>a SQL server
A SQL server
>A structed query language server
Yes, and?
top kek
>a ess-que-ell server
>a SSD
>not pronouncing SQL as "suckle"
I just pronounce it as sequel.
>not saying se-coil
es kiyu el
my sequel
post ogre sequel
em es sequel
Enjoy doing your joins by hand, cuck.
Not the same.
In your dreams.
As $DIETY intended.
Maybe in Boston.
Frankly, there's nothing wrong/right with SQL based data engines, they just are. The American computer industry a.k.a. fucking web devs have devolved into a set of "my dick is bigger and better".
Next I will hear how LDAP is shitty because it is organized as a tree database.
Fucking NoSQL, do you even keystore?
>replying to everything in the thread
kys, senpai
Well, I get so tired of shitposts sliding anything of value. If people are going to go Sup Forums on Sup Forums then go to fucking Sup Forums
>mfw these neckbeards on Sup Forums can't into the English language
It's supposed to be an SQL server and an SSD.
maybe if you call it an ess que ell server like a filthy degenerate
A sequel server.
A solid state drive.
There is literally nothing wrong with SQL, so why replace it with something inferior
You cant even say its more modern, SQL Server 2016 isnt even out yet, although we do have RC3 which seems to be pretty good.
People going mental about how shit it is clearly applied for an IT job, they asked if you know SQL and you got angry because you dont.
Why even call it Sequel, its called SQL and you just decide to make it into a word.
Yes, SSD is Solid State Drive, but A). You dont call it a Solid and B). SQL doesnt stand for Sequel QL. Its like calling SSD Sessdee or something
>hierarchical data
>even once
Enjoy your Windows registry-like mess.
So defensive, obviously OP was commenting on the use of "a" instead of "an"
egg on my face
>post ogre sequel
i say Postgres
At least post a reaction image from a good anime.
my prof pronounced it "postgreee", now it's stuck like that, at least at work no one calls it by any correct name, its known as "postie" :^)
What's wrong?
>still no object oriented database management systems