33 seeders

>33 seeders
>unlimited DL speed
Why the fuck would it be stalled?

Other urls found in this thread:



Also whats the magnet link? I want to watch Shirobako too.

>Seed 0
>Peer 0
fuck off shitposter

URL: Nyaa
Status: Not Working


>using default settings

maybe you should check the error dumbfuck

>stalled cause your call stack is currently vomiting in terror due to all the anime fag shit its been forced to perform hashes on

>it just wants to die

Works using utorrent 2.2.1

Just right-click on it and click on force resume

>thinking you can just connect to anyone that's in the list

Have fun with Shirobako, OP. It's a great show and I'm seeding it right now. On the stalling problem, 3.3.* was shit on it and I had to revert to 3.2.5 on Windows. On Linux however, it works fine.

>Why the fuck would it be stalled?
you are using commas instead of periods for the radix

227,0 KB/s

switch to standard math and more clients will be able to communicate with you, since they use standard math and not gook math

That specific torrent works fine for me, and I'm on 3.3.4 on Windows.

Probably just OP's firewall or something as he's got a limited connectivity thing at the bottom.

You tried hard enough, CVEtorrent shill. Time to change your shitcuck ISP.

Or better get the fuck off to End of thread


cvetorrent shills getting pretty desperate



>standard math

Are you retarded?

are you?

open any math book or google math on the internet

the symbol for radix is "." not ","

What's up with the recent "CVE" meme? It doesn't even apply to 2.2.1 lmao

It depends on your locale, actually. Different customs in different countries.

but for networking and data interchange it is always "."

If I send a bunch of data to a peer, they will be expecting numbers with the "." radix.
the "," will at best be an ignored, illegal token, at worst it will not work at all and the connection will fail.


There's your answer. Switch to a real client like rTorrent, Transmission or Deluge.

>he fell for the qbitorrent meme

>he fell for the he fell for the * meme meme

>still trying to push the stall meme
yes, we get it ushill marketers, you don't like qbt

Those seed and peer numbers are just what trackers/DHT/whatever are reporting.
It doesn't mean there are actually that many clients active right now accepting connections for you to connect to. You're connected to zero peers and that is all that counts.

qCucktorrent am i right?????????