Cons of programming languages you like

- We have to use workarounds to get pseudo-tail-call optimizations because of Guido's unfounded principle against it
- Can't be explicit about whether we want to pass by value or reference. Even though the rule for it is easy to remember, sometimes you want it to be the other way (passing a primitive by reference without wrapping, or passing a copy of a non-primitive without having to copy it everytime you want to do so)
- 1-expression lambdas. This restriction doesn't even make sense. You can use
lambda x: (func1, func2, func3)[i]

where i is the index of the expression in your multi-expression tuple to return, to emulate multi-expression lambdas, so why not just make it a feature?

There's probably a few more, but Python is a fantastic language imo, I can even get down with dynamic typing since it promotes its expressive, fast nature

Other urls found in this thread:


just kill yourseld

Common Lisp
- a random pile of crap with no thought that makes JavaScript look well-designed
- smug and ignorant community that only learned it so they can look down on other people
- Rasmus Lerdorf makes fun of PHP for doing things that Lisp programmers brag about
- too many incompatible and unrelated ways of doing the same thing, even worse than C++

- not enough people know it anymore.

Who is this seed collector?

>workarounds to get pseudo-tail-call optimizations
You mean goto and label? Because it's the only way to have the same power.

I'd let her give me AIDS any day

The package system is retarded as well.

- Early design mistakes cannot be changed due to backwards compatibility concerns
- Mutability by default
- Type Erasure A Shit
- Shitty frameworks all do too much magic with annotations and reflection
- Many compiler optimizations impossible due to reflection
- Design patterns taken way too far - GenericAbstractFactoryBuilderBeanImpl

>community fragmented to hell and back because of no formally specified module or package system to ensure interoperability between implementations

Common lisp
>butt-ugly language, archaic syntax, caters to lowest common denominators of the defacto standard lisp implementations... From the '80s. Huge language with often competing styles (despite the fact that it's possible to mix both, people will program entirely in a purely object oriented style or a procedural functional one). Basically the c++ of lisps for better or for worse.

Racket lisp
>all serious discussion takes place in the mailing list, so people think no serious projects are undertaken with the language
>small community split evenly between total beginners and experts, few people in the middle to work with
That's it really, great language.

- Java

>makes a post with picture for attention
>doesn't give any sauce

Fuck you, OP

Holy shit


How much do you think it'd cost to fuck a 16/10 like that?


That's a fucking long time since I saw that picture. Probably five years or so.


4/3 masterrace checking in.

those types don't do fucks for instant cash but only stick around rich as fuck dudes incognito

Jenn Kaelin

enjoy faggots

- I wish it had graphics functions and structures in the standard itself (even the most basic ones like creating a window and displaying a color pixel on it). I don't like using non-standard libraries unless I absolutely have to (I know, I'm weird).

>no one uses it almost entirely because it's "old"
>somewhat tied to the idea of language-as-an-operating-system, which is a dead idea now
>it seems to be specifically designed to put people who like curly brace languages like C and Java off
it's otherwise retardedly nice and once you spend like 30 minutes reading up on the syntax, it's extremely readable

>doing anything with strings at all is a nightmare
>in fact, the ANSI C standard library is kind of awful in general, being neither consistent nor well designed
that's about it though, it's a close to hardware language that's (usually) more readable and concise than asm

>actually, I don't like anything about it, it's just the only real option for client-side web programming unless you like fucking around with compiling another language (or an "improved" language extension) to JS
no seriously, why has nothing come up to replace this shit

This board is cancer

- Slow as fuck
- Relies on fucking APIs

>Racket lisp
can you do some serius program with it? i wanna learn it.

>standardizing committee pussied out on too many issues by making them undefined behavior
>too many people rely on this undefined behavior
>people believe C is high level assembly but with optimization and code reordering this is total bullshit

Is there really this many places, where undef behaviour occurs? I'm sceptical.
People believe C is high level programming language and it is, the talk about high level assembly is never this serious, I don't think anyone believes this to be exact.

>- Early design mistakes cannot be changed due to backwards compatibility concerns
>- Type Erasure A Shit
>- Shitty frameworks all do too much magic with annotations and reflection
>- Many compiler optimizations impossible due to reflection
>- Design patterns taken way too far - GenericAbstractFactoryBuilderBeanImpl
this is spot on. also, no unsigned int.

>- Shitty frameworks all do too much magic with annotations and reflection
why is a bad thing?

>I don't like using non-standard libraries unless I absolutely have to
So you basically never create anything worthwhile and always get stuck rewriting the same boilerplate over and over again?

The only reason you even learned C is because edgelords here told you it was the best hacker language to really learn how to computer, wasn't it?

Le Java is bad ecks dee

I used to think like this too.

You're wasting your time completely. Libraries are amazing.


>No one fucking uses it
>Tools are still buggy
>If you use features that are too new and fuck up the compiler will give you the most vague error messages

You don't have to rewrite everything from scratch.
Use opengl if you insist on low level graphics, it saves tons of time and it's the standard.

Of course. There are even OpenGL bindings for it.

It's a really solid scheme with a huge standard lib. The package manager isn't entirely terrible too


Dude, she's not even that beautiful.
(That nose, ugh..)

Just because she has bigger-than usual tits (probably shooped anyway) and dressed like a slut doesn't make her a 10/10..


...uhm, where do I start.. ?

How do I get a gf?

From experience, I have found Lua to be much faster than Python, especially since it uses tail call recursion, which Python doesn't.

Too many features, like way too many features, I pretty much just treat it like C with objects, and I use objects sparingly. Everyone knows a portion of C++ so everyone is using there own subsets, and it becomes a total mess

Too verbose, too many shitty programmers use it shittilly, and a simple pre-processor like macro system would make it a lot more pleasant to write in

same, I wrote this as a joke for a school project (had to write the same program in a few completely different languages) because I wanted to play with iterators and it's pretty fucking quick.
> time -p lua wordfind.lua -d lower-2plus-dict -f 120x120 > temp
real 15.58
user 15.40
sys 0.14
> wc -l temp
51318 temp
> wc -l lower-2plus-dict
72734 lower-2plus-dict

Some people's solutions took over a minute to run iirc.

>laziness by default
>lots of partial functions
>mess of potentially incompatible extensions
>standard library is full of identical functions, just one is part of a type class instance and the other is monomorphic, etc.
>functor-applicative-monad is still clunky and full of redundancies
>nominal typing


it's a piercing. user, are you retarded?

But it looks like a zipper.
Haven't seen a piercing like that before.

It's a normal piercing, just has a long dangly bit
they're cute imo

It's a belly pirecing... Are you 12?

I see, thx.
Now I can fap without being irritated.
I sometimes wish I was.

At first C strings are a bit confusing but after you learn the autism of it it's easy and fun.

You don't really have to do memory management unless your program uses a shitload of strings. Most computers now days are shipping with 4gigs of ram.

Jenn Kaelin

Are you mentally retarded?

>I miss c style macro mixins
: (

Thx user!

Sometimes I feel like I don't know what I'm doing suddenly in the middle of programming with it and then pause for ten minutes or so thinking on the failures of my life before resuming work.

This. lol I though I was the only one

>standard implementation still slow as fuck
>community basically dying as Python and Node can do everything it can + more (scientific programming, etc)
>community split between core Japanese devs and American brogrammers

Otherwise, a very cute, fun language and it was my first. It will always have a special place in my heart.

- Approachability === Shit tier community
- No nerd cred
- Literally the LCD since you can transpile anything to it

>slower than python
>if you're not manipulating large matrices in complex ways, offers 0 advantage over python
>if you are, only advantage is convenient syntax

Jenn Kaelin










who is this disgusting slime covered whore?


what the fuck are you smoking?


dat friend face

that's the grill from the OP?

man, she did not age well.

she is literally the same age in both pictures

>being too retarded to tell the difference between aging and different makeup


I kinda liked Nim when it was named nimrod. Gave up on it when they added pragma and shit. Who thought it was a great idea?




I like the cons of my language. For example:
(cons 'a '(b c))

Or maybe even (cons 'a 'b)



- not even reach 1.0
- no windows support
- no library
- too similar to ruby it's confusing what is covered (feature/standard libraries) what is not

other than that it is a nice language, and you even get a free code formatter after install sublime-crystal.

are ytou obsessed with this bitch or some shit?

are you gonna send her a bomb and then kill yourself so you can be with her in heaven?

That's pretty much it for decent stuff, there's like 2 videos surfacing and they're "okay," but she's never been whore enough to do porn I don't think so oh well.

Too close to home, user...
Too fucking close...