/tpg/ - ThinkPad General

Previous thread: IRC: #/tpg/ on irc.rizon.net

Other business laptops are also welcome in /tpg/ (e.g. Dell Latitude/Precision, HP EliteBook/ZBook).
If you're looking for purchase advice, READ THE BUYERS GUIDE FIRST. Then post, stating budget and requirements (e.g. size and performance).
Don't buy anything OTHER THAN T, X AND W/P SERIES if you want the Real ThinkPad Experience™

Recommended models:
T420 - 14", normal size
X220 - 12.5", lightweight
Why ThinkPad? (also applies to other business laptops)
>Used machines are plentiful and cheap.
>Excellent keyboards - tactile feel and quiet.
>Great durability: chassis uses a magnesium rollcage for structural integrity, with high quality plastic body panels.
>Utilitarian design: e.g. indicator LEDs, 7 row keyboard layout on older models.
>Docking stations that easily turns your laptop into a desktop.
>Easy to repair, upgrade and maintain thanks to readily available service manuals for every model. Spare parts are easy and cheap to obtain.
>The best trackpoint (that red thing in the middle of the keyboard). Great for those who type a lot or hate swiping their fingers all over a touchpad.
>Excellent GNU/Linux & *BSD support.
Used ThinkPad Buyers Guide:

New guides by xsauc:

EPP discount for new ThinkPads (USA & Canada only, usually 15%+ off):

ThinkWiki - Info on ThinkPads and running GNU/Linux on them:

ThinkPad service guides w/ tutorial videos:

ThinkPad wallpaper collection:

Other urls found in this thread:

support.lenovo.com/us/en/products/Laptops-and-netbooks/ThinkPad-T-Series-laptops/ThinkPad-T520/4242/BC5?tabName=Downloads&linkTrack=Mast:SubNav:Support:Drivers and Software|Drivers and Software&beta=false

first for the glorious T420s

second for the greatest X220

Any thermal issues? People seem to mention heating problems on forums.
Also how's the battery life?

Who here /ultrabase docking/?

Didn't get any replies on the last thread so asking again here:
Any thoughts on the X121e? What sort of price should the i3 version go for?

I have a thinkpad yoga 15. It's terrible, every time it starts something rewrites the UEFI boot order to boot windows first. I had to rename the grub efi file to Windows.efi just to get it to boot into grub reliablly.

Never had any heat issues. And the battery life is somewhere around 3 hours, maybe 4 or 5 if you have the screen turned off (and play music with it).
I was worried too at first that it would get hot, but no problems so far.
What do you intend to do with it? I can imagine that if you'd want to render movies with it it'll get hot, but then again, I'd use a desktop for that.


any way to stress test it to see how hot it gets?

just played quake 3 for a few minutes, you can see the temperature increase, but no alarming temps yet

I'll install CS:GO to see how that plays and how hot my CPU will get

stress -c 2

>T/R6x basic, normal and ginormous
>x6x docks for regular and tablet models
>A/T30 dock
>T430 dock
>T440 dock
>random USB dock Lenovo made
I kind of want to get the newer dock they have but I can't justify the price or even need for it.

I wouldn't pay more then $120 for one and thats a stretch. I'd just get the E series variant.

is this too hot?

looks like it cools pretty well

That Dell is giving me a boner.

I guess it should be stress -c 4, but whatever.
My X220 maxes out at 87-90C, so your temps aren't too bad.

>X220/X230 ultrabase
>audio output is fucking unusable, static noises all the time

Its all sorts of fucked up, selling the W530 tomorrow & I'll have funds to refurb that thing.

yeah it gets warmer now, also uses %100 of the CPU
I guess it's still fine though, how often do you actually use %100 of your CPU?

Hey Sup Forumsuys I'm looking at getting a thinkpad for college this fall, where does the t420 fall short, has anyone had any problems with it. If it helps I'm going into CS and figured this was my best bet.

Hmmmm. What makes you say that? Build quality?

>how often do you actually use %100 of your CPU?
Extremely rarely, but I do have a habit of capping CPU at 800-1500MHz since that's all I need most of the time, so I'm the wrong user to ask this.

>where does the t420 fall short
Dog shit screen

Is it bad enough to warrant the purchase of a different laptop, if so what thinkpad would you recommend.

My optical drive falls out really easy since the tab to remove it sticks out from underneath like a sore thumb and unlatches the drive whenever it gets caught on something.

h-how much and do u deliver to straya xd ;w;

Just personal preference, I would spring a bit extra for a T420, X130 or for a 2560/70p

There is a X120e user who did a mobo swap on it, (s)he likes it, i'd say let them chime in.

X130e is much more thicker than the X120e, and its still bigger than a X220 lol


I sometimes have worldwide availablilty, but since I haven't had a scale, I've had to bump up its weight so I could make sure I wont overpay :x

>Is it bad enough to warrant the purchase of a different laptop
No, I couldn't be happier with my T420s

Btw, if you want to games with it, you can't. Just tried CS:GO and uninstantiated it. Got like 45 FPS with everything on low 1600x900

However, you can play the best first person shooter ever, Quake III Arena , which is open source. What's there not to love?

You have to use 720 if you wanna play any games, it simply can't handle 1600x900 on pretty much any game.

Yeah I've got a desktop that I'm bringing with me to college which I'll do all my vidya on but I wanted a laptop for something more portable between classes and what not, thanks for the insight.

I might try that in the future but I don't really see the point of serious gaming on my ThinkPad since I have a good desktop.

I do have Diablo II and Q3A installed to kill some time, though

Thanks for your insight, I'm already brining my desktop to college for vidya so I just wanted a laptop for stuff on the go or in between classes.

I have a lenovo t530, what kind of stuff can I put in the card reader? Pic related, it's #1

My nigga

I had one but it would randomly crash and reboot itself no matter what os i was running.

>Diablo II and Q3A
all you need senpai

so I do believe this laptop doesn't came out of Lenovo with the fingerprint reader, I will replace it with the actual reader from the broken x220t

An SD Card...

What about in that top tray?

i have the same laptop, there are these pc express cards that uoi can put in with all kinds of different stuff even extra usb slots

Helle everyone.

I'm an aspiring CompSci student and want to know which laptop best fits me. Do you guys have any ideas (looking for a laptop that can last 4+ years). Of course within the Thinkpad series.

Problem is, I live in the Netherlands and the supply of second hand/refurbished Thinkpads isn't that great. I was also wondering if it is THAT bad to purchase a brand new (of course at the lowest price I can find)?

My budget is around 650 euros (700 is my absolute max). Preferably a Thinkpad with an SSD and 1080p IPS screen (or is that too much to ask for with my budget? ;__;)

I'm sorry, but I'm not very tech-savvy, so please don't use too much Sup Forums lingoo. I plan on using Windows 7 if it is installed on the Thinkpad already, but I'm also satisfied with W8/8.1.

Thank you very much!

>I plan on using Windows 7 if it is installed on the Thinkpad already, but I'm also satisfied with W8/8.1.
install gentoo

>double linebreaks
>thinks that the copy of Windows installed is the only OS he can have
>"aspiring CompSci student"


honestly. yea. you will see a major performance boost and it will free up your workspace to focus on school, save the product key to install on a game desktop if you want to play games

>Windows 7
Nigga, every freshman Informatica at the UvA uses Linux. Unless ofcourse you're going to a Hogeschool (but even then I recommend Linux)

Go for a T420 or maybe a T530 if you really need the horsepower, even with the highest specs and 1080p monitor that's within your budget.
Don't expect to play vidya on any thinkpad since that's not what they're made for.
You can get a T420s for roughly €250 at gebruikt.com - it's where I bought mine. Excellent service and support

Which one of you Sup Forumsents is this?


>5 t420s
>Anime as shit
>Windows 7

(Would you be willing to take your sale down and just do it for me privately? Pretty please?)

I wouln't buy that weeb machine, probably jizzed on it.

Luckily it has the splash proof keyboard

My x60t's display gets all crazy and distorted if I light touch on the bezel or the back of the LCD housing. What could be causing this?

If you want new, thinkpad 13 is a pretty decent option

Thank you for the first non-shitpost.
I'm going to a Hogeschool (Haagse), but I'm not tech-savvy so I have no idea about Linux, how to use it, etc. I'll feel like a wannabe if I use Linux/deviates of Linux if I barely know to use it, that's why I better stick with Windows. And ICT =/= Compsci, though I didn't know the word for it in English so I said Compsci.

Thanks though, I'll have a look around. With my budget, is a thinkpad the best option or are there better alternatives?

>right hinge on my x230 had started feeling a little floppy
>disassembled most of the display to try and fix it before I figured out it was just a screw on the outside of the case that needed tightening
probably would've found out about the screw had I just googled

Well duh, it doesn't have one. It's not really that uncommon.

But anyway, you shouldn't use it anyway. I thought it was neat at first, but now I've disabled it on all of my thinkpads - that's what I'd like to say, but it doesn't fucking work for me. Disabling it in BIOS does absolutely nothing, still works..

Is it possible to replace the trackpad on a L540 with one that isn't pure fucking cancer?

You bought an L540, just live with your mistake

Which T-series would Sup Forums recommend as a desktop replacement (general productivity; onboard graphics is fine).

Nah, not for me. The missus was given one when she enrolled on her Veterinary Med course. So she needs it for her work. Just, well... it's fucking horrendous.

430 with a dock.

Is she the one complaining or is it just you?

t530 with dock. quadcore if you need more juice

She is, constantly.

Oh, I see, well that's bad. I really doubt that you can do anything about it..

the **50 swap might be doable on that model

Thanks, will look into it.

Got my T420 Dock today, works surprisingly well with dual 2560x1440p monitors hooked up. Obviously the main laptop display stops working when using two external monitors, but the resolution gained for web browsing is amazing.

Get a machine that dualboots then
Start with something simple like mint (i study art history and know how to use it) then gradually upgrade to gentoo
I think a thinkpad with an i7 and a ssd and 8gb of ram will be all you need the next 4-5 years
If you buy smart you'll even have enough money to buy an eGPU with that budget


It's a windows bug, happens with most new monitors that display at 59.94Hz, the OS just rounds it to 59Hz even though it's effectively 60Hz.

There is even a technet article on it if you care to look further into it.

web browsing in one monitor, watching 1080p 60FPS youtube on the other.

Going from ~65% CPU usage up to 85-95% when reloading a web page.

Temps going from 84-88C

I'm impressed. Also glad I upgraded the RAM, seeing almost 8GB of usage with only 2 chrome tabs open.

pic related

Hey Sup Forums.

What's the most I should pay for a T500 in Canuck land? I was looking at one, but it's 160, and has the lowest screen resolution.

Part of me thinks I should wait, but for some reason Thinkpads have almost seemed to go up in price. Or at least, they haven't gone down for about 4 years.

I'll just be using it for general browsing/writing/cartoons.

Adding to this, what kind of red flags should I look out for buying used? I got an X220 years ago (and am still using it now) and the guy I bought it from was really chill. The current seller now seems, less than so.

>I'll just be using it for general browsing/writing/cartoons.
I'd rec one of the models in OP.
I don't know what a Canadian would pay if that's what you meant by >Canuck.
Redflag for me is stock images, or no image of the bios screen. Off the top of my head.

Would this fit in a t420?


>just missed out on a t420 that cost £42 by a last split second eBay bid

Fucks sake, I'm never going to get a t420/x220, am I?

Linux Mint on my x220t supports multi-touch and the pen inputs on the live boot from USB.
Goodbye wangblows.

you are, just not for that price

Nice :)

anyone playing risk of rain on their T420/X220?

This and Dawn of War Soulstorm are the only reason I keep around my Windows 7 80 gig HDD.

Risk of Rain is for linux too though

linux does it as well. one of my dells is shown as 59.9 Hz while the second is shown as 60.

Then I should go find that HDD and do something useful with it. Like store pornography, or funny internet images.

Got a T420 recently. I'm shocked by how amazing it is, especially since it was so cheap. The linux support is amazing (got arch running easily), muh vidya (which is literally just Toontown and some STALKER) runs flawlessly, and physically, it's solid and sturdy. Thanks for giving me a meme worth falling for, /tpg/.

>a friend of mine is looking to get a laptop
>he knows I'm usually knowledgeable about tech, and knows I have a thinkpad
>he gets all reluctant when I tell him that they're only good value when pre-owned
>he's probably getting an L-series
>I will inevitably be blamed if he isn't pleased with it

Hey, am I wrong or did I buy a Thinkpad with no wifi capabilities?

support.lenovo.com/us/en/products/Laptops-and-netbooks/ThinkPad-T-Series-laptops/ThinkPad-T520/4242/BC5?tabName=Downloads&linkTrack=Mast:SubNav:Support:Drivers and Software|Drivers and Software&beta=false

It plays stalker? I fucking love that game, but never bothered trying to play it on my T420. Is yours with the nvidia gpu?

that model has wifi. if you got it on ebay check and make sure the wireless card isn't missing, i have had that happen before

I just bought a T510 for a hundred bucks. Did I do good or was I assraped?
>1600x900 15"
>[email protected]
>160GB HDD

Yeah, I bought it on ebay two months ago but have been slow to set it up because of this wifi issue. I just hope they don't think I'm trying to pull a fast one on them. I ran lspci and saw no wireless card. I've sent a message to them.

Good deal, 100 bucks sounds like what you'd pay for an old Penryn.

Newfag here. The Fry's bitch tried talk me into the t300.. should i..?

pop off the keyboard (remove bottom access panel, undo silver captive screw, push down on theu keyboard with an upward pushing motion, watch the keyboard cable) and see if there is one.

If he won't take your advice tell him not to do it. If he feels buyers remorse after just call him a dumbass.

65C is not good for idling

It's idling on a 5120x1440p desktop, i'd expect it to be a bit above the normal 1366x768....