All macs

>all macs

Macs are god-tier for productivity imo

15 years Windows-user here. Hated macs blindly, forced to use it work, and now I'm converted. For programming, this shit has everything, unix tools, better virtual desktops, better trackpad (although mouse is still preferable, trackpad makes virtual desktops even better), tools like sequelpro, etc

Well they are teleconferencing right back into the room. I would assume women in tech strikes again.

>Using technology invented by men in a building designed and constructed by men and having the audacity to badmouth men

>Macs are god-tier for productivity imo
Nice meme

are any of these factual or did someone actually make up character flaws and backstories for all of these people out of some inferiority complex or something?

>no black women

i would give anything to see an established white power twitter account be like "HELL YEAH, WHITE POWER! And a good Aryan woman at the head of the table, as she should be!" or something like that.

>Their cycles line up

Jesus Christ how terrifying

>Nice meme
nice meme

honestly that'd be fine. if they all called in sick 2 days a month at the same time then at least it'd be predictable.

>2 days a month
Some women bleed like a waterfall for more than a week

It's probably right for half of them

White Women?

>calling in sick

No. They come to work and take it out on their underlings.

>notice anything about this @BasicBitchPost editors meeting?

>@NAACP: We certainly do.


fucking a white female!

no shit, white and jewish women are the ones that get all the perks of this new world.

>Notice Anything?
>two blondes to twenty brunettes
Fucking discrimination lawsuit waiting to happen

what's with those blood splatter emoticons?

What are they trying to convey with this post?
That their editorial staff is all privileged white women?

that's an incredibly shitty rationalization for grasping at straws.

lots of women are shitty and the OP picture is both retarded and kind of offensive (feminism hasn't always been this hyperbolic cause for female domination - for a long time the mainstream movement was about equality, so flipping the other way like the OP picture would have been rightfully criticized for various reasons),


making shit up out of whole cloth just weakens the rest of us. we can't credibly criticize the quasi-feminist movement illustrated in the OP picture with people like giving them targets to point to as evidence of men being dishonest etc...

my point is, stick to the facts. the true facts. when SJWs get turnip-faced over the cold facts completely shutting them down, *that* reverses the tide of public opinion.

>Nice meme
>nice meme
nice meme

>Nice meme
>nice meme
>nice meme
great meme

Or greatest meme?



sounds like you dun fucked up

>"Huffington Post shares continue to plummet as internal disputes over privilege and kitchen appliances threaten to tear the company apart"

>none of us understand computers
>the entire editorial staff visits the bathroom at the same time

That's what I'm getting from it.

They'd probably get windows laptops riddled with viruses very quickly.

>Public opinion is based on cold hard facts

white knight triggered as fuck lmao

that's not what i said and i seriously hope you know it. otherwise you need to read more carefully.

i said that public opinion will change as people see SJWs get butthurt over cold hard facts. making shit up will just give ammunition to them

see it's not my problem if you're too retarded to read. not every post longer than 3 lines is a [string of retarded memes + 'lmao']

holy fuck you are mad
stay bootyblasted m7

>13 inch mbp

is this america or swaziland?

no, i think you're misunderstanding the tone of my posts. this is me being sorry for you.

i mean, if you need to believe that i'm raging right now, then do whatever keeps you emotionally well. god knows we don't need another sandy hook or columbine or something.

> heavy smoker
> drinking problems

i got both of those; bring on the threesome baybay

>the mainstream movement was about equality,
Are you talking about sufferage? That was about giving woman power over society without asking for the same sacrifice that men are required simple because they are frail and helpless women.

It was never about equality.

Nice image, /r9k/. A tip of the hat to you, my good gentlesir.

they are all made up, and thats the funny part actually, coz most prob they are 100% real

Women are social manipulators and rule enforcers. The patriarchy would like nothing more than to have women in media.

Men aren't nearly as good at shaming people into compliance with the party.

you sound like a MRA cuck

I bet all their periods are synced up. I'd hate to be man or women working for the huffington post when the red river Nile comes'a flowing backwards.

rolling for drinking problems girl, that's totally my bag

I'm sorry but why there are only white women?
This is a pure discrimination agains males.

>there's no men in the picture
Shit I didn't even realize. I just assumed its that everyone except (Liz, camerawoman) looks relatively young.
They're a news-site so being young is probably some appeal to readers?

Dunno why they gotta be sexist though.

Sexist? What do you mean? There's no sexism in female supremacy. It's like saying blacks can be racist or water is wet.

Please, stop with the Sup Forums shit.
I'm sick of these comments. It's to original and he only point it makes is "I'm upset people are sexist".

I just don't see the gain they could have from sexism.

>stop with the Sup Forums shit
>I don't see the gain they could have from sexism

Who are you trying to bullshit here?


No really. Like, does the majority of people think "Oh man how amazing they're excluded men from their group and they actually managed to stay afloat?!"
"Oh man that's cool they're all women and they can do it!!"
Without thinking "damn I'm pretty darn sexist". I don't think most people are consciously sexist.
Then again it's huffington post. Their aims are low.

I find it really weird though.

Oh, right. They're all running Linux. That's the ticket.

Yet another reason to purchase the new Apple MacBook Pro with Retina Display.

What is with the blind Macbook hate in this shithole?

There is no other laptop at that price with that build quality, display, and hardware available.


Well, at least most of tthem are fuckable,can't say the same about the horde of trolls in OP's pic.

This place left the realm of rational discourse a long time ago. It's mostly teenagers/college kids screaming about iPhones now.

*tips 1366x768 TN chinkpad*

of course not. the far left is the most racist of all, this has always been that way. they see black people, muslims (etc.) as some sort of inferior pets who they should protect, not as someone who is their equal and deserves to be a colleague

>all writers
safe to say that they have peaked in their lives

None of them get paid?

Must smell like a fish market in there


Oh wow, women succeeding in a business that's about telling opinions, gossip and doing what your MEN supervisors tell you.

Womyn womyn womyn

>When productivity hits a negative digit

Feminism was always and from the very beginning about misandric female supremacy. Only fucking retards actually defend that pinnacle of female retardation.

Why don't they say "we tell opinions and gossip" then?

Most of these outlets act like whatever they say is fact. Many, many people believe their bullshit as well. If you have a complete and utter echochamber things are not going to improve.

I don't get why these people want to have such a good reputation when they're saying straight horseshit.

>needing a $1500 laptop for text editing
What an impressive waste of money and resources

>want to have such a good reputation

Because, quite simply, it makes it so much easier to spurt bullshit. Also, if people start to blindly follow your opinions, you can push your agendas.

Interesting, I've been a Mac user since I was literally 4. I've seen the decline in manufacturing quality and UX design. I used Windows for a time and ended up as a Linux user.

There was nothing better than Mac OS for a time, but no more... No more.

There's no work being done.

Yeah, I am guilty of assuming at times that people can't be truly awful, but reality just bashes my head against the fucking wall. I just wonder if it's really that worth losing sleep and the ability to look at yourself in the mirror just so you can control the populace.

Huffpost, buzzfeed, gawker. The fucking BBC. I'm an asshole through and through and I couldn't do what they do. I wouldn't have the cojones.

He's actually right, because the only fucking thing you can do on a mac is reply to emails on your Google Apps account.

>Moot is in one of these rooms right now

probably not desu, it's quite early on a Saturday.


If i ever applied for a job and my CV included work at HuffingtonPost no matter how impressive the rest of my paper was,
that detail alone would have my CV instantly thrown into the trash.
Same goes for shit like GAWKER, Verge, etc.

I find it amusing that they are finding pride in their Tweet, because it doesn't make any sense, and it makes women look worse for being associated with such a horrible organization. This is the saddest part about this.

>Interesting, I've been a Mac user since I was literally 4.
So that's what, 10 years?
I doubt that you've ever see a Mac.

This is kinda related to how some people fails to see alternatives.

I remember that at uni we had one subject, where group of girls presented their idea for bussines, which would involve making 3D environment. When mentioning costs, they pointed out how expensive their PCs had to be... while using example of some expensive Macbook. While making desktop of similar specs (and you dont need mobility for that kind of work) would cost 1/3 of that price.

Apple marketing made its job.

Just get a superiority complex going, its easy to step on people when you think they aren't worth anything.

I know two people who work at Huffington Post, one in devops and one a "journalist" both woman. One is a lesbo who is a HARD man hater, the other is hetero that is very "WHITE MEN ARE THE PROBLEM"

Thin clients can get the job done as well, even cheaper and have a local server do all the heavy lifting

Yeah, but thats how Apple marketing won - they made so many people believe that if they want good hardware, they have to buy Macs. Burned deep into their minds idea that "Mac = quality" and that owning one would make the better, responsible person.

It's pretty insidious senpai, I'm kinda glad my family can see through their marketing

Telling consumers your product is good and they should buy it?
Holy shit. That's brilliant of Apple. They should teach that in business schools.

They discriminate against men

I have no problem with strong women, but 3DPD cannot be a strong women, only glorious 2D.

Its not just that.

Apple made religion out of marketing.

Watch some of the Jobs presentations, take a look on his gestures, the way he speak or present new and old products. Now take a look at viewers, the way people react.

Normal company says "buy our product because it is the best one/have best price/performance ratio". Apple says "buy our product, because that will make you a better person - buy our product to be UNIQUE, to stand above the mass of plebs".

Of course macs are better than Windows for programming, anything is. You could have just switched to Linux (there are enterprise Linux distros as well like Redhat) instead of buying a $2000 laptop

Windows comes with newer versions of *NIX tools than OS X does now


not even once

Wow, female editors for an online news site.
Girl power!
Fight against the patriarchy!


Go look at YouTube videos of all those idiots getting in line to buy the new "Apple phone 5" when they don't even know what it is

Not really..
What apple actually did is say "buy Mac, because it's not windows, and you wouldn't want that unstable, laggy, virus ridden piece of shit Windows, would you?"
Normies want their computer to just work, so they aren't getting Linux, and for the longest time they didn't have an alternative to Windows, but then Mac came along, and it was just better. It actually is, except for the price. Of course Linux tops both.

Everyone not Apple: We have the biggest, fastest, most awesome spec'd device on the market.

Apple: With our device, you can organize your life, capture memories, make music, connect with family, ...

One of my friends worked in the computer department of a college bookstore over a decade ago. When he demonstrated the Macs to customers he would play movie trailers, which was fucking genius in retrospect. Can you type papers and make Excel sheets on it? Of course it can, like every other computer. But watching videos on demand? That's something every college kid can relate to and thinks is novel. He could just rattle off numbers, but all of that is meaningless to most people,

explains why their articles are all shit.

apple faggots are fucking annoying, yes. But they're easier to ignore when you start disregarding female opinions because they have none.

When you have a real job, your employer supplies you with a laptop and they usually give the exact same one to everyone.

Someone make a shitstorm on twitter about it

Apple's best marketing is how they create a "mystery" around their new products.

Instead of showing what they made they carefully """leak""" each aspect separately ahead of the official launch.
The good goy media picks up on these """leaks""" and turns them into """"""""""""""""news"""""""""""""""" aka free advertising.

Simply brilliant.