Why does this board jerk off hard for linux here...

why does this board jerk off hard for linux here? People are actually using linux as their main desktop OS and that seems fucking horrible.

Linux is good for servers but not a good desktop OS, it is super unuser friendly and the only ones who disagree with it are droning hard for that fat bearded guy and have had an autistic interest for coding since they've been 4. Seriously anyone who says "linux is just as easy or even more easy to use than windows" then you are just a delusional shithead, not everyone knows 923890129012 terminal commands you absolutely have to know to install a fucking simple program, especially when you cant just double click downloaded files you want to install.

Even OSX is better than linux, and people who buy apple products are super degenerate. Yes Windows sucks also desu but its the only OS were I can install whatever I want and play any game I want without big problems.¨

I like open source and I wish there was a better desktop OS out there with a company that actually supports it like a company do, I was hope chromeOS actually would start happening soon but google said NOPE today.

Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

>Yes Windows sucks also desu but its the only OS were I can install whatever I want and play any game I want without big problems.¨
Who the fuck plays games on their computer... Just buy a console like a normal person, you fucking weirdo

>why does this board jerk off hard for linux here?
Because Sup Forums was originally comprised of programmers and system administrators. Linux is ideal for server uptime and stability. If you break it you're the retard. The OS doesn't try to do things predicatively.

>desktop OS out there with a company that actually supports it like a company do
Red Hat is supported for desktop. You pay for the support contract.

>Even OSX is better than

>Seriously anyone who says "linux is just as easy or even more easy to use than windows" then you are just a delusional shithead, not everyone knows 923890129012 terminal commands you absolutely have to know to install a fucking simple program, especially when you cant just double click downloaded files you want to install.
>Muh GUI!
Really though Ubuntu is pretty user-friendly. The software center works as a nice front-end for the "923890129012 terminal commands" (which boil down to "apt-get install ____")

Putting aside all objectivity of using linux, almost every business uses windows server. The only time ive seen a linux server being used is as a web server for a small online billing application.

what I meant was that I was hoping for google to make a desktop OS much like Android and evolve like Android did.

A big company making an OS that can actually gain big partners-> more support -> when more support comes more people wanna develop for OS -> even bigger support = almost every developer supports the OS

Linux OSes feels like they are developed in peoples basements and never get anywhere. Look at how every year these neckbeards says THIS IS THE YEAR OF LINUX GAMING and then 0.5% of steam players are using linux.

For an OS to get anyware today you need a big company behind it, its like saying grassroots movements make big changes in the world. They dont, they just do retarded shit, look like inbreds and nothing good comes out of it.

Have you never used Ubuntu or Mint or something? They have a DPKG (package installer) frontend that is pretty much double click (then hit install), and a pretty not terrible software center. Running Debian (a mainly server OS) on my desktop, the only problems I've had are ones that are just due to it not including non-free software (problems which you won't have on Ubuntu, Mint, more mainstream distros). And Arch on my laptop is fast, and I get great battery life. The only reason I have Windows at this point is for Autodesk Inventor and Overwatch. I honestly would say that something like Mint or Elementary is easier than Windows. They're actually pretty hard to break, and my fucking retarded friend who can't figure out how to copy files on Windows was able to pretty easily pick up Mint.

A lot of the support issues have had to do with lack of funding. The open source community is slowly becoming more comfortable with a hybrid model that allows for paid software (which means developers actually make money!).

Stallman's idea for Open Source will never work, it's communism in software form.

not sure if this is bait

>Linux is ideal for server uptime and stability. If you break it you're the retard. The OS doesn't try to do things predicatively.

The fuck are you talking about? Have you ever touched Windows Server in your life?

yes ive used them both, not every program are in these "software stores" and if they arent it is a fucking mess to install if it not just is "apt-get install".

Seriously installing shit just for my headset to work took almost 1 hour to do.

>it is super unuser friendly and the only ones who disagree with it are droning hard for that fat bearded guy

You hit the nail on the head. People like Linux BECAUSE it's unfriendly and they're Elitists.

See: Arch installation

Yes, dipshit. How many do you manage? 5?

When you're dealing with thousands you start to see the differences in uptime quickly.

thanks opie, you sure convinced me
I'll switch to Windows 10 now
(it even has bash)
Linux btfo'd lmao how can it even compute, haha GET IT

Doesn't Ubuntu have this thing where you can install packages right from your browser by clicking links to a special protocol? How's that not a thousand times more convenient than downloading files and clicking on them?

> desu

kill yourself immediately

>server vs desktop
stopped reading there

the roles are conceptual in unix because there's no need to market overpriced copies of windows 7

so any compuetr is a "desktop" and a "server" depending on yr apps

>When you're dealing with thousands you start to see the differences in uptime quickly.

None of the myriad of Windows Server installations I've ever run into have ever had problems with uptime or the OS doing things behind your back, at least not any more than your average RHEL or Ubuntu distro.

Then again, we use them mainly for legacy apps that depend on .NET and MS SQL Server. so maybe you're doing something weird with them.

I agree
can you leave us alone now.
>Inb4, but le Lincucks shove le gnu down much troats
not really
all I've seen for the last 6 monyhs are arch hate threads and people baiting Linux users

oops, wrong reply

>2001 buy Sun with solaris
everything just works
>2005 Buy Macbook with OS X
everything just works
>2006 install debian
can't find wifi drivers on netinstall disk. Have to make a new netinstall disk because having wifi drivers is against the sensibilities of some toe jam eating, bird fucking hippie that calls himself a Doctor when he never earned the title.

>Opensores on the desktop is a retarded idea.

Uh, because I can open chromium faster and run it more smoothly than with any other OS. The video playback is also best. To use SSH and SCP with my torrent boxes and control MPD on my music server. It also makes it easy as shit to run web servers off my desktop.
>playing computer games
you realise this is the biggest waste of dopamine right? Go outside or get some [boi]pussy and improve your social skills and the lives of those around you.

That's because their employees are trained to use Microsoft Office and closed-source CRMs and databases made by the likes of Fujitsu.

Gotta ring fucken Fujitsu for binary bug fixes. This is government, btw. You can see why the IT departments like to roll their own (open-source within the company) intranet applications where possible, because somebody on site can edit the code on demand.

>we use them mainly for legacy apps that depend on .NET and MS SQL Server.
That's the difference, ours are in active development.

>Opensores on the desktop is a retarded idea.
It just werks when you've got hardware developers building working drivers for it. It's like AMD vs NVidia. AMD builds such shit-tier drivers that the open source ones are better. NVidia works incredibly well given the minimal effort put in.

dude fuck off

I know that buttblasted winfags picked up the fact about stallman being retarded about the use of his imaginary doctor honoris causa because every other bait against him has been beaten to the point where everyone just ignores the post but stop

>linux doesn't have games

Go cry to your mommy you fucking faggot.

There are literally 8 fucking threads whining about linux on the catalog right now.

Stop replying you fucking retards.

You lost me at
>and play any game I want

No need to argue, tou are right Linux sucks major ass, now please leave you must need to play some witcher or wow or something...


>why does this board jerk off hard for linux here?
It's free as in freedom as well as free as in free beer
>People are actually using linux as their main desktop OS and that seems fucking horrible.
It supports most DX9 & 10 software / games with wine, openGL, Z -fucking- FS support, nearly no bloat, can function entirely in a desktop UI, and three dozen terminal commands to retain in memory and you're set.
>linux is just as easy or even more easy to use than windows
It's not harder. Just different.
I work at a computer store and some Woman came in who actually casually used Linux as her OS for years, could navigate a terminal just fine, apt-get anything she needed, and was stumped about how to navigate windows.
She was entirely normal.
>Even OSX is better than linux, and people who buy apple products are super degenerate.
>Yes Windows sucks also desu but its the only OS were I can install whatever I want and play any game I want without big problems.
Windows is major bloat at this point and is getting worse as win 10 is loaded with more features that will never see the light of day.
>I like open source and I wish there was a better desktop OS out there with a company that actually supports it like a company do, I was hope chromeOS actually would start happening soon but google said NOPE today.

Once you've learned to do it once it comes naturally.
It's not harder, just different.

How long did it take you to operate your first Windows computer with confidence?
You have to start from scratch and all that ports over is your problem solving skills.

This whole thread is bait

Is this what trolling is like in 2016? Fucking hell, I pity millenials


its getting worse
