>On my good old GTX 670
>Thinking 1344 shaders would be enough for Doom
>Purchase Doom
>FPS is horrible
>Turn everything to Low
>Turn resolution scale to 50%
>FPS drops when entering room.
>A room
>38 FPS
Is this Nvidia gimping?
I can play witcher 3 on 30-40 fps thats okay but Doom.. it's like all over the place, solid 60, then it like flies down to 30, the fps is all over the place it's turning me insane cant handle it.
On my good old GTX 670
>old GTX 670
Sure is consumerism here.
Your shit card is 4 years old. Are you fucking serious?
Maybe find some way to run the game in Open GL 4.3 mode. Should give you a bit of a boost.
>Everything on Low
>38 FPS
hell yeah im fuckin serious sam right now
There is no excuse for spaghetti-coding.
Bethesda made a game that eats 3GiB of memory just at launch. I havn't played for long enough to see in different environments.
I know that 670 feel. I want to upgrade, but I don't know what to get.
Welcome to NVIDIAs unoptimized/gimped drivers.
Wait for 10XX and 4XX series from Nvidia and AMD.
What is your budget ?
thats not Doom
3gb is normal
if a game is going to use memory its going to be at startup
this isnt 2006
Poor Fps on a beta. Gee, I wonder why
Not him, but I have a 670 and will probably be doing a new build soon. Budget is around $2k
This, fuck off
Steps to fix your issue:
1. Stop being poor
2. Close all the trap porn running in the background
3. Use anti virus to get rid of the malware running on your trap porn botnet windows 10 machine.
Your 670 isnt the problem.
Im running doom on a 660 1080 okay.
Let me guess, athlon x4 860k?
Not Op, but that was my setup.
860k with a 660. Couldn't run the witcher at all, 10 frames lowest at 720.
Kept my 660 but upgraded to a intel i5 6600k.
Now run witcher mostly high 1080, some post processing off 30+ frames.
Maybe I had a faulty cpu.
>Definitely I had a shitty cpu.
A 700$ GTX1080 and a skylel CPU would be good then.
If someone doesn't want to spend lots of shekels, the 480 looks very good for the price (390X performance for 200-250$)
Hey, just be happy for me that I upgraded.
So i have to overclock my 8320?
The size for the doom install is over 50GB once unpacked.
If your too the point where you HAVE to overclock your cpu for basic 1080 gaming performance, it's time to upgrade.
fucking this.
I was forced to upgrade my HD4870 because it just blew up when rendering 3D models, if it wasn't for that i wouldn't have had any reason to upgrade.
AAA games are getting more and more shallow anyway. Doom is just a white fly.
>If your too
FFS, you ultra-nigger.
Are you using vertical sync?
>I upgraded my 670 to a 290 last year for $240.
Sorry, I'm usually pretty attentive about my grammar browsing an anonymous image-board on my phone.
please forgive me, meme poster
So you should be.
>please forgive me
No. Well, maybe.
I overclocked my FX 8320 to 4.3 GHZ, no difference in FPS ;(
>30-40 fps
>Buying new games for Kepler
Witcher 3 runs on 30-40 FPS on my 780Ti.
>Thinking 2880 shaders should be enough
>Thinking heavy permanent 1306 boost clock with unlimited power target is enough
I get 10 FPS drops in Battleborn. This game looks like shit but kills my GPU. I usually run in 4K, but this happens even on Low 640x480.
A 290X might be an option for now, but it will be outdated too soon. Do you really think AMD does better with their old cards? Dream on, while seeing the glorious 5000 and 6000 "legacy" cards.
My 2013 flagship card feels like legacy now.
The fact of the matter is that you have to upgrade at least once every two generations, sometimes faster.
Game developers are trash now.
Remember when games coders had to be fucking wizards to make shit work instead of lazily stuffing in 50 billion shaders, tesselated models and raising the minimum requirements through the roof?
what ps1 game is this
>>On my good old GTX 670
eat a dick you fucking fuckhead.
Bushido Blade.
There is only one generation released after mine. Pascal is going to be launched but not on the market.
It is a fact that all 2013 games work flawlessly like BF4, which runs stable 60 FPS on High-Ultra 4K.
I owned a Titan X before, but sold it because it disappointed me, even if I could get a 2nd one now for 500 € (Which already happened to others I know) they can't max my resolution. So I'm not willing to spend much on a crappy GPU, especially when its called "founders editon". I think the 1070 can reach a 980Ti with heavy overclock, for around 400 € I'll buy it until the 1080Ti Classified becomes avaiable.
>looks like a late-gen 360 game
>requires a double decker casemonster GPU to even run at decent frame rates
lol, modern game devs. Wonder how the Xbone/PS4 version compares?
It's not my fault new games run like shit on it ;(
Doom is a very efficient game. not their fault your system isn't. Try running on a new install, see if your anime isn't the thing bogging it down you fucking moron.
I only replaced my 6850 this year because the ol' girl had soda spilled on her by my snot nosed brat of a cousin.
>Doom is a very efficient game
look at the graphics quality in the OP photo (the actual in game graphics, not the settings) then look at the FPS and tell everyone again how a 670 should be struggling to render that.
fucking idiots
Even my laptop can run Doom
I turn it down to 1600x900 when playing normally though so I can keep settings higher and never drop below 60 (usually at that resolution on mostly high, a few ultra, and one or two low settings I'm over 100 fps)
Maybe it's just time to get a better computer OP
Everybody knows that quality can be replaced by fancy post-processing. Gameplay and story are last generation.
I have a 980 now, but I'm gonna wait until the 1080ti rolls around to think about upgrading. In any case, things are mostly okay. I'm still on 1080p, but 144hz.
980s were to expensive for me, 970s are shit. AMD is not an option as I use Gsync.
I'm willing to buy 1-2 1080Tis when ME:Andromeda releases, thats the only reason why I need such performance. I don't buy new games anymore. Too embarassing.
Settings I played through the game on, looks fine, not even using a GAMING RIG
OP really just needs a less shit computer
>Le nostalgia meme
>mfw im running 480gtx and get 30 fps
How do you take screenshots in doom? printscreen is just grabbing black for me?
F12, Steam can grab them
>buying a remake
OP is an idiot. Doom is really good about framerates.
what even are you talking about?
Is OP using the latest driver for Doom?
This was AMD performance before they issued a hotfix 5 days after launch
Even if you pirated it you could still run it with Steam.
Also if you can afford a strong enough rig for doom, you can afford to just buy doom.
Thanks familia
1600p monitor have my FPS capped at 60
Not if you want your account to still exist,and not waste all that money on your account,and have it permmabanned for pirating.
Nice job, user.
Did you enjoy Doom? I think it was excellent. The multiplayer is shit, but Doom multiplayer has always been kind of shit. I just want new Quake so bad
its fun, but I haven't been playing it much, been traveling for work and can't bring desktop with me
the real question is why isn't this on
Dude you just add a non-steam game to it. Here I'm playing Google Earth in Steam
>In-Game: Huniepop