Why are Mac users so bashed? Like why does everyone call them MacFags?

Why are Mac users so bashed? Like why does everyone call them MacFags?

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"fag" is an honorific. Like "gayfag", "Phillyfag", "Androidfag", "CSfag", etc.

but why are they considered fags?

The reason I personally don't like them is that they pay a premium to get a crappy version of a Unix operating system that doesn't have the benefit of free software.

It's Sup Forums, Everyone a faggot.
Lurk moar


No good reason for it. It's just as retarted as console players hating on PC and android users hating on iPhone users.

Just use what you like.

Because some people lack personality and the ability to think freely so they have to do what the masses do

Everyone is a fag in some way. This is not in a sexual sense

>iPhone has

They use macs and they suck cocks. What’s wrong with calling them macfags?

Because they are fags and they use macs. So "macfag" is just shorter and easier.

no reason, we're just joking

Macfag detected.

Mac is high quality components.

Prices are a little higher because of the service, the design and to keep the poorfags from touching them with their filthy plebeian hands.

Same reason poor people hate the 1% - jealousy

Apple marketing found the thread.

Their components are literally made by suicidal chinks.

because everyone hates loud, raging homosexuals

Sup Forums is full of people who need to find acceptance via others. Why do you think there are so many people who have meme hardware like a MotoG, ThinkPad, MDR-V6, Clip+, etc.?
Pic related, Sup Forums hates Apple for the sake of hating Apple.

You make it sound like this isn't the standard for practically all computer hardware.

1 because you are paying more to get less
2 because everyone here is a fag

He was talking about Sup Forums you dunce

In this case "fag" really means faggot when it comes to apple fanboys, because their products appeal mostly girls and homosexuals.

> because you are paying more to get less

I really love this meme.
I think so much about you user ;w; ! I really don't want you to waste your money desu~ !! Please be reasonable ;_____; *sniff sniff* *wipes tear away*


Yeah stop being a consumerist helps.

Your brainwash operation seems to have completed successfully.

In reality people like me have actually owned Apple products and base their opinions on that. I have had a laptop from Apple, iPod and my sister has had two iPhones. Only the old iPod was well made but even that was so closed that it was frustrating to add more content. Apple wants to keep their customers on a tight leash and give them minimal freedom. They want to replace all the universal standards they possibly can to sell you some accessories and adapters.

The build quality of my Apple laptop was so poor that the charger cable started burning and battery bloated. Also the wifi signal was terrible. There were no good sides on that device.

>They want to replace all the universal standards they possibly can to sell you some accessories and adapters.
Thunderbolt and USB-C are universal standards. Are you from Sup Forums?

Was meant for

Macs will officially die when the google play store is ported to chromebooks. The performance per dollar is astronomical compared to Macs, having literally everything normies need on a daily basis, and the app selection will be much larger.

What is bad about OSX?

Dude I'm a rich fag, I have PC's running windows, PC's running Linux and a mac - the mac sucks.

Look at the specs, then look at the prices, I only have one so that I can test when deving and support mac users.

12 year olds and their epik memes

Excellent cherrypicking, you really earned that 0.05 cents. You make it sound like Apple hasn't done that practice at all.

They may have a USB-C port on a laptop (now, while removing other ports so you would still need some adapters), but they have refused to follow standards on their phone cables (microUSB, EU standard) and now they are trying to get rid of one more standard, the 3.5mm plug. Since it happens anyway my post was never incorrect.

> muh standards
Standards are subject to change, deal with it nerd.

>thunderbolt is universal
Are you high or just an imbecile?
>usb c
They were forced to implement this by the EU so you can hardly give Apple any credit for it

It's neutral

> youtube.com/watch?v=xZBp5zAtP_w

You realize thunderbolt is an Intel creation that is featured on more than just Apple computers, right?

>Mac is high quality components.