/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously on: Welcome to /fglt/. We are always open to users of all levels, including absolute beginners.

There are four ways to try GNU/Linux, you can:

0) Install a GNU/Linux OS on a VM (Virtual Machine/VirtualBox) for "safety purposes"
1) Use the Live ISO directly without installing anything, that way, you can get a "full GNU/Linux experience".
2) Dual-boot GNU/Linux with Windows/Mac (recommended if you want to learn more about GNU/Linux)
3) Go balls deep and overwrite everything with GNU/Linux

Before asking, please search for answers to your questions in resources.

Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Understand that much of your software from Windows will be unavailable, although maybe WINE can make up for it.

IRC connection details:
Server: chat.freenode.net:6667 (no SSL, 6697 for SSL) - Channel: #flt
If you don't have an IRC client (which you should), go to kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/flt to use IRC on a web client.

Visit the Friendly GNU/Linux Thread/Website:

Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx.me, ixquick, whatever)
wiki.archlinux.org/ (Most of the configurations and troubleshoots will work on various distros, including Debian)

Other urls found in this thread:


first for

>categorizing distributions according to your ignorant arbitrary definitions and absolute lack of any previous experience

Haha, Sup Forums stranger strikes again


seconding this

These are called buzzwords.

shucks, got only two



For the love of god if you are a new computer user and you want to use linux but you don't know why, just use emacs instead.

> Newbies
- Ubuntu
- Mint
- Trisquel

>Advanced Newbie
- Fedora
- Manjaro
- BunsenLabs

> Corporative User
- Debian
- CentOS

> Advanced User
- Slackware
- Arch
- Parabola

> Hacker
- Gentoo
- BlackArch

- Tails (VM only)
- Kali Linux (VM only)

> Beyond Hacker
- LFS (1- you create from the scratch)
- BLFS (2- you expand it)
- ALFS (3- you automate it)
- HLFS (4 - you protect it)
- CLFS (5 - you cross compile it)

Blackarch belongs to Hacker: Security (VM only)
Furthermore: Fuck off.

reported for being annoying little shit that doesn't want to go

>announcing reports

go on, report me if it bothers you so much.
it's not like i'm leaving the city tomorrow

I must say you do know your distros. Commencing Fucking off

>> Newbies
>- Ubuntu
>- Mint
>- Trisquel
>>Advanced Newbie
>- Fedora
>- Manjaro
>- BunsenLabs
>> Corporative User
>- Debian
>- CentOS
>> Advanced User
>- Slackware
>- Arch
>- Parabola
>> Hacker
>- Gentoo
>- BlackArch
>- Tails (VM only)
>- Kali Linux (VM only)
>> Beyond Hacker
>- LFS (1- you create from the scratch)
>- BLFS (2- you expand it)
>- ALFS (3- you automate it)
>- HLFS (4 - you protect it)
>- CLFS (5 - you cross compile it)

> Newbies
- Ubuntu
- Mint
- Trisquel

>Advanced Newbie
- Fedora
- Manjaro
- BunsenLabs

> Corporative User
- Debian
- CentOS

> Advanced User
- Slackware
- Arch
- Parabola

> Hacker
- Gentoo
- BlackArch

- Tails (VM only)
- Kali Linux (VM only)

> Beyond Hacker
- LFS (1- you create from the scratch)
- BLFS (2- you expand it)
- ALFS (3- you automate it)
- HLFS (4 - you protect it)
- CLFS (5 - you cross compile it)

> Beyond Reasoning
- lo/g/os Linux
- Ubuntu Satanic Edition
- Hannah Montana Linux
- Justin Bieber Linux
- Apartheid Linux
- Linux for Niggers

>linux for niggers
That's just Jewish

There's also HITLERLINUX.

Ubuntu Christian Edition

>To protect your system for being overrun by liberal thinkers, all telnet sessions are dumped (to /.Hitler/SNIFFS) and monitored for words like 'freedom', 'liberation', 'bar.*mitzvah', 'hitler.*gay' etc.. If any of these regexes are found, the first sector on your main harddrive (the bootsector for HitlerLinux[tm]) are nullified and the system is immediately halted.

What's happening here:

That's hilarious.

whens wayland getting a good window manager?

bad thread this one.

general information.
HitlerLinux[tm] is a free proactive antigay linux operating system shipped under the GML (Gay Mutilation License (related to the GPL)). It's installation comes on 11 DVDs (1 install and 10 DVDs for a unique 1200 gigabit serial key), or optionally 237 CD-ROMs (beat you, SuSE!) or approximately 106 thousand floppys (if you want to order HitlerLinux on cd-rom or floppy you have to notify us 5 weeks in advance). It comes with a filesystem and directory structure unique to the linux environment and a modified linux 2.0 kernel.

the one in gnome is not too bad. is sway still being developed?

I saw that someone is trying to break the board's rules by using a script that mensions all dubs and trips, etc.. when he announces that he created a new thread.
I'll break it 3:)

0. 10000000
1. 11337111
2. 12674222
3. 14011333
4. 15348444
5. 16685555
6. 18022666
7. 19359777
8. 20696888
9. 22033999
10. 23371110


neat hack but it doesn't work.

I will also release the program used to generate those numbers under the GNU General Public License v3.
/* checkem.c
* generates numbers that will (hopefully) be mistaken for
* "GETs," to help stop this autistic phenomenon that's
* beginning to spread on /h/


#define LENGTH 7
#define STEP 1337111
#define ITERS 10

int main (void)
int i, start, step, iterations, tmp;
start = tmp = 1 * pow(10, LENGTH);
step = STEP;
iterations = ITERS;
for (i = 0; i

I upgraded to a new version of Xubuntu and now my mouse pointer disappears every time I log in. What gives?

sway-0.7-1-x86_64 10.2 MiB 1696K/s 00:06 [######################] 100%

How do I install KDE on Fedora?

>How do I install KDE on Fedora?
literally first result on ddg


How long did it take for you guys to stop being perpetually confused and lost with Linux?

sudo dnf install @kde-desktop

Believe me, dear Windows/Mac user, you are the one who's lost and confused.

Thanks. Turned out I already had it installed, just didn't realize that I had to manually switch to it upon login.

got a decade with it, on and off at the start, but more on nowadays.

feeling better with it, but i'm always learning something new, be it a new program or new way of doing what i was doing before. it's great actually, just takes perseverance to stick with it.

a few weeks i think.

Big man, sitting behind his shiny, highly-tailored computer screen.

I'd beat the shit out of you in real life. I'd knock you for a loop so hard, that it'd be infinite and you'd crash.

>Big man
For you

Muscles are for the imbecile.

My muscles will render you an imbecile after I pummel your fucking skull in, at which point you'll be small, and stupid.

I'm pretty sure I can beat you in a fight irl.

when Distrowatch says that xfce Manjaro is considered the mainstream version as opposed to the KDE one what does that actually mean?

>I'm pretty sure
Oh, you're pretty sure? Pretty sure based on what, hmmm? Exactly. Kek. You post about your intellectual superiority and then make a vacuous post such as this.

I'm pretty sure that you're not nearly as smart as you'd like to believe, and that's based on what I've said in this post.

Look, I can stay here wasting my time talking to you, a person I will never meet IRL, tell me that you will "pummel my skull in," or I can just ignore you, report you, and tell you to shut the fuck up, and get the fuck out. This is a friendly thread.
If you don't like GNU/Linux, and you have no intention to learn it or anything, then you have absolutely nothing to do with this thread. Go back to your miserable slave life.

>If you don't like GNU/Linux, and you have no intention to learn it or anything
You could also stop talking out of you ass and acting like an insecure child.

I want to learn GNU/Linux. That's why I'm in this thread. I asked this question just so I'd know what to expect. And while you can say "this is a friendly thread," the fact remains that you responded to my simple question with hostility, like a child, perhaps thinking that post was made with derision or something. I don't know what your fucking problem is.

>Believe me, dear Windows/Mac user, you are the one who's lost and confused.
You call this hostility? Well, sorry if I offended you.

Your apology is accepted.

Anyime i use a filechooser of any type,it hard locks up.Any program that allows file choises does this.What could cause this? It isnt ram or space issues

zsh on suicide watch

bind 'Tab: menu-complete'

bind '"\e[5~": history-search-backward'
bind '"\e[6~": history-search-forward'
echo "foo"; date
echo "bar"; date '+%T

bind '"\em": "\eb\ed\C-y\e#man \C-y\C-m\C-p\C-p\C-a\C-d\C-e"'
# alt+m runs man for the command under the cursor

What did I do wrong? All I did was change the system font to terminus now the taskbar is gone as well as my dock and nothings responding it stays the same after reboot. This is mint I installed yesterday

Could you be more vague?


i love learning about gnu/linux!!!


Might as well stay on Sup Forumsindows since you're willing to use literal shit just because it vaguely resembles it.

I'm trying to learn java, but I can't compile it. I'm using Fedora MATE.

Sorry for uploading a picture, laptop isn't connected online at the moment.

How to fix javac command not found?

install java

Thanks. Will try through a local hotspot.

No luck.

jre and jdk?

How to check? Probably missing jdk.

how to shift my screen back and keep accurate pen inputs?
like alt ctrl up arrow from windows

What's wrong with Mint? It's great for browser shit and Steam



I sent Stallman-sama this

I used the ubtuntu installer on
and folding the laptop into a tablet shifted the screen sideways fine
now, when I used the screen flip my screen went black and I ended up restarting my laptop
the page says this is a known bug but I don't understand the fix mentioned for it, it's over my head

this was the page with the fix I mentioned

"Non-free software is nice." -- Richard Stallman, 2016.

Yesterday I posted a problem with ncmpcpp visualizer "not working" it turns out it only works with FLAC files for some reason, is there any way to change it?

Unfortunately, you'll have to install the nonfree codecs.

You'll need the codecs for them. The reason the flac ones work is because it's FREE.

So basically I need to pay in order to get the visualizer work? I kinda don't understand

Free as in freedom, not as in "gratis" (Free speech vs. free beer)

Free as in freedom

oh I see I see

FLAC was available because it's FREE so it was bundled with your distro, so the non-free ones couldn't be bundles and thus weren't.

So what codecs I'm gonna need to get this thing to work?

What kind of music do you have? MP3 most likely, and AAC (M4A)

MP3 and some m4a.


That should be about it for the standard mix

I have already those codecs except for vorbis

Best video editing software for Linux? The moar features the better. Free as in free of charge. idgaf about free as in freedom

I want to learn about penetration testing just for fun. I used Ubuntu at school for a while but only learned basic commands and shitty simple bash scripts.
I have a 1.2 GHz 2GB RAM laptop that I don't use anymore so I can format it and install some distro in it.
Should I learn first in ubuntu or is it better to jump right into Kali?
I know some Java, C, php and a bit of cisco networking (I don't know if knowing something about programming and stuff affects the decision)


>idgaf about free as in freedom
woah son, tread carefully here.

Just go with Kali.


Gtfo, nerds. I'm going to use my computer how I want to

ok. Where can I learn how to use it?

Thanks, broseph

If I want to write a free version of unrar, how would I go? Reverse engeneering?

Also: Let's say the project is finished, wouldn't it encourage users to coninue using rar?

Thoughts welcome.

>Also: Let's say the project is finished, wouldn't it encourage users to coninue using rar?
i guess that's the reason why nobody already did the job


Very nice. Replaced.

Use 7z