How the fuck do I go back to Windows 7...

How the fuck do I go back to Windows 7? I went for a walk and came back to find my computer being upgraded automatically, without my permission.

I didn't fucking want to upgrade. This shit was forced on me and I don't fucking like it.

Other urls found in this thread:

forgot where in the settings, but there should be a downgrade option as long as it hasn't been 30 days since it upgraded.

Anyone know how to do this after 30 days? I'm in the military, went on a detatchment and my computer auto updated to 10 and I'm past my 30 day mark.

You can just say no to their EULA or whatever and it'll give you your old OS back and stop nagging

You should just "requisition" a copy of Windows 7 or 8.1 if you need that particular OS. (I'm assuming it would be most convenient since you probably use your computer for games and movies during downtime.) Or you could take the Linux plunge. Either way your answer cannot be found from within Windows 10 anymore.

in 5/10 years will you still want to be on windows 7?
Just upgrade. It's quicker and more appealing. The privacy "invasion" sucks but it's blown out of proportion.

>its another 'windows updated to 10 while i took a piss thread'

jesus christ its amazing what you linux shills will do for free

We should make a bingo game out of this. So far I've seen "while I was taking a nap," "while I took a piss/shit," "while I was making dinner" and now taking a walk. A+ meme.

Don't poo in the street, Pajeet, poo in the loo!

you can't

Microsoft did it much better since Vista and 8.
People now have to at least try it before they spread bullshit about it, because these turbo autists literally ignore when it tells them how to revert back to original OS, so they are just stuck with it.
I'm looking forward to threads asking how to upgrade to W10 for free when Microsoft decides in a year that they will discontinue W7.


It happened to me while I was asleep

Kill yourself.

Flash or CD -> format and install W7 again. Downgrading is also possible, but clean install is always better.

You failed the computer literacy test. You could not figure out how to manage settings on your computer, and are too stupid to google a solution to your problem.

Therefore, you give up rights to management of your computer to people who know better than you. Be thankful.


Yes, you should absolutely *buy* Linux, it's much better

>Go back.
>Already done bin blacked.

>bubonic plague

>Therefore, you give up rights to management of your computer to people who know better than you. Be thankful.


Something,something,you're wrong.Something,marketshare,something,poorfag,something,something,freetard.LOL,BTFO,KYS,something suicide watch.Something ,something,no drivers,something games,photoshop,autocad,and something else insignificant,but I forgot.

just delete it

>why enjoy something nice for a couple more years when you can have shit right now?


You also forgot the part when you will have to pay for pretty much the same OS you already have because you were ignorant.

>This shit was forced on me
Serves you right for actually having Automatic Updates enabled, dumbass.

QQ moar faget

I fixed it.

Where can I get enterprise pt-br?

Until there we'll have some activation trick



Is the "Windows 10 sends screenshots regularly to Microsoft" meme true? I saw the video, but it seems nobody else tried to check if it was true.

It happened to me while I was having sex.

happened to me when i was nuking the middle east

Well OP. I upgraded to 10 and went back to 7 in less than an hour. So, you should have the choice. Unless you reformatted etc


Honestly I was the most pro-windows 10 person on the planet untill yesterday.
I somehow got into explorer loop crash by copying file from pendrive that was not solved by any of the sfc scans, repair, system restore and had me perform full PC reset in the middle of huge work day

desu could have been some malware too as my coworked that shares files with me had the same thing happen to her on that very night, this time trying to copy file into (another, mind you) pen drive

it's funny though that another guy that works on the very same files and pen drives on windows 7 is all safe and sound

Hook bitblt (screenshot library from winapi) and see if it gets called. That'll work only if they didn't try to hide it.

It happened to me while I was in the backyard buttfucking my dog.
>pic related; it's him

Happened to me while I was literally at my computer. It just reset on its own without warning as I was in the middle of stuff.

It made the whole thing twice as annoying.

>Buy a whole new computer
Only option now since this is such a difficult problem to solve

just "precure" windows 7 and burn it to a USB
then install that shit over top of win10 and let it burn in hell


destroyed the kb and the folders and fucking files that came with it
and the .exe's that autoexecuted everytime at boot

no win10 for me :-)

I keep a small netbook around with Windows for various things (flashcard/console hacking stuff).

I was having some problems with updates on 7 and thought an upgrade to 10 might fix them.

Within 15 minutes I had seen: "would you like to know more???" ads on my lock screen and botnet search forcibly installed on my toolbar. But what really did it for me was clicking on the start menu, where I was immediately greeted with the news that SPORTBALL TWITTER PLAYER JUST HAD A BABY.

Went back to 7 and just airgapped it.

happened to my mom, I was right there in the room

lol i was in the other room watching netflix and i came back and windows 10 was already installing and i panicked so i shut the computer off and turned it back on and it went back to windows 7

then i went to this site and it told me how to stop it from happening again: