What is it about Indian people that makes them so technologically savvy? Especially more so than white people

What is it about Indian people that makes them so technologically savvy? Especially more so than white people.

Their Maths education is so good

They are mindless drones that have the personality of a potato. They literally spend all their time at school or job.

They have no other options. I was talking to my indian friend (he is a professor) and he says a lot lower caste indians fill the quota in their universities, so they have to fill other gaps. Basically if they can't get into med school they will go for teaching or IT.

Plus they are really smart. Indians that are already in USA/Canada provide jobs (and vizas/work permits) for their own family or just indians in general while us whites hate each other and don't help other whites.

Are they related?

Their eyes and their noses are the EXACT same?

They cut down on water consumption in the work place. Keep the toilets clean too.

This. Literally cant get it up unless they look at their hardware lying on the shelf.

When you see an Indian in a first world country, what you're seeing is the smartest out of 100 Indians in India.

>anything more than fucking subhuman code monkeys

>mfw I only joined recruitment team in my company to discard applications from these turds.

This. Their population is huge, so competition is cut-throat to get a job in a Western country. You're seeing top of the top from India.

But they're horrible at tech

They have pretty good work ethic, are good at memorization, and will work for pennies

Which means they are great at obtaining certificates, but can't do anything besides copy/paste from the manual or guide.

Logical thinking is completely beyond them, even when explained

>They are mindless drones that have the personality of a potato. They literally spend all their time at school or job.
Even as an indian i cannot stress enough on this point, i am surrounded by parrots who rote learn everything, everything in their textbooks, but dont understand ANYTHING, ANYTHING at all, because the education system as a whole is so pathetic, some random guy could get a CS degree without ever using a computer irl and writing all his programs on paper

tl;dr indians have no practical skills or application based skills, you can ask them to recite the definition of some algorithm, they'll do that in no time, but ask them to apply the same algorithm in a sample program and they'll stare at you as if you want them to jump off a cliff

Explains whay Android and Windows is LITERAL POO these days

I live in Redmond, WA. Home of Microsoft. They import a lot of poo in loos for Microsoft and other companies on the 3 year work visa.

Having been an acquaintance with a few Indians I know a bit about why they do it. It's one of the few careers to get into that the whole caste system crap does not apply, since it's mostly foreign companies hiring and they don't care about that like Indian tech companies do. It's a ticket out of poverty for them. They also can save up enough money in 3 years working in the USA on a visa to make them and their family live well for the majority of their lives when they move back to India. They take advantage of the easy credit/low interest rates in America and literally finance everything. Credit cards out the ass, mortgage, car loans, etc... They pocket/save their actual cash, that way when they move back to India they don't give a crap about their American debt and just stop paying since debtors in the USA have no control over them when they move back. They are taking advantage of the system and putting their family on a good track for the rest of their lives. That is why they work their ass off to learn tech.

Except the CEOs actually dont work on the products directly so if you think their products are bad, then you cant really blame the indians directly

Not the CEO Indians, just the code monkey Indians. So we can still blame the Indians directly

Have you ever seen them in the same room together?

It's called SJWs

They're liars.

Why does Microshaft's Pajeet look like a zombie?

It must be funny being white and this pathetic, having the tech industry being taken over by "poo in the loos", that says something about how low white people are in the hierarchy desu.

>all the office smell like rotten curry
>parking lots and other concrete surrounding areas are filled with human feces
Doesn't seem exactly like a win win to me

God, the kikes are on every board. Go push your race mixing someplace else, goy.

>Tech savvy
See and The caste system basically has the lower classes flat-out living in education and trying to get the fuck out. It's gotten to the point both in India (and China, but that's not related to the topic) that parents are helping their kids cheat on standardized tests just to get out of the ass-backwards draconian hell that is the caste system.

I'll toss around POO IN LOO with the best of them because there are a LOT of actual pajeets who are just copy-pasters who don't learn from what they slap together, but I won't put down someone who earnestly wants to learn how to be or is productive (not just work) in CS or IT.

Somewhere along the line, DA JOOWZ decided that simply cutting costs is what a business is supposed to do instead of making money. I have no idea why.



Go poo in loo pajeet

because they work hard unless like you potatoes


so they're like..cheap asians?

Yes it is, I've seen American 9 std. Maths Question papers and they teach them the same shit that's we study in like 4-5 std.

What shit University you studied mate. You have to pass fucking labs also.

>Somewhere along the line, DA JOOWZ decided that simply cutting costs is what a business is supposed to do instead of making money. I have no idea why.

Easier to sell. People will buy into this 'cut costs' bullshit because it tells them that they can get a more 'effective' operation out of it, which means more money for them in the short term. It's also a lot easier. just pay everyone less and you get more is easy as shit and will work for a short time. innovating and long term developments are difficult, expensive and have a high probability of failure. Thats why R&D sucks to the financially literate. They don't like it. Too risky, too litle a chance of high return and too high a chance of money wasted.

Cost of living retard.

All those fucks do is try to scam people. Have you ever seen a Indian proud of anything? They shit in streets and scam people. Indians literally have no human value

>Indians literally have no human value
Most Asians dont
Poverty, and cut throat competition does things to your humanity

Oh look another Pajeet thread. Why is everyone here so obsessed with Indians?

Seriously m8, I'm Indian and I am telling you that mathematics at least for computer science is shit.

pajeet pls leave this isnt a designated thread

asians cant bantz this hard

>Technologically sawy

Volvo has tried to learn a Indian company to renovate engines for 4 years, this time include the Indians spend time in sweden to get hands on experience and basic engine understanding through lectures held by engineers, this also includes volvo sending tools, equipment and spare parts as well as experienced people to get them started.

And they have achieved nothing beyond ruining engines and costing volvo money.

Why are Indians so good at banter?

Oops, meant this >

Holy fuck, I'm literally retarded.
>>Sup Forums59635904

>Plus they are really smart.
No, not on average, but a country with that many fucking people and an ok education system will provide a lot of higher intelligence workers.

>while us whites hate each other and don't help other whites.
No shit. not only are we brainwashed not to, but if someone does they will get flogged for racism.


I'm also Indian mate and I think you studied at some shit local college

You have to be pretty ignorant about contemporary India to think caste has much influence the way you describe it. In fact, it's swung so much the other way with affirmative action, quotas that people are getting resentful of lower castes for getting cushy jobs and other castes are petitioning to be added to the schedule.

The only Indian people you're referring to are the smart ones with money that were able to escape India. It's the reason why there are so many intelligent Asians here too. People with knowledge and money come to the us.

Why so jealous?

You're gay for my code. You're code gay.

Because you Indians are taking over our tech jobs.

>Especially more so than white people.
They look pretty white to me, unless what you mean is albino.

Why do albino seem to have the need to feel as if they rule the world? Albino is not even an ethnicity, it's just a mutation.

Same with a foreigner really. The parents that have money move to US and send them to good schools.

have you ever seen a smart Indian/Asian in a ghetto shitty school? Never.

I'm not Indian, but here to congratulate you on being an inbred retard that has no idea what you're talking about. Your prize is a freshly scooped spot on your local, designated shitting street.

>okay education system
kek, you are a fucking retard. indians have a good work ethic and get funneled into the tech industry due to their limited education options for top-tier universities (and social pressure). that's the only reason

This. Anyone talking about the caste system has no idea what the fuck they're talking about. The reality with Indian education is that it is HIGHLY selective, and even as early as elementary school teachers will flat out ignore kids that are not in the top 1%. Only the cream of the crop will have access to any form of higher education

I am studying engineering in India. Low caste people who got very less marks are sitting beside me. I hate that. I am born in high caste that's why I had to study very hard to get seat in college.

Where did you study?


>What is it about Indian people that makes them so technologically savvy?

They're not savvy. They are an absolute pain in the ass to work with.

* Their code is generally shit.

* They do exactly what they are told and only what they are told. No creativity, no imagination, no ability to foresee and correct problems beforehand.

* Copy/paste city. If Stack Overflow and Git closed tomorrow, at least half of the Indian programmer workforce would have to quit and move to tech support and phone scams.

There are exceptions. I've known a few born-in-the-USA Indians who were good software engineers. Also know one Indian guy who is personality plus, funny as fuck.

But I generally *** cringe *** when I have to deal with Indian programmer or an H1B visa worker. I hate what they are doing to the industry by flooding it with shit.

I have personally seen two different multi-year .NET projects, at two different companies, thrown in the trash and recreated from scratch. Why? The first versions were created using Indian IT firms. Delays, cost overruns, and the god damn code was so bad it was useless once it was "done."

IIT delhi faggot