What is Sup Forums's preferred compression software?

What is Sup Forums's preferred compression software?

zip/tar in command line,
BOMArchiveHelper.app (osx's embedded archiver)

I just use the built in windows tool because I'm not a massive faggot.
If I download a rar, I use 7zip.

I bought Winrar

based peazip.

Deflate/gzip works pretty well. Pretty fast too.

Anything else is normie tier bloatware

$ 7z

WinZip 20.5 pro


>I bought Winrar


Isn't xz more efficient?

1. not everyone could open it
2. the efficency delta isn't that big


Yeah, but for personal compression it's worth it.

Bandizip Master Race

tar/zip/unrar on the Linux command line.

WinRAR on Windows.

Whatever bullshit I found on the App Store for OS X.


tar for archiving

xz for compression

is xz, then why most people use gz