
Who even uses backspace to go back lmao

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>keyboard navigation
kys tech illiterate scum fag sperglord

Backspace is a big key you can't miss even without looking

yea, Chrome is complete shit, their logo reminds me Pajeet

I welcome this change. I fucking rage when I hit backspace and it goes back when I didn't want it to. They should have left a toggle to turn this on and off, though.

Why not just have an option or flag to change the behavior?

Why do they always have to choose what they think is the best option for the users instead of just allowing them to choose something so simple?

Cause they want their users to get dumb as fuck

Because Chrome (and Chromium) is for normies and macfags who doesn't know anything about how web works - they don't want to configure anything, they simply not understand.

werks for me™

wait for 52

>not using the side buttons on your mouse to go back and forward

We already know chrome devs are fags.

>people can't map backspace to alt+left when not in a text field
>instead of learning it themselves they will bitch and moan

>We have UseCounters showing that 0.04% of page views navigate back via the backspace button and 0.005% of page views are after a form interaction. The latter are often cases where the user loses data. Years of user complaints have been enough that we think it's the right choice to change this given the degree of pain users feel by losing their data and because every platform has another keyboard combination that navigates back.

plebs ruining it for the masterrace

Just use the fluid gesture control of your Apple touchpad to navigate the web with ease

>We have UseCounters

>is on Sup Forums
>thinks collecting userdata is what defines a botnet

Kinda embarrassing.

>A botnet is a number of Internet-connected computers communicating with other similar machines
>in which components located on networked computers
>communicate and coordinate their actions by command and control or by passing messages to one another

Chrome is literal botnet

>Why not just have an option or flag to change the behavior?
Options are harmful from a maintainer perspective.

Into the trash.

>communicate and coordinate their actions by command and control or by passing messages to one another
Example in chrome for that please


Are you retarded? Collection user information != botnet

>Collection user information != botnet
It is you dumb fuck. It is being coordinated by google and sent to google servers, by definition is being a botnet.

Dunno which browser to use these days. They all seem either Chrome clones or lacking on features

Literally every definition of botnet disagrees with you. Sorry that Sup Forums or most likely Sup Forums fooled you into believing that botnet means information gathering. Botnets are used to coordinate attacks, like DDOS attacks or mail spam.