The GTX 1080 presentation slides have already been edited

>The GTX 1080 presentation slides have already been edited.
> Nvidia claimed 9TFLOPS, but that number has dropped to 8.2TFLOPS based on official leaks and now official reviews.
>Ashes of the Singularity - GTX 1080 Benchmarks Missing
>Nearly all of them are using the Rise of the Tomb Raider DX12 benchmarks in their reviews. The issue with this is that everyone knows that RotTR DX12 benchmark is horrendously broken.
>2-Way SLI bridge- $29.99
>Need to register card to get key to unlock 3-4 way SLI
>In Doom AMD GPUs are running an older version of OpenGL [4.3] than Nvidia GPUs [4.5].

Other urls found in this thread:

Forgotto linku senpai


>amd 4 year old rebrands literally (as in LITERALLY) cannot run opengl newer than 4.3 because it lacks the hardware
>this is somehow Nvidia's fault

and the a second later the same faggot starts taking about async

my friend, I wish you would delete this, thank you friend

I don't see how that's a problem though. That'll be like me bitching about my gtx 260 not being able to utilize dx11 and above

Why pajeet?

If I remember correctly the multiplayer beta ran on opengl 4.5, only to be gimped on release.

can this thread get deleted

That's exactly what's going on. Idiots buy extremely old rebrands and blame Nvidia when only the newer gcn (285,380x,fury) supports opengl 4.5. All those cards performs fine.

Mad nvidicuck?

Nice try AMDrone

Hi, first of all there is nothing about the new Nvidia GTX 1080 that Nvidia has misled customers on.

Second of all I find it very offensive to the thousands of hard working engineers that have put so much love into this exceptional hardware.

It's obvious that the GPU performs very well in all api OpenGL and DX12.

AMD is not good they are always slower it is not the fault of Nvidia.

So i've flagged this topic to be deleted by a moderator.

Thank you my friend.

Have a nice day.

Go home pajeet.


>maximum damage control
relax, you will still get payed, even if the thread doesn't go down


>unique posters not going up
>amdpoorfags ley fanny samefagging


>nVidia doing the same false marketing bullshit
>nVidicucks damage control mode

get rekt.

>Game is developed on Vulkan
>Doesn't release with Vulkan support
>Vulkan patch delayed until Pascal release to make AMD look bad right before a new GPU launch
genius marketing

Nvidia - The Way it's meant to be Gimped

Thanks Pajeet, here's your $0.01


Still the best GPU money can buy

ffs Nvidia let your marketing and engineers talk to each other
>"3.5" is back


Your sheckels will be deposited Mohinder.

Nah, but I'd fuck the fox guy.

So since all the new cards are dirty as fuck with shady business practices, what should I look into since I need to replace my aging r9 270x?

I'm expecting a pricedrop on the 980s when the 1080 hits the shelves, but I've heard the 980 is a meme from several sources.

The 980 is a solid card and would be a great purchase if you can get 2nd hand one at a very good price.
Alternatively, if you can hold out for it, Polaris will either be amazing, or at least drop the prices of 2nd hand 390's and furies.

I got a fantastic philips screen with nvidia gsync, 3dvision and a bunch of other features really, really cheap from a buddy a couple of weeks back, so I figure I'll pick up an nvidia card to mess around with those. The screen is excellent without bothering with them, but since they're there, may as well use them.

I've heard a ton of bad stuff about the 980s though, fake benchmarks, frequent overheating, low lifespan, buggy drivers, overall crappy performance. Is it all memes spawned by the less than stellar release, or is it related to the non-ti 980s?

Its all amd fanboy lies.
Much like every other thing this shithole bitches about.

>game runs 4.5 on beta/alpha
>release version somehow broken as fuck and only runs 4.3
>game is supposed to run on vulkan
>game dev has deep ties with nvidia

Coincidence or not, there is a strong correlation and history between nvidia partnered games and release fuck ups on AMD cards. Its almost always patched within a week, but this skews the impression of broken drivers.



>card not even released yet
>already getting gimped

Let's not forget the doom drivers were fixed byamd and they run buttery smooth within a 1-2fps difference (higher or lower). Thank you based amd.

Alright, tell me another card with this much raw power.

>m-muh 980ti
wrong, at least 20% weaker
>radeon pro duo
kek, no game can make use of 2 gpus efficiently

nvidia wins again

The 8.2TFPLOPS are with the base clocks
SLI is irrelevant

1060 announcement when?

>at least 20% weaker

Overclock vs overclock it's more like 10-15%. And you're paying 15% more for a 1080 vs a 980 Ti. For the mainstream card on the small die.

Anybody who buys a 1080 is a fucking moron.

They dont have enough cards available to even launch either of the cards yet, why are you expecting 1060 so soon? 1070 is completely a paper launch. 1080 is semi-paper launch, you'd only see the founders edition right now. This is a complete sham by nvidia but fanboys eat it up.

over reference 980ti

OC 980ti will probably get close to 1080, and 980ti goes cheaper than 1080 FE too.

How the fuck does this get so much positive attention?


There is no editing

Pascal is 9 TFLOPs based on Boost clock speeds which is what the card runs at, OP IS A FAGGOT that can't even read

No 1080 even reached the advertised 2.1ghz. 1.8 at most. Also ran at 88c at a lower clock than advertised. I.e. lied about their "efficient" """cooler""" """"""design"""""" AND the clocks AND the temperatures. They tried to impress with doom by gimping amd cards but the latter promptly released a new driver and fixed things up nicely. The 20% improvements from a theoretical 2x is not impressive at all. Just a superclocked maxwell at this point. Let's hope they don't fuck up the 1080ti

>video games
>say "TFLOPS" to sound smart, will in fact only use it for video games
>"overclock vs overclock"

>why are you expecting 1060 so soon?
I'm not
I just hope there's one soon because I want a new GPU around €200

>boost clock is 2.1ghz running at 60c
>no benchmark reached 2.1ghz
>all benchmarks hover around 1800mhz
>all benchmarks are above 80c usually around 87c
What now shill

>15% more power for 15% more money
Sounds fair to me.

I can oc the 1080 too.

So you're saying you'd yiff the thicc nicc dicc?

Polaris 10/11 is probably your best bet.

That's polaris 10 about.

After Fast Sync was announced yesterday I only want Nvidia
I don't think AMD will have something comparable soon even though it's just a software thing

Theres a smaller headroom for 1080 oc than 980ti.

Its already throttling itself and hitting 104 C temp.

Sir, I'm kindly asking you to delete this thread. Please.

probably the ref version with the tiny ass cooler
I plan on hooking it up to water cooling



The Boost clock is 1733MHz

Like I said, you can't read and you shouldn't post on Sup Forums

Shame you won't be hsing either vsync or gsync since the 1080 deprecated them.

>Nvidia being lying sneaky cunts
Wow, what a surprise. Stop the fucking presses.

>Stock reference cooler is hellfire


what the fuck is async even
I only know vsync and freesync from which I haven't heard in years now

No need to apologize for your retardation friend, you are a fanboy after all. Nvidia on release advertised the 1080 as having a 2.1ghz boost clock. This is edited horseshit. Now shut the fuck up.

Is this movie worth watching assuming I'm an adult who doesn't want to fuck the rabbit? I enjoyed the recent CG Disney princess movies.

I see people bitching about the 1080, but what about the 1070?

It's very likely there were bugs with 4.5 on AMD, forcing a downgrade. Not everything is a conspiracy.

explain the card running at 60c on 2100MHz in their demo

I want Fast Sync for the minimal input lag
Triple Buffering adds lags

Amd released a driver update yesterday that fixed the bug. Look it up.

Nvidia never announced a 2.1GHz boost clock, that shows how much a liar you are and how much an AMDPOORFAG you are

It always has been 1733MHz boost clock

I heard AMD doesn't properly support 2 OpenGL extensions that DOOM uses
Don't know which or if it's true though

Nobody fucking knows anything about it. It's likely going to be popular, just because it's way more affordable and it occupies the 970 space, but that's pretty much all we know.

Nothing to do with monitor syncing. It's an internal resource allocation thing.

Kill yourself cock sucking dense faggot.



Good, let the butthurt flow through you as your lies are exposed for everyone to laugh at

Fast Sync is literally Triple Buffering. Both work to get the best out of Vsync issues.

Triple buffering will get much less latency than vsync on, but more than vsync off

Same exact thing for Fast Sync. The details may be different. Fast Sync may be better at reducing more input lag than triple buffering, but essentially its just different specifics.

Its the same function as Triple Buffering.

Yawn. You're literally too stupid to understand just how incredibly retarded you actually are. I maintain that you kill yourself asap.

Fast Sync is not triple buffering, stop posting if you don't know anything

Look at lying faggot, got caught posting lies about Boost clock and now attacking anyone like a mad dog with rabies

Fast Sync uses 3 buffers
But otherwise it has nothing in common with Triple Buffering

lmfao u are fucking retarded

* Also Triple Buffering increases latency since 3 extra frames are being buffered instead of 2

I'm still on the 500 series. When I finally decide to upgrade, it will be glorious.

Also, grammar people, did the previous sentence need the comma, is it optional, or should I not have used one?


>Nobody fucking knows anything about it. It's likely going to be popular, just because it's way more affordable and it occupies the 970 space, but that's pretty much all we know.

I have a GTX 760 currently. Think it may be a viable upgrade?

But! Will it be loud as fuck?

>using a gtx760

there is literally NO excuse you fucking povery amd poorfaggot

fucking buy a new nvidia gpu, you literally do not deserve to use a fucking computer if youre just going to run shit like that

honestly fuck off idiot

Probably. If it's anything like the 970, it'll be a pretty much where you want it on the price/performance ratio. It's a new architecture and it doesn't have any obvious flaws that I see.
Then again, there could be something like the 3.5 bullshit again. Personally I'm not going to buy anything from Nvidia anymore because of all their bullshit, but you can't deny that it'll likely be a pretty good card for the money.

Are you sure?

Because the slides and the nvidia presentation talks about the same function as triple buffering.

Fast Sync creates its own buffer as well, so its own input lag as well.

Pics related, its nvidia official graph. Note the difference between vsync off and fast sync on.

I think you guys are retarded.

>Running Crysis 3 at 102 degrees celcius
>Not an obvious flaw

Lmao the mental gymnastics that Nvidicucks go through

I planed on getting the 1080 and kinda still do but even I'll admit that it originally was said to be 2.1
>ITT fags laughing because nvidia said this card had a 14 inch sick but only has a 12 inch dick and it's still only 14 years old

Fuck Doom wish i could pirate it.

Well, I haven't seen that then. I haven't been following Pascal's news that closely because I know I'll buy an AMD card anyway. I thought the only benchmarks available were of the 1080.

Fast Sync adds like half a frame of lag
That's well worth it for what it does

I got it for 40$ at cdkeys. Pretty cool.

I don't see he didn't any "mental gymnastics". Literally said he just didn't see anything personally. If you have some sources, then throw 'em up. Faglord.

>I got it for 40$ at cdkeys. Pretty cool.
its gone up in price everywhere now fucking sucks.

Thank you for your comment Pajeet. 0.00001 has been diposited into your account

Seeing this graph, I'm sure it's renamed triple buffering. Triple buffering has only 1 Frame lag for seeing the result so this graph confirms it.

>worthiness of fast sync
Thats a different issue altogether.

For the current discussion fast sync works same as triple buffering. It functions as same thing, to reduce input lag and smoothen tearing issues with vsync.

Whether is "half a frame of lag" or "1 frame of lag", the function is same.

Thats what I've been saying, but this could either be an improved version, or simply marketing tactics. FreeSync vs G-Sync etc.

The function is not the same you AMD drone. It's way fucking better than triple buffering, watch a video for fucks sake and stop your shilling.

-t nvidiots

Can't even see reason or facts. Jesus christ.