How so? The guy just said that he doesn't feel competent enough to talk about it, which is a perfectly honest and valid answer.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Tom has been Director of Technical Marketing with NVIDIA since 2005
this guy is one of the best guys at nvidia, he answered every question perfectly and was comfortable enough to talk about anything and everything.... EXCEPT async compute
Because he doesn't know enough technical details about it?
are you this naive user?
apparently nobody at nvidia knows enough technical details about it
That really doesn't reflect well on him then. It's quite literally his job to know this stuff.
It's well known that Pascal doesn't support it
It also won't be needed in the next few years since no one uses DX12 and Vulkan isn't really finished yet
He knows
He just isn't allowed to say it
>It also won't be needed in the next few years
thanks to plenty of TWIMTBP-shekerus
how can you not hate nvidia? they're literally dirty fucking kikes.
I guess I'll finally move to AMD gpu at least for y next upgrade.
nvidia is 2x faster than amd even without "async compute" lmao
>It's well known that Pascal doesn't support it
Which makes Nvidia liars. Pre-emption is not Async, and Async it is NOT built into their architecture. We know this because Pascal and Maxwell are identical.
>It also won't be needed in the next few years since no one uses DX12
Go away
jesus wtf is this company doing
Needed 1500-2100mhz to do it
That's some shitty ass lazy engineering I think the 3garillion spent on r and d for this POS is a meme
he knows................too much. this is the last time he was seen alive.
Over clocking the same card over and over again since 2008
Its technically just a maxwell die shrink get over it.
That means that there are almost no architectural improvements, just higher clockspeeds.
So it btfo out of every benchmark and its literally the best card you can buy right now.
Out performs every single card and its not even expensive.
When amd releases a better card let me know.
>and it's not even expensive
It is nvidia's fault.
They hyped to hard and thus performance/price is not even close to expectations.
Nobody believes them anymore (3.5 and all other shenanigans). I bet my ass this Founders Edition bollocks is because they are selecting the best dies out there. 3rd party ones will perform worse.
Hey if you don't want the best performance available by all means don't buy it.
doom benchmark says suck it amd
The fuck? Every benchmark I've seen is around 20% over a 980 ti and that's exactly what they said it would be.
Did you think their presentation about VR "2x performance" was for non-VR or something?
970 - 71 fps
390 - 80 fps
I dont understand. Did you preorder a card based on expectations? No.
The card is the best you can buy. I thought they would give me hookers and cocaine with a card purchase but they didnt omg that makes the card bad! No.
Best card available. Let me know when a more powerful card is released ok?
1080 - 173 FPS
AMD just put out new drivers that fixed it's performance issues
Vulkan isn't even out yet
irrelevant until next gen from both sides
>>Starts at 2:13:00
Why do this and not just include the timestamp in the link? I can't be bothered to look at it now mate.
Damnnnn the 1080 btfo doom. It really is the best card on the market. No other card will come close for a long long long time. Well you get that sort of performance when you buy the best I guess.
>2:13:00 one click away
>bothered to type 2 sentences
maybe he done know how... not everyone is perfect like you.
See At this point I do not even trust any review that does not come out from a poor guy that had to buy his GPU unit instead of having Nvidia sent one out to them.
One click if I'd click correctly on a scale that is pretty large. Mousing over it to find it is also an extra effort that I do not want to do. I fully realize it's not a lot of effort.
Posting on Sup Forums is something that comes pretty naturally, and I'd say that typing a post out is easier than needing to find a correct timestamp in a video, when I could've just clicked the link and be done with it.
You don't need to be perfect to be able to understand how fucking youtube works, you just need to be not retarded. I assumed the people that would post youtube links on Sup Forums would know basic shit like that.
Can a GPU even go any faster without blowing up your monitor?
Async compute is irrelevant
GDC 2016 slide shows 5% gains and not worth the amount of work developers need to do for minimal gains
Pascal is FASTER than AMD meme async GPUs
Okay. We've seen video benchmarks as well as charts. I don't understand your point.
Why do you think that? There's no reason to think that.
My point is that those card are selected by nvidia you fucking paid shill.
Doesn't matter who you trust.
Nothing will change the fact that the 1080 is the best card on the market. The best performance.
That's what it comes down to. Wake me up if a more powerful card is released, it will be from nvidia anyway.
All of the founders edition cards are selected by nvidia. You mad poor FAGS? Can't even afford the Best performance on the market haha lol
not much
Aren't all nVidia cards selected by nVidia?
Yes. Its called Quality Assurance/Control. When you pay for the absolute best card on the market you are guaranteed quality.
Poor amd FAGS don't know what that feels like, they just keep returning cards until they get a good one, that still isn't as good as a 1080 haha lmao
can someone tell the best one between EVGA, msi, Gigabyte and asus. can i use a msi card with an asus motherboard?
>256bit memory interface
>Current year
No wonder it cant do 4K
its literally a 1080p memecard anything over that or 1440 and it chokes
i guess we will have to wait for the GTX3840ti with HMB3 and 900gb of ram
EVGA and yes you can.
The cheapest.
>can i use a msi card with an asus motherboard?
It's the fastest card on the market. Nothing beats it. You have to pay more to have the best card on the market.
Sorry you cant exchange your food stamps for one lmao
>yfw it really is the GTX 1080p
It's not really that hard to implement. Most of the big studios are already doing it for the current gen consoles. It's not an exact comparison but it's thanks to async compute that current gen consoles with fucking 7670 tier power are able to look as decent as they do.
How much do you want to bet this is the same shill that always responds with TOPPEST LELKEK
Async compute really isn't the be all and end all. AMDfags are just fluffing it up because it's a rare occasion when their cards do one highly specific thing better than Nvidia, and they're going to keep reminding everyone because it's all they've got.
there was that nvidia driver that made card go 1000fps in menu of some game, card blew up
>so it blown the fuck out out of every benchmark
Nvidia buyers everyone.
Can this go 60+ fps at 1440p in the latest Tomb Raider or Witcher 3, with all settings at ultra?
no. ROTR is mad hard to drive with ultra settings which increase resolution of all effects to unpractical amounts
and you can't drive witcher with hairworks it eats away more than 20 fps
So that graph where they said a 1070 gets 200% faster performance than a Titan X was just a dream?
You sounds very salty user.
Are you upset that nvidia couldn't rig the race this time?
Pascal is GeForce FX all over again.
I'd laugh my ass off and even buy one of them Sup Forums passes if Valve released HL3 and was Async compute heavy.
No they only gave the shill reviewers hookers and blow, that's why people on here are believing it's worth it to buy one.
>I'm a paid marketer pretending to be a 12 year old mexican - The Post.
>AMD Bundles Total War Warhammer With Radeon R9 390(X) and FX processors
is this AMD year? can you feel it? will we see greatest comeback in tech history?
Wait? Are you kidding me?
It doesn't seriously have a 256bit bus width still does it?
HOLY FUCK lilllllll
and people are buying these? wooooooooow.png
>people with jobs that can afford the Best card on the market make me jealous
Polaris10 will be best card on the market though...
>the memory is so fast so fast(c) huan
He forgot to mention that it's bottlenecked, again.
Nvidia privilege is when you can afford the Best card on the market while poor FAGS suffer amd frame rates lmao
Is typing -start 2:31:00 too hard?
Nvidia perpetually BTFO. 1080 confirmed for total flop. Wow what a generational leap lmao
It would not if that was easy to do, however I would need to open the link in a different way to do that. Same problem really.
Wow it's the highest performance card you can buy. Poor FAGS btfo.
Best. Card. Available
No leap at all.
0% IPC increase.
0% New Features
0% Arch improvements
Pascal is literally a die shrink of Maxwell - which isn't bad in and of itself, but dodgy as fuck for nVidia to lie about it.
Well normally you play youtube videos like mpv LINK, right?
Just play them as mpv LINK -start 2:31:00 instead. not rocket science
Best single card available is PowerColor Devil13 16GB.
>lol at the shitty ProDuo though, wtf were AMD thinking.
Technically its not the best - according to TPU at times its outperformed by the 295x2.
>Well normally you play youtube videos like mpv LINK, right?
Technically, yes. However, I do not have easy access to that piece of text. Assuming that I do, and moreover assuming that I play youtube links with mpv is a baseless assumption.
ROTR and Witcher 3 both can go 60+ at 1080p with a 980ti. This card is shit.
It actually is the best because it outperforms every other card in 9/10 benchmarks. But hey if you want worse frames in every game just don't buy it.
This card is for people who want the most fps and can afford it. Poor FAGS can stay with amd and keep playing in windowed 800x600.
>assuming that I play youtube links with mpv is a baseless assumption.
Is it wrong to assume a base level of technological competence from Sup Forums - Technology?
No. Assuming somebody plays youtube links with a specific media player is not assuming a base level of tecnological competence though. There are many valid ways to play those, not all of which rely on your specific way accessing mpv.
That old roadmap from like 2010 that adored showed had no mention of Pascal. It's basically stopgap: the gpu.
Jesus Christ can nvidia recover from this
There are several new features, such as simultaneous multi-projection.
The GDDR5X is insanely fast.
The power efficiency, temps, and clock speeds are a miracle of engineering.
Rofl get out of the thread Tom
lmao, go away shill, you're not even trying to look like one of us
>releasing cards
Enjoy waiting for october nvidiots :)
>The GDDR5X is insanely fast.
That isn't a Pascal feature though, that's just specifying Pascal boards with nice memory.
>There are several new features, such as simultaneous multi-projection.
Software features that could be ported over to Maxwell if nvidia wasn't too busy cucking Maxwell owners.
>he power efficiency, temps, and clock speeds are a...
Product of TSMC's 16nm process - like I said Pascal is a Maxwell die shrink.
That isn't bad, die shrinks are great.
What is bad is that nVidia feels they can't just be honest about it just being die-shrink when most people would welcome it even without the lies.
Whats bad is that its just an oc'd 980ti and it wont be available for MONTHS
>bought a nice 10bit 4k monitor on a sale couple months ago
>holding out for new gen of cards
>1080 can't do 60fps at 4k on current games
I guess I'll just wait 'till Computex for AMD and buy whichever card is the cheapest with the outputs I need.
No game can do 10 bit anyway
>reviewers enable 8xmsaa
>wonder why performance is shit
Doesn't help that nvidia is fairly shit at msaa in general, but thats a different matter.
I tend to keep my tech for a long time without replacing. Usually until it shits the bed and dies.
All I want is to play Witcher in it's maxed out 4k glory. And maybe Cyberpunk 2077, whenever they decide to release it. Is that too much to ask...
> Is that too much to ask...
If you are retarded with your AA settings, yes. Another good one is metro LL at max settings at 4k - max includes SSAA and you'll cripple cany single gpu for a looooooong time with it enabled.
Pic sort of related.
>Doesn't help that nvidia is fairly shit at msaa in general, but thats a different matter.
Because their texture bus is stupidly slow. Nvidia cards are pain and suffering when you're bound by the texture fill rate
How many years until amd catches up? Will they release a 4k 60fps capable card in say 5years?