What are you currently using to edit code Sup Forums, and why?

What are you currently using to edit code Sup Forums, and why?

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Literally has everything you need

inb4 windows
I know, I'm going to buy a macbook asap

Vim because it's comfy

cmd prompt

Visual Studio. The TFS tools are incredible. By far the best IDE. Only unemployed Archcucks will disagree.


>and why?
it's better than the other editors I know

Visual studio for c++
Sublime text 3 for everything else

Agree, but using plugins. Visual Assist is pretty much required if you use C++.

Anything from Jetbrains rapes VS so badly that afterwards it has to sit in the shower rocking back and forth for an hour.

The only reason to EVER start visual studio is to use Xamarin.


Pycharm for Python/Django
CLion for anything C/C++
IntelliJ for most Java applications

so far, I've found jetbrains IDEs to be the most useful

Not him, we use Jetbrains' Pycharm at my work

Pen and paper. Eat my pooh fat American pig. I will take your job

The Entire Jetbrains Marketing Team


nice meme


Where do you work.

Does jetbrains' C++ IDE have a Visual Assist equivalent? VS with VA is the best i've used for C++.

We use C# at work and the VS environment is top tier, but that's expected considering how hard MS push .NET

As long as that poo.... is in the loo

>Where do you work.
NW England, currently at what's called the biggest python company, serving hundreds of thousands of people per 'event' where there are probably a few events per month. The vagueness is intended

just use the default text editor of the DE and atom if, god forbid, i'm on windoze

obviously i'm not working on anything major at the moment so these suffice.

nano because it's simple and I don't need 20 plug-in crutches just to read my own code

Geany. Fast, lightweight, functional. Also, complements my Xfce environment nicely.

I work at one of the Google offices, and if you use an IDE you're a laughingstock. It's Vim, Emacs, Sublime, and Atom as far as the eye can see.

Fresh grads come in all starry-eyed and then get flabbergasted when they find out that using simple tools makes development so much faster. They're brought up to think that text editors are what you use freshman year, and that using fifteen pieces of bloatware that lock you into an ecosystem is the mark of enlightenment.

I also work at Google, and we use IDEs

yall niggas are gonna have yerself a fun ol time when this is good to go: blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2016/03/31/cc-extension-for-visual-studio-code/

Pelles C for C

Code::Blocks for C++

Scite for everything else.

android studio. I make bucko bucks on an app that took about 3 hours to code. jaja

Python and a Macbook... take a look at this faggot

>simple tools
>vim, emacs, sublime, atom
lul, vim is the only non-IDE in that list

Neovim, because it's comfy af and I can't think of any compelling reason to use anything else

>storing files on onedrive
has g taught you nothing?

Notepad++ on windows, geany on Linux

Tell your Google colleagues to make a decent iMessage replacement


It's a cli editor with sane defualts, CUA shortcuts instead of vimline ones, syntax highlighting, lua plugins. It can do simple things like duplicate lines, replace, search, etc. Oh, and it has great mouse support.

It's written in go, actively developed, with lots of comments easily readable code, I've been pushing some patches the last few days and the dev is friendly.

good plugins for everything I want and good systems for loading them when I need them. also it's on every server I'll find myself on. plus my vimrc is fire senpai

I use Qtcreator for C++ projects
Having an IDE is very useful when reading other peoples code or when you manage a lot of different projects.

On other things I usually use kate because it is one of the best editors there is.
It handles everything, but in a dumb way, so I don't use it for c++.

When I need to make a quick edit in a config file, I use vim.
If I just need to verify something and then save it, I use nano.

If need to automate something, I use sed.

I should probably use vim more, I hear it is really good when you add a million plugins and rewrite the core to fit your needs.

I use Atom but I don't like it. I don't understand how people use this for actual programming. I guess if you do webdev it would be fine, but I'm using it for python and without plugins it has no breakpoints or debugging features of any kind. All I can do is use print statements and comment shit out. I know I'm doingitwrong but surely this is just an inferior tool to something like PyCharm which I intend to install soon.

>wants to buy a MacBook
>Can't even remove the obvious Win10 bloat from the taskbar, which takes like 10 seconds, tops
Don't do anything, just kill yourself, that's the best option for you at this point.

I honestly hope this is bait. I cannot get over how wrong this is.

Atom, gedit, vim

Also tried WebStorm but not worth it's money. Would use it over atom if it was free

Sublime 3
I'm way too used to it to change.

> see this thread
> everyone is low resolution
> everyone uses a shitty font
as expected from Sup Forums, always shitting on Apple but in reality everyone here is just a poorfag.

>func ResolveExpressaoMatematicaValidaECompleta

Writing these stupid long names is part of the Swift guidelines right?

no, you're just a fag that can't comprehend readability.

Right I remember, it was Objective C not Swift.

Ur faggot hipster editor is a fad but Emacs is forever.

fuck off, poorfag.

vim locally on work laptop, vi on remote machines -- sometimes I forget I can't "gg" or use macros in vi.

Nice, what are you making bro? I just got started with Swift and I fucking love it and Xcode. It's glorious. It feels so weird trying to learn Java and other languages after using Swift.

Feels nice.

Not lightweight

Suggest me better faggots


it might not be as 1337 ebin as Vim, but it just werks

VS is god tier, but how the hell do you like TFS? It is fucking awful. Just touch a file, even if the comparison is the same, and it shows up in pending changes. Branching is a pain in the dick too.

Neovim inside tmux. Objectively the best environment.

A calculator, it's finished already.

>When he needs more then one application to edit source code.

Nice, open source?

why are the Jetbrains programs so expensive? It's yearly fees too, I was recommended PHP Storm what's an alternative?

Looks exactly like Android Studio
Is that because of that IntelliJ thing?

anyone ever use limetext.org/

remember looking at it a year or two ago, didn't seem like it was worth it at the time

dunno why people say this, I've got a dozen or so plugins and it still starts up in about a second.

how the fuck does anyone even use intellij? it's so complicated.

yep, code not available yet tho, will be uploading by the end of this month.

how long did it take you in total?

VSCode because Atom is slow as shit

>tfw break out emacs and modify that perl script

hmm idk maybe 2 months, really fun tho.


For just a calculator? What was the most challenging part?

fuck off monkey

>Not being a code artisan
>Not writing node.js web 2.0 applications for a living

I seriously wish you fellows not to do these things.

If this dont get your dick hard I don't know what will

ok more code, the functions you call if possible without infinite more being called

Atom, because it's basically the only open source thing that highlights React properly and doesn't suck.

Take python itself out of that list and I'm right there with you.

Just switched from Nano to VIM because my computer arch professor called Nano "The retards text editor". Then went on a rant about Emacs....

You should have strongly, vocally agreed with everything he said, then told him that's why you use Eclipse for everything. Just to watch the world burn.

They make good software.

>he thinks he's using a real editor

>this happening at any educational institution ever

is your professor fat with a beard? or thin with glasses?

i need this information before i believe him or not

Specifically nex/nvi

What's wrong with Python?


Does everything I need it to do.


How do I get good at vim?

Nothing. It just has a lot of advanced built in functions and shit so people who don't really program but who can copy and paste a few lines tend to use it so they can say they programmed something that sounds really impressive when in reality it really wasn't. That plus its goofy syntax and design choices triggers a lot of programming autistics.


type vimtutor into terminal

what's wrong with macbook

I'm not bothering to do anything with this new laptop tbf. I would rather put effort into a new macbook



IDLE, because I'm a cuck and I have to learn Python for a school project. It came with the python, and Notepad++'s plugins are outdated, so whatever