Talk me about Windows 10

Talk me about Windows 10

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Sage, report and hide w10 threads

Sage goes in all fields

it bad very, gentoo the installation do

Way better uptimes than Windows 9 ever had.

Great OS I use it.

It knows more about your wife than you do

it a guy bigger than linux

Is of bad update automatic, annoying very bad is.

Bash for Windows. Nuff said.

you for!

>Why does it wear ads?

It's perfect! Very much recommend!

i talk you windows 10

Forced to use windows for muh gaming and some work software.

Best windows since XP honestly.

I feel it mostly gets a bad rep because of forced upgrade, because people are afraid of change.
That really shouldn't be a problem for anyone on Sup Forums though since most linux distros upgrade every 6 months.

can pro be de-botnetted as thoroughly as enterprise yet?

Nah its the botnet that we hate, and the Microsoft jewery.

Haha yes Friend :))
The micro$HILL jews are stealing our freedoms haaha :DD

Freedumb ainht free :D:D

most of the hate I think is directed towards metro by plebs who don't know about classic shell and are too much of a luddite to learn a new interface. metro is the windows equivalent of unity, so Sup Forums hates it because it's different and shiny. I mean just remember the kind of hissy fits Sup Forums threw over fucking wobbly windows

>microcuck in full damage control

no it's not, but do you even know the price of freedom? it's eternal vigilance bitch, and don't talk to me about compromise, that's a weak mans game. every compromise you make to seem reasonable, every battle you don't fight because it's not important enough is a breach of your own personal ethical code and devalues you as a human

>most of the hate I think is directed towards metro
I don't get this.
Gnome has had that feature for years and it's much better than the old "start menu" system.
Push the windows key and type the program name. So simple and elegant.

All of the privacy violations found in windows 10 are now in windows 8 and 7. If you're going to use windows, Windows 10 isn't any less private than the other version of windows.

They all figuratively shove a camera up your ass.

It does not for my needs as a pedophile, for that I use Linux.

Nice try, you still ended up hanging like a bitch.

>implying pedos don't all use haiku

Microsoft is part of NSA's mass surveillance program "PRISM":

Microsoft informs the NSA about bugs before fixing them:

Microsoft openly offeres cloud data to support PRISM:

Microsoft has backdoored its disk encryption: ·

Windows snoops on the users' files, text input, voice input,
location, contacts, calendar records and web browsing history,
even after related settings are turned off: · ·

Windows 10 scans for illegal/pirated software:

Microsoft proudly presents surveillance statistics:

> Over 82 billion photos viewed.
> Gamers spent over 4 billion hours playing PC games.
> 44.5 billion minutes/month spent in Microsoft Edge.
> Over 2.5 billion questions asked of Cortana since launch.
> Windows 10 now active on over 200 million devices.

B O T N E T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >
O Microsoft is part of NSA's mass surveillance program "PRISM":
E Microsoft informs the NSA about bugs before fixing them:
| Microsoft openly offeres cloud data to support PRISM:
| Microsoft has backdoored its disk encryption:
| ·
| Windows snoops on the users' files, text input, voice input,
| location, contacts, calendar records and web browsing history,
| even after related settings are turned off:
| ·
| ·
| A Traffic Analysis of Windows 10:
| Keypoints: Windows 10 has a keylogger and uploads all your
| keystrokes every 5 minutes. Everything you type in Edge or
| Cortana is sent to Microsoft, along with any media files it
| finds. When webcam is enabled, 35MB of data goes to Microsoft.
| Even with Cortana disabled/uninstalled, Windows 10 sends all
| microphone audio to Microsoft, when the computer is idle.
| Windows 10 sends desktop screenshots straight to Microsoft:
| Windows 10 scans for illegal/pirated software:
| Microsoft proudly presents surveillance statistics:
| > Over 82 billion photos viewed.
| > Gamers spent over 4 billion hours playing PC games.
| > 44.5 billion minutes/month spent in Microsoft Edge.
| > Over 2.5 billion questions asked of Cortana since launch.
| > Windows 10 now active on over 200 million devices.

Who cares about fucking telemetry shit when Windows 10 literally uninstalls programs without permission?

and windows 7 and 8 do all of this too now.

slow down and breath sparky

don't care
one word
video games
check mate, freetards

I don't get it, you try to educate people and start off with using the word "botnet". The problems Win7-10 have, have nothing to do with botnets. Read up on the subject before you act smart.

Windows IS the largest active botnet.

Tell me what are they exactly doing with all those PCs in their botnet?

Collecting personal information != botnet.

no, they don't, parjeet

Windows 10 is for poor people, they are mesmerized by the interface that reminds them of the good ol' days when they were working, pushing digital buttons on the monitor of their cash register.

do you even know about INDECT

they always have
XP and vista too

people like
are pathetic

dumb freetards

>being this deluded



You can disable all of these during installation and afterwards.

Why did any of you switch to Win 10, was it just because it's new?


How many extra FPS would get with Win 10 vs Win 7?

Allow me to jump in.
Im on Win7, i can get it for free, should i?
Im an usability fag, I wouldn't even switch to Win7 from XP if it wasnt for 64bit & games.

Also, I need a 64bit system for Wife, so she can play new games.
Should I just get her Win10? ;-/

>forces auto updates on you even when you're doing important stuff like rendering videos
>uninstalls programs without your permission
>two control panels

it beats the shit out of everything since XP for compatibility, I can play games I haven't in a decade.

same goes for linux threads

Would use, but

The font rendering is pretty stupid

And I can't honestly stand how it looks, I would love it if I could at least change that. Windows 7 was pretty flexible with that. OSX looks better and Linux can be made that way. It's just like they want to dislike graphic design

But other than that the system is pretty fast, boots obnoxiously fast as well and I'm never worrying about my hardware not being used properly. I just don't want to use this system to read for instance.

True freedom is when a private company is NOT forced by anyone to show publicly confidential data such as source code. You got a choice - either use Windows or other OS. It has nothing to do with valuing human life you arrogant stupid retard.
Linux virginfags should be permabanned from this board. You're a cancer of this world.

no. install w7 and use daz loader

Does it run dos games natively?

>Libertarianism is the only acceptable opinion so fuck off
Damn man, I was kind of agreeing with you until you went all self righteous babby sperg

Tell me straight to my face this looks good

no, if you're not installing botnet spyware patches for updating to Win10

You can't control it all by Windows buildin software...

Yoda pls

friendly reminder to ignore freetard posts


>Windows 9

>Windows10 is great, just install these 20 crude registry hacks and 5 third party tools which will stop working after the next mandatory update


Who the fuck even plays new games?

Talking about that, how's the spybot anti-beacon ?

M$ shill at work...

The best just got better.
When we were working on GNU/NT Windows 10, we knew that creating an entirely new design meant inventing entirely new technology. When we envisioned the new GNU/NT kernel, we landed on remarkably fast and secure revolutionary operating system made useful by the GNU/NT corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full operating system as defined by POSIX. Everyone should have an operating system this advanced. And everyone can. GNU/NT Windows 10 is the biggest thing happened to Windows since Windows 3.1.
- Universal user interface.
- All-new Start Menu and Metro applications integration.
- Powered by long-term-support GNU/NT and Linux kernel.
- And introducing Cortana.
It's the most amazing Windows yet!

I love the new design.
Great for kids and elderly, as well as the IT-Pro.
I even has X-Box Live, for all those videogame players.

Best of all, it's free as in free to download.

change it then

Change what? The title bar color?

Holy shit this is groundbreaking

Next you will tell me you can change the wallpaper

I miss the Vista look. It was so comfy :(.

I agree Windows 8 and 10 both look and feel so ghetto, like an OS that was created by the federal government.

well at least my background is not some premade stock one.
I know it sucks that I can not change much further than a few basic colours, but I'm pretty satisfied with the solution of the start menu in general with the quick pane on the right side


>Windows IS the largest active botnet.
Why are there thousands of fuckin idiots that don't even know the definition of the word botnet?
Go fuck your mom in the ass somemore, your pants are beginning to stink.

>tfw there will never be an OS sexier than Vista and OS X Leopard

you mean 2000 and 10.3, right?

nigger for niggers

here is your (You)

Nice Evangelion 3.33 song.

Literally no good games have come out since 2012, prove me wrong

True - but I enjoyed stellaris for 10 hours.

Windows 10 in a nutshell.

Since all of our base belong to M$, one has no choice but to embrace it

It's like getting on facebook to edit privacy settings

I'm a privacy nut but if you want a proper setup then you need vpn, encryption, enterprise grade hardware firewall, the whole mantra.

Besides I don't have time to nitpick, I'd rather employ a security specialist

Users with actual usage don't spend their time in the configuration settings, business standards exist for a reason... Although I firmly believe that privacy is the currency of the future. I'm sure many users feel conflicted in the same way

My nigga. Slug slaver master race.

Pure cancer. Install and die immediately.