Phone addiction

Who else is addicted to using there phone? Wasting hours doing not much of any thing?

Off yourself.

I have a land-line.

Nice English Pajeet.
Can't quite tell whether phone addiction is an actual thing or just a bad meme.


Have you been outside lately? It's very real.

I am desu
>Posted from my Motorola Moto G3

It's real as all hell and I do not get it.

It's only bad if you have to look at your phone when you have friends around or during dinner.

I am not - 9/10 times I leave house phone is left home, one time I take it - I most likely need the camera or portable internet.

I only touch my phone while waiting on the in not staring off into space

If you're someone who doesn't know how to spend time with loved ones without getting distracted by your phone, then yes you're addicted.
Frankly speaking, aside from that, I don't see it as much of a problem.
I commute a lot and smartphones are a miracle for me.
I love the convenience of being able to pull up any piece of information on the fly.
My only issue is the fact that time really passes quickly on it. Once you get home and lie down, you can spend an hour or two on your phone without even realizing it.

While in metro I look at people, if not I read posters around.

While in train I usually have a magazine or a book.

Wow you're so traditional and such a down to earth guy.
Wanna go on a date?
We could watch a play, feed ducks and listen to your LP collection.

I spend a lot of time on my phone. It's only cause I have nothing better to do. Like right now I just woke up and I'm already in Sup Forums because I have nothing to do today so I'm already wasting my time. But if I'm with friends or family or something I would never take my phone out without a good reason.

Checking Sup Forums is a good reason though right?

Original Moto G represent

No like checking the weather If I'm about to head out, or getting a call from someone important.

I live like a monk, no interest in an relationship - be it short term for fun, be it a long term commitment. My sexual functions are suppressed entirely and also the urges.

Good goy


>a computer capable of contacting basically anyone else on the planet, connecting to the combined sum of human knowledge up to this point, and giving you capabilities far beyond what most people even dreamed of ten years ago

>people whine about others being "addicted" to it


Fucking millenials

I'm willing to bet that you're also a millennial.

Impossible. A millennial is anyone younger than me.

Sure thing bud

Sup Forums does the same thing to me. I'll never be free.


A normal conversation on Sup Forums. Woah.

>banging sluts and contributing to the oxytocin decline
>contraceptives ever

Good goy

Me, but I did always swear that if the internet was ever portable that I would never go offline again.

Yes. Please send help.

I'm somewhere between not using it much and being full-blown addicted
I'll never give up a smartphone because, c'mon, the internet in your pocket. I can generally ignore it for hours at a time, but if I'm really bored, it's really easy to fall down into a cycle of
>Check social media
>Spend extra 20 mins on social media
>Check leddit
>Spend like 2 hours browsing threads
>Check Sup Forums
>Spend like 2 to 4 hours browsing threads
>Afternoon wasted
I've been thinking of getting a flip phone and using my old iPhone 4S as a supercomputer that can only use wifi for internet.

>Who else is addicted to using there phone?
Only plebs with no jobs. Go check your snapchat nromie cuck

I'm not.
I'm the guy sitting in a room of people watching them all stare blankly at their phones

Once you download an emulator or two there's really np going back. People who complain about mobile gamers haven't tried playing Pokemon or Ace Attorney on their phones.

I fucking love smartphones.


>having 3890 hammer pics