Chromebooks outsold Macs for the first time in the US

Just fucking lol.

Where is your god now Macfags?

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That's honestly weird to me I see millions of macbooks at my university but only see one or two chromebooks per day





>luxury goods outsold by inferior goods
well done captain obvious


Well there's your problem.

A laptop with only a browser? Kys

Google could sell 15 billion Chromebooks while Apple only sells 1. I don't fucking care and as long as a Chromebook is a Google Drive book, it's useless.

Besides, I like my macbook.

> luxury



That's honestly weird to me I see millions of Thinkpads at my university but only see one or two Macbooks per day

you can do much more stuff online now granpa

Buy 5 Chromebooks instead of 1 MacBook.

how's community college you poor motherfucker? thinkpads, how disgusting

Chromebooks are wildly popular in K-12. So you might not see them as often in a university setting, but they're perfect for younger kids that aren't using special applications and have a curriculum designed around them.

They're mostly being bought up en-masse by K-12 School Districts. My old district bought into the meme and it worked out really well.

>Like 30x cheaper
>Well optimized and fast
>Easy to service/replace
>Does everything a kid needs to do on a computer (Research, make rudimentary slide shows and write papers, stealthfaps)
>Insanely easy to manage for admins
>Easy deployment for IT
>Updates are handled by Google

I got one for my parents even. I switched them over to Google services too. It's so much better than having to fix their fucking Windows Laptop or work around all of their microsoft shit.

They've got like 12k photos sitting on Google servers now, all tagged up withe everyone identified, all places properly located too, and the device parity between their chromebook and my parents Moto Sup Forums is just beautiful.

Gonna see if I can meme them into Google Play Music family plan so I can get on that shit.


Good shit. People talk a lot about the Apple ecosystem, but it's honestly awful compared to the Google one. When you have all that shit synced up it works so well. inb4 muh botnet, sorry I'm not a pedo, I don't have anything to worry about.

And now that you can get them with touchscreens it's easier to convince stupid teachers that they don't need shitty iPads.

>getting an ego boost for one corporation doing one thing better than another corporation

We should all be happy anytime anything bad happens to Apple.

Like what?

Typical Google dick rider

>anytime anything bad happens to Apple
I think Apple is still doing fine regardless if Google sells a billion Chromebooks to Pajeets.

I went back to my HS to visit some teachers, and saw that all the language classes were switching over to Chromebooks with Duolingo

I've played around with this, and it works just flawlessly on my own chromebook.

Google is absolutely JUST'ing M$ and Apple when it comes to educational products and support. I have no clue how they're actually going to compete.

Everything. Docs, slides, sheets, music, any app you downloaded etc

I usually write up papers on the subway on my C720. Pretty much everything except the obvious web stuff works offline now.

Apple is on a downward slope and has been since Steve died.

They're adding lenovo and hp to the list of sales, which means they're adding nice fat state contracts for schools. Apple has the same kind of contracts to so you really can't trust those numbers. If the numbers came from retailers, that would be a different story.

Personally I'm glad, I hate how every stupid chucklefuck has an iPhone; it loses all exclusivity. Keep Apple for the elite, let the masses have Google.


did anyone read the IDC report??

> we head toward the end of 2016 things should start picking up in terms of Windows 10 pilots turning into actual PC purchases

wtf, they're expecting consumers to like windows 10 so much they'll go out and buy new computers.

> United States – Dell overtook HP Inc. for the first place ranking for the first time since the third quarter of 2009, ending a run of 25 consecutive quarters with HP Inc. at the top of the U.S. PC market. Dell's U.S. PC shipments rose 4.2% year over year to 3.48 million – good for a 25.6% share. HP Inc's PC shipments to the U.S. fell 14.1% to 3.44 million units (25.3% share). Lenovo continued its aggressive growth trajectory as its 1.9 million units shipped represented 21.1% year-over-year growth and accounted for 14.1% of total U.S. PC shipments. Apple's Mac shipments rose 5.6% year over year to nearly 1.8 million (13.0% market share). Acer's shipments fell 10.4% to 0.7 million, but the company overtook ASUS and Toshiba to regain a seat in the U.S. top five.

Among computer makers, Apple sells more than most everyone else individually. Maybe Dell tops Apple, I'm not sure offhand.

This means Chromebooks also outsold pretty much every other individual computer maker.

>but but you're comparing the entire Chromebook market to single PC companies
yeah, but so are you when you compare market share of Windows to OSX, or Android to iOS.

So Google drive and some androoid apps...yeah sooo worth it.


What do you do offline? Gaymen?


They're not Android apps, they're Chrome apps.

>This sad, tired, ignorant, continuously debunked time and time again, meme of a lie
Please stop.

this desu senpai

>luxorious product used by rich westerners outsold by $20 plastic "laptops"
color me surprised

You do realize this is US sales.

Chromebooks are amazing for younger kids or even highschoolers because the teacher can manage an entire class from the master control panel. Pushing files, webpages and apps to each laptop is effortless and you can revoke rights with the flip of a switch. Google's Office suite is also a wonderful replacement for Microsoft office and it works just fine online and off.

They're ridiculously cheap to replace and have batteries that will last you for days. Content is usually synced at the end of the school day to a Google Drive for education which the teacher can access from home.

>overheating 800mhz toddler toys
>"luxorious" product

I do.

>Apple sells more than most everyone else individually


My MacBook Air is 1.6 Ghz

Yeah Apple has been a niche product for centuries, they don't outsell anyone.

The only area where they dominated was with the iPhone and now they have lost that market as well to Android within the last few years.

>he doesn't know about the throttling

>theres something wrong with throttling on a laptop

There's a lot wrong with it when your newer MacBook Airs are actually slower than the older ones because you decided to throttle them.


You can't be this deluded, can you?

because you need full processing power when you're doing anything. using as much energy as possible.

Power management.

You don't need full processor speed when you're doing something as simple as writing shit on notepad or a document. There is value in throttling, the value is more battery time.

Apple is luxorious, people who use Apple have higher IQs on average than those who use Windows. I go to a expensive school and everyone uses a MacBook.


>You don't need full processor speed when you're doing something as simple as writing shit on notepad or a document

>shitty plastic pieces of shit that sell 150 bucks and less
>sold more than overpriced luxury items most people can't afford

Paint me surprised.

I wouldn't want my machine doing heavy work while not plugged in. The guy is right.

Very luxurious

>>theres something wrong with throttling on a laptop

That's what happens when you don't release a new model for over a year

Literally the longest drought between MBP releases ever.

Was thinking about getting a chrome book for college. Used them in highschool because they give one out to every student until they graduate. They're easily broken and ugly but they are light weight and cheap. Would they be sufficient to use in college? They seemed fine when I used them.

Blame intel for that.

Yes they're basically the perfect schoolwork machines.

>Cheap computers designed to be mainstream outsell expensive computers designed for people who aren't poor

Hey, no one said you had to buy a macbook for a facebook machine, same thing applies to a surface tablet, if you need a i7 get a fucking desktop for the job.

just because that guy looks like he's homeless doesn't necessarily mean he actually is homeless. this is san francisco we're talking about.

Don't get mad at me because you made a bad buy kiddo

Chromebooks are shit, dont exist convertibles with 360 rotate screens, you cant watch mkv movies outside of youtube and cant read mangas/comics in portrait because no portrait mode

>for people who aren't poor
Pick one.

>cheap computers designed for schoolwork outsell expensive laptops made for people who desperately want to fit in.

>macfags rationalizing this hard

it wouldn't be at the bottom

Rolex makes great watches but Casio also makes watches that last a long time and cost a fraction as much.

At the end of the day they both tell time, The only difference is one is a status symbol and one is not.

>i'll just laugh at his argument and not present any evidence or counter points.

not saying a homeless man buying a macbook isn't equally plausable. we're talking about san francisco.

(i was actually trying to shit on the hipsters, not defend apple. i couldn't care less about apple.)

Me too. Lenovo is by far the most common brand that I see in my classes.

Making sacrifices to gain portability is inherent of laptops. My Macbook is way smoother in day to day operation than any Windows laptop I've owned or used.

>poor people can spend that much money on computers
I'm sorry, but outside of your fantasy world, 99% of poor people buy the cheapest windows laptop at best buy.

You do understand that the exclusivity you're talking about is just perceived, right?
You're just following trends and the moment everyone else jumps ship you will too.
You would be using BB if you cared about exclusivity right now.

>cherry picking images from google
Is this an argument? Of course the poor will want to imitate the rich. I can just as easily find an image on Google Images of a homeless guy driving a Ferrari. It means nothing.

I want a chromebook pixel so bad

>i'm so poor all i can afford is $200 craptops and macshit because applel lets me buy with a 3 year payment plan

I've got one. It's nice.

Shitposting from it right now.

You can always get the new Acer Chromebook 14 or the HP Chromebook 13 G1 t

The G1 is basically a poor mans pixel

No 3:2 ratio, no buy. Also, worse keyboard and probably trackpad

If I'm gonna spend $800 on a 16:9 laptop with a shitty keyboard, I'd get an xps 13

You have a folder dedicated to other people laughing that you can post on Apple threads? Kill yourself.

As somebody who doesn't own or like anything Apple, this is worrisome. Apple is more or less the only company keeping Jewgle in check.

>owns apple shit
>telling someone else to kill themselves

>only company keeping Jewgle in check.
Maybe in mobile, but not on desktop/laptop.

I meant in general. Mobile is the more important market nowadays.

>poorfag complains about products by a respected luxury brand
>poorfag gets told
>the poorfag can only retaliate with pictures of people laughing
poorfag, why haven't you killed yourself yet?

macbook pro is the only laptop worth owning

They're the most normalfag electronics you could find.
You just bought into advertising and are now defensive about it.
It's ok I've got an iphone too.

no trackpoint, no buy

>being this itriggered™

No, the laptop I owned before my macbook was $800. Not a huge leap in price.

Chromebooks are great for people like me who burn through a cheapo laptop every two years just to sit in bed to write porn and meme. That competition should also drive prices further and further down, it's amazing how much they've already dropped for bottom of the barrel shit machines in only two years.

I'm happy with what I buy, it's you people who seem upset about it.

MBA is poop though

So normalfag = bad?

Have you owned one? Recently?

If Tyrone from the hood can buy the same shit you buy it's not luxury.
And I don't have to buy a MBA to know it's shit, it's literally the worst thing you could buy from Apple before the 12 inch Macbook came around.

It's not though, it's really portable and powerful enough. Also it lasts pretty long.
I can lie in bed with it and it'll feel like an iPad and take it to school without any inconvenience.

>1366x768 gloss shit TN
>macpoors actually defend this shit

What's bad about the MBA? I don't have any problems with it.