Why should I use Linux?

Why should I use Linux?

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Because free as in freedom

Protip: you shouldn't, install a pirate windows 7 win sp 1

Enjoy your botnet

I rather buy it for $10

>le botnet meme
I love how you neckbeard only spergs buzzwords and never give a real reason to use a Linux distro in a desktop, unless you are doing servers or some scientific stuff (things I'm sure you don't do basement dwellers) there's no reason to do exactly what i said
>inb4 take your rupees and go pajeet
Unless you come with a legit argument you better go and hang yourself

Ok Ranjeesh

Thanks for proving my point, enjoy your hot pockets and your animu tonight :)

>Buttmad poo in the loo.
If you have to ask don't use it, simple as that, if Windows works for you then why bother, if you find curious then try it out in a live-usb or vm and form your own opinion you beta cuck.

Use whatever you want

It will make you a better person as you learn to take care of your own problems.

Thanks, you too!

You shouldn't. Listening to Sup Forums is straight-up retarded.


You feel superior to Windows users, but your level of superiority depends on you distro.

Go with Linux from Scratch for maximum elitism.

if you don't know then don't use it

>if I call them buzzwords it means those things aren't really happening

Because you can

You shouldn't. You also should go away.

>if I keep using meme arrows nobody will notice that I still can't come with an argument
You know what's sadder than an Indian shill? Somebody so stupid that can't refute what he posts, you are an embarrassment for this board and surely for your family too, killing yourself is the only right thing to do with your life

because you can install gentoo

That's literally it. Servers and science. Or infosec, airtight security, and low-level bullshit, which falls into science I guess. If you're a fucking normie, Linux isn't for you.

Linux is also good for ricing.

nigga do you even know what a botnet is?


What is ricing?

Making Linux look super ebin or aesthetic because of the customization Linux allows. Check out any of the million desktop threads here when mods aren't pruning them, it's easier to understand when you see it.

Nobody is going to shill Linux to an actual retard. You use it if you want or stay in Windows. You have to learn out of the hand holding anyway if you're going to use it.

There will be no corporate or government spying in the OS if you change. There, that's one for free.

Never change Sup Forums

What? I actually gave a half-decent answer.

fakin kek

>half decent
That mediocre mentality is so typical of you spergs