What would you do if Google disappeared for one time to another?
Have you ever thought what would be like if Google disappeared?
What would you do if Google disappeared for one time to another?
99% of IT would fall apart.
duckduckgo or bing
Bing it
I would have to email people at my university
Everyone switches to Bing until someone fixes or remakes Google.
Oh no, the apocalypse is truly upon us now.
Android, maps, play store, all.
Google as a search engine is irrelevant imo
Using specialized hubs is order of magnitude more efficient. Need pictures there's flickr or deviantart. Vimeo has all your pro grade videos minus the usual eceleb bullshit. Wikis for general information and relevant sources. Imdb for anything movie or tv related. Countless email providers already exist. Video hosting out the ass. In fact any porn site is a better host than youtube nowadays. Pirating is becoming increasingly irrelevant with many good legit choices so googling for that is meaningless. Plus they censor the shit out of their searches.
Seriously the only thing google is good for is being a lazy fuck and not typing up url to those hubs. Google knows this too and they are shitting in their pants with fear. Like half of search results are adsense affilated clickbait blogs anyways and google doesn't give a shit because it's their ad network generating them money.
Seriously fuck google.
Is software supposed to magically disappear off people's phones? Does that also mean that all web browsers that Google has contributed code to stop working?
Sup Forums would have to find a new captcha provider, but that's it.
Captchas are a funding source, Sup Forums wouldn't "have" to do anything.
Google Services couldn't connect to the servers. Phone will shut down.
Or more realistically, if I lost my internet connection... Hm. I write some texts, I have some books here, I would have to rely on them for a while. I could also basically ask other people, go to a library etc
I'd lose my email, which is the only valuable thing I have at google. Don't care about the search engine, I don't use it anyway.
Bing is already better for porn
The void wouldn't be hard to fill
Honestly I'd rather support pajeet shitters than sjw cucks
I'd have to look for another search engine, but that's not a serious issue as most work the same these days anyway. I'd have to change my e-mail at a few online services that matter.
That's pretty much it. The world would probably be a slightly better place. But not much. The problem is not Google, but people's stupidity that enabled it. Google is just a tumor that grew on that.
it would be reconstructed from all the clients across the world, like a raid 5 disk
I dont need Google.
travel back in time and use altavista
Bing since I already use that for porn ever since Google stopped showing it
It is extremely easy to lead a Google-free existence.
There are several e-mail providers, that you can replace Gmail with, Proton being one of them. Google Search can be replaced by DDG. Android phones do not have to have the Play Store installed, and all the Google tracking can also be eliminated from the device.
What would happen is that there will be no more retarded Captchas, no more Google Analytics/Google Syndication, no more AdSense, no more global tracking of enormous magnitude, and one of the biggest NSA sluts would be eliminated.
Google Glass? Fuck that creepy shit.
Self driving cars? Other companies are developing them.
Cloud storage? You have to be an absolute retard to send your files to some else's computer.
Google Maps? OpenStreetMaps are decent, and will only become better, if Google were to disappear.
G+? Tip top kekkaru!
What else am I forgetting?
Pic related. It's me, right after I find out that Google is kill.
I think google maps/earth would be a geniune loss, but I don't give a rat's back side about the rest, including youtube.
>this nigga fell for the google "services" meme
Just install cyanogenmod without the play store.
Would buy stock from Based altavista
>Cloud storage? You have to be an absolute retard to send your files to some else's computer.
Why do I care if Google or Apple can see my reaction images?
They will leak your rare pepes.
>Google finds Le Happy Merchant image in your folder
>forever anti-Semite
You dun goof'd, kiddo.
Continue on with life.
Email = Proton + Cock
Search = Searx
Google drive replacement = Mixtape and other pomf clones
Docs = Javascriptless pastebin
Escaping the google botnet of things is actually really simple.
why are you shilling here, dryboner?
of course you'd like that you bodybuilding homo
>Google finds a Pony image in your folder
>confirmed for a mentally sick Clopper
You dun goof'd, kiddo.
google would rather make money off my kink than send me to jail for it
Probably the only serious issue would be the fact that I have so many accounts made using their email service. So I would have to change emails.
The search engine could be replaced, there are already lots of alternatives.
I'm not using much of anything else from them. There are enough alternatives to their maps services too.