Thanks Sup Forums for the endless gentoo shitposts

thanks Sup Forums for the endless gentoo shitposts
installing now

Other urls found in this thread:

good luck

Install gentoo

You won't be dissappointed

install arch instead

OP is transcending

#hype #compiletimeoptimisation

you know nothing

thanks my dudes


whats a dns search suffix ?

nice way to waste your life


Welcome to the club.

best distro out there, you won't be disappointed

Ubuntu babies, what do you expect?

Gentoo is far better.

Notice how everybody who's never used Gentoo consistently strawmans the "compile time optimization" meme.

Nobody who runs Gentoo gives a shit about compile time optimization. They do it for the USE flags.

>Nobody who runs Gentoo gives a shit about compile time optimization. They do it for the USE flags.

Did you reach satori yet?

I don't see any valid criticisms posted on that site, just strawman quotes from teenagers on online forums.

>I don't see any valid criticisms posted on that site, just strawman quotes from teenagers on online forums.

Those are gentoo users. Only teenagers without jobs have time to spend hours on maintaining a linux distro. Deal with it.


Sturgeon's law applies to Gentoo users, you know. I could go ahead and make a website that quotes a bunch of idiotic users of your favorite distro, too.

I just don't do it because I'm not a petty teenager who needs to justify his choices on the internet.

And thats the difference between gentoo/arch users and others. Everyone knows your favorite distro because you don't shut up about it.

>Says the guy posting in a thread literally created to hate on Gentoo users
Are you trying to compensate or something? I don't get it

not my fault you failed at gentoo and have to use noobuntu

Is kernel 4.6 available now? On skylake and everything wont work

>failed at gentoo
>thinking following instructions is an achievement

No, I actually use my distro, rather than it using me.

Yes, it's in ~amd64.

Slackware is even better. The installer is god tier and I didn't regret installing it one bit. I'm glad I listened to Sup Forums for once.

Gentoo > Any other linux distro


Funtoo > Gentoo

Gentoo doesn't use apt-get you fucking moron

Slackware is just more hassle, and the benefit is what? Slackbuilds are easier to write than ebuilds, I suppose.

>debian default kernel
I never understood this decision, it always seemed haram to have a Gentoo system with a precompiled kernel.

Thank you. I was considering funtoo but now I'm not.