Little bother wants a "gaming laptop" what do?

Hi guys my little brother wants a gaming laptop but he doesn't want a pc. He's 14 years old, anyone have recommendations for under 700$ I'm open to any recommendations besides a pc drive he didn't wasn't that

Other urls found in this thread: for my gay brother


Go buy a gun and die.

macbook pro

Check out the Dell inspiron 7559 , or the HP pavilion 15

no gaming pc is under 700

Look for an asus Repúblic of gamers on ebay, those are usualey start in 550 USD, then install gentoo on it for my gay brother
it's one of msi's business laptop but these fags bundled it with a RADICOOL GAYMING mousepad and STEELSERIES GAMING headphones so he'll feel just as gay as owning a gaym machine.

it technically has an nvidia graphics card but it's a 940MX. he might be able to play minecraft or the sims or something

i hope you realize that by doing this you will be responsible for all the people he murders when he becomes a serial killer or shoots up his school

don't enable his gaming habits, and get him a used thinkpad

I mean laptop

This. And make sure you install Trisquel or something so that he can't get into the bad habit of using proprietary software.


>gaming laptops

This one seems decent, all he'll play is older games like Skyrim lds2, fallout nv and maybe fo4 so I'm assuming it'll be alright.

This is a really really tall order, OP. High quality, fast 3D graphics need processing power and cooling.


Acer Aspire E5-574G

>Telling the user trying to help OP to leave
Literal tumor.

>being this much of a cuck
i'm sure she'll be more than happy to let you prep the bull

>This thread is about being cucked by a woman of sort with whom I apparently have a relationship

Do you have any remaining contact with reality anymore? I'm asking very seriously here.

Any laptop with 720p screen and gt 940m.

no he doesn't

What game did your brother going to play? My friend use Asus laptop with core i5 and gtx 780m(?) It's pretty solid, he can play all casual game and GTA V at low setting smoothly.
Or like other user said, go with used ROG. They're very solid and you should be able to find just under 700 considering my friend bought his new for 879


>gayming laptop

I dont think they sell good gaming laptops ones under 700. 700 is already about the miniumum for a gaming PC. Gayming laptops are generally more expensive.


Stop. You're not making any sense or any point. You're just using words. It's really embarassing for you.

There is no gaming laptop under 700$ that's worth a shit. Just buy him a fucking PC and tell him to shut up about it. This is something he knows nothing about so he should just let someone smarter handle it.

Also, Make sure that he plays only FOSS Games such as tux racer.


A thousand times this.

Older games such as fo3, skyrim, lfd2 so I'm looking at older generation gaming laptops, the only modern game he'll play is fo4.

I'm just looking for a laptop for him he doesn't want a pc

>I mean laptop

They cost more for similar power vs desktops.