lubuntu to do all this too.

Thanks for shilling my theme, be sure to use the custom applications title and the clock shifter shell plugins.

The panel is meant to emulate the obsidian bar on mavericks, I may update the theme to be more yosemite-like by making the bar white, slightly transparent, and heightening the titlebars and giving them a slight gradient. Font rendering is the hardest part for all of this.

What happened to desktop threads?

If they happened to be places for sharing configs and actually helping newbies, they wouldn't be so bad tbhfam.

People kept spamming anime and new threads, so they're banned for now. I assume they'll be back eventually, although the userbase will definitely be different. Some people are on /w/ right now.

>literally the second thread is the desktop thread
>the first is the sticky

Well, at least the put some guides.

Yeah, there's about 10 threads up right now that have reached the bump limit, only because /w/ is such a slow board. All the 'cancerous' people from Sup Forums moved there and flooded the old /w/ threads, so they're completely different.

Desktop threads were infested with drawn child pornography enthusiasts.

Kind of spooky.

Wish someone made a thread for ricing, but not only for the looks, we need a proper place to talk about software for all needs. Like privacy and security, is a hot topic.

Download VMWare and torrent the Capitan image.

Red Star OS looks very nice.