What did you make with your Raspberry Pi, lads?

What did you make with your Raspberry Pi, lads?

A quadrocopter? Night vision goggles? Portable emulator? Or did you just put it in a draw never to be seen again?

Other urls found in this thread:


Running a tor relay on it

masturbation station


You gain nothing and there's always the risk you'll get raided, even if it isn't an exit node.

Recently made a little security jobby.

>door opens
>starts a script
>sends a "your door has opened" notification to android via pushbullet
>starts recording 3x10 second videos
>uploads them to my dropbox

Was surprised how easy it was to do just copy/pasting bits of code.

>just copy/pasting bits of code.

raspberry pi 'education' in action right there


Why would i get raided for running a relay? O_o

centri gun .and robot

A server with :
- my website
- cloud storage
- music streaming, synced with the cloud
- VPN server
What do you suggest now, Sup Forums?


I hate British people.

>What do you suggest now, Sup Forums?

you get a life you beta virginfag

Dust collector for most people.

How would you make night vision goggles?

calm it lad

fuck off

alri lad haha x


couldn't get a RasPi0

irc bots and something to format external disks in ext with, mostly

>on a taiwanese motherboard discussion subforum
>calls another a virginfag

ok france

Found this video, it should give you an idea.


On the advice of /diy/ I shoved mine up my ass. Worked nicely.

Controls relays for my garage door opener and door lock

>using a Raspberry Pi for a microcontroller's job

An GPS/PPS stratum 1 NTP server

I bought a USB coax adapter plus an mpeg4 license and use it as an OTA DVR.

I'm running minecraft server on mine.


>gain nothing
>me me me me only I'm important
Also, nobody gets raided for being a relay.

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of shit with down syndrome.

Web server
Mail server
VPN server
Authoritative name server
Resolving name server
BitTorrent client
Usenet client
VoIP server
Tor entry node
Tor relay node
RADIUS authentication server
System monitoring
Network monitoring

Kill your parent for not having you aborted and then kill yourself for being a fucking loser.

I'm currently studying webdev, I have friend at this school, and I share service I host with them.
I also have a gf for more than a year and we fuck like 2 times a day.
I am happy with my life because I do what I like, I have some hobbies like photography and music and literally everything in my life is fine.

Now, kill yourself.

You are right, but you took the bait.

>me me me me only I'm important
Well that's one way to put it, I suppose.

Sorry that I don't do anything unless I benefit from it like a normal person.

I guess you could benefit from it as it's a learning experience, but to leave it running is just stupid.

Right now I'm in the process of turning an A+ into an mp3 player, using mpd and ncmpcpp and displaying through an Adafruit PiTFT. I have all the boards I need, and I've figured out which wires need to be soldered where. Now I just need to plan out the control scheme and where to mount the buttons. I don't even want to think about designing and building the case, but I'll need to do that eventually as well.

Part of me is wondering why I didn't just buy a Fiio or something, but at least this way I get to tinker around with things.


Do you seed your torrents?

Yeah, I use a private tracker so I have to.

Get your dirty foreign post out of this nice British Raspberry Pi thread before I challenge you to a dual, you bounder.

it's gathering dust

I powered it on a week ago, and that was it.
I kind of want to make a stupid mini laptop or something, but it seems to get expensive really quickly (like, it'll be $200 including the pi for something really shit)


The Raspberry Pi Zero looks comfy ngl.

Not using a capital letter.

>xddD KILL URSEFL because i don't like u!!! xD

Man, is it summer already?

an emulation station inside an old Super Nintendo shell. waiting for components to arrive from Aliexpress, so no pictures yet

Proof that Stirner's concept of the union of egoists is bullshit.

Wow, that's some high level autism


Summerfag get out

I agree, but I don't understand.

I turned mine into a better computer system for my car.
Figured, rpi zero + 4" touchscreen and other shit was cheaper than buying aftermarket parts for a 23 year old Buick
Now I can tether my phone to my car for music, ac control, etc

I'm on an elementary school's tech board. We have a robotics program but it uses LEGO Mindstorms. We have a large immigrant population and all the parents are engineers and asked me to switch the program to Raspberry Pi. I bought one but it seems l I keep it's for teaching coding, not hardware/robotics.

Any guides for getting started with robotics with this thing? Or should I switch to something else, like the Arduino

This is neat and all, but I got all hyped thinking he'd be making proper thermal NV goggles, not IR lights and camera.

If you're going the robotics route then start with microcontrollers like the arduino. You can always add on the raspberry pi later if you need greater computing/scripting power or whatever but between the arduino and all the cheap modules/BT/wifi/RF/etc you have plenty of room to experiment.

how do i set up pihole +dns cache?

Almost fell for the meme and make a weather forecast mirror thing with the pi. Still have yet to buy a mirror and a pi though. But I want to live in the futuristic world that I miss because all the places here are all victoria era shit

I didn't get one. But I'm planning on buying a beaglebone for baremetal assembly programming.