Core Tor Developer who accuses FBI of Harassment moves to Germany
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Is Isis really her name? kek
>Isis Agora Lovecruft
>m-ma'am, h-how do I say your name again?
>terrorist organization, black market website, racist horror author
Holy shit, she really lost hard in the name game.
They need to put a trigger warning on this shit.
>FBI is giving you shit
>move to a country that is permanently occupied by the US military
Seriously though, she should go to Norway or something. They don't extradite to the US, so they aren't as bad as Germany.
>the hacker news
>article written by female poo in loo
Is this a satire website?
Literally everywhere is occupied by the us military
Yeah, Isis is actually a name. Unlucky name to have desu
Not everyone is a bigot, user :^)
>They don't extradite to the US
lol, so naive
>tfw no qt3.14 hacker gf
this is pretty conflicting to Sup Forums's sensibilities
Which are
>studied physics specializing in hep theory and english specializing in feminist critical theory
she might as well be a unicorn by this site's standards
What are you talking about.
She isnt even an sjw
but she has to be if you ask Sup Forums.
that's all I'm saying.
Just about the only countries left that won't cooperate with the US are China, Russia and NK.
She's a qt
Youre worse than Sup Forums and also cant tell jokes from reality. Or did the "meme magic" get to you.
All 3 do similar things that the US does, interestingly enough, so none are viable choices for living in.
>racist horror author
Germany is basically taking in all of the US hackers concerned about weird US legal loopholes. For example, Jacob Applebaum has been living there for a few years now. I'm sure some in the German political system would be willing to extradite them, but there's enough contention over the issue that they would all have enough time to pack up and leave to another country, forcing the US to start the extradition process all over.
I stopped watching right there. I am sure she believes she will save the oppressed women of the world who can't even afford their own computer, let alone know how to access her software in order to use the computer without being tracked.
Such ``altruistic geniuses'' make me sick with their stupidity.
... you literally have no idea what critical theory is, do you?
In any case, she's one of the best (if not the best) cryptographers who is a main contributor to the Tor project. I'm a grad student studying crypto and PETs, and she could kick my ass in a conversation about bleeding edge crypto, no questions asked.
That's nice.
>moves to germany
what a coincidence
>Core Tor Developer
>bitch literally has only made 3 commits
PhD in reading books and pointing out pig men.
Any job Xe wants.
>move to Germany to escape harassment
>get raped by migrants and acquire AIDS/Zika
Tor devs are so smart.
>Youre worse than Sup Forums and also cant tell jokes from reality.
you think I'm delusional now?
this happens every time something remotely related to feminism gets posted anywhere.
And this is how you can tell someone has literally no idea how Tor development works at all. The fact she has *any* authored commits in the core repo is surprising, and speaks to how "high up" (if that sort of reasoning makes sense in the context of the tor project) she is in Tor development. Nickm is pretty much the only person who commits to the actual core code repo. The crypto and protocol designs are written in the spec, which is largely designed over the mailing list, the bug tracker, and personal torspec repos. For example, Isis is the main author of the current proposal for post-quantum secure handshakes:
But hey, keep talking out of your ass like you know anything about Tor development, if it lets you maintain your delusions of your own self-importance.
Youre theonly one saying this and detracting from the point
The posts you're linking aren't by the same author.
don't see how that matters.
Work is mostly on the bridge support distribution infrastructure rather than Tor router. Harder, less solved problem.
Jacob is in Berlin, so is Andrea. It's not ideal - ideal would be back home without the weird FBI lawyer-avoiding harassment - but it will do.
Knew you Sup Forumsuys would get a kick out of the corebooted Thinkpad.
Why would you use tor at this point? Using it in itself is suspicious. Whatever that thing the FBI is trying to settle so that they can arrest anyone using just for using tor.
I just don't see what point you're trying to make by linking to my post (54617751).
>mfw this fucking whiteknight beta fuck comes in and starts preaching the almighty vagina
She made 3 fucking commits, and 2 of them were spelling changes.
people think that the Sup Forums enemy isn't real.
it's very real.
Hes just a deluded person who associates everything with pol instead of remaining netrual
>Author: Isis Lovecruft, Peter Schwabe
> For further details on the NewHope key exchange, the reader is referred to
> "Post-quantum key exchange - a new hope" by Alkim, Ducas, Pöppelmann, and
> Schwabe [0][1].
She didn't do fucking shit. That paper was written in part by Schwabe, and surprise surprise he's an author in that proposal. If you think she did anything other proofread the fucking thing you're delusional.
... Isis, is that you?
Land of the free.
And people on Sup Forums are shilling for people like Trump. Disgusting.
the hell are you saying? why would I be blaming the whole board population? of course there's neutral discussion over on Sup Forums, but they have a set of practices like any other board, which you see here
>suddenly, they don't know how to check commit logs
The proposal is definitely her. The original paper wasn't, but the claim was never that she's an academic who does some Tor stuff, it was that she's a core Tor developer.
And here, have some of these to add on:
Seriously, why is it so hard for you to believe that she's a core Tor dev?
>check commit
>author Peter Schwabe
>committer Isis Lovecruft
wew lad, thanks for that. You sure showed me. So he wrote it and she committed it, what a fucking great "developer."
>mfw she even puts herself in the fucking author credits
>citing commits
>literally doesn't know how to read a commit log
That's the most recent commit, not the initial or main commit.
Let me know if there's anything else I can help you out with, buddy.
oh yeah her
she did work on the python-gnupg module
+ It is unclear if and when such attackers equipped with large quantum
+ computers will exist, but various estimates by researchers in quantum
+ physics and quantum engineering give estimates of only 1 to 2 decades.
+ Clearly, the security requirements of many Tor users include secrecy of
+ their messages beyond this time span, which means that Tor needs to update
+ the key exchange to protect against such attackers as soon as possible.
+Author: Isis Lovecruft, Peter Schwabe
>Peter Schwabe
Tor is a joke and the people who fall for the charade are dense imbeciles with their heads buried deep in a shit tier novel about patriarchy rape and misogyny.
... I have no idea what argument you're trying to make by posting that passage and one of the author's names
>corebooted Thinkpad.
gotta get mine setup already, just been so lazy about it.
Can't seduce the Lovecruft
the EU are such big cucks the FBI have full allowance to roam around in all of their countries, shes not going anyware away from the feds when moving to germany.
lel, bullshit
Could you explain me.
Girls like here, are they acting like normie girls? you know, like stacies that look for a rich chad thundercock to get bareback ass fuck and dick around lurking or instagram models.
Or are they completly different?
Then what consitutes women?
>"I studied physics"
hmm thats cool qty, showing that womyn can do STEM.
>"I also studied english literature..."
you have nice academic interests, cool
>"...with a specialisation is feminist critical theory"
Alright, do tell. What is wrong with feminist critical theory?
Not him, but American "Feminists" are by and large just whiny twats who want bars lowered to their level, rather than to rise to them. Call them on it? You get labelled a misogynist. And with 4/5 major networks coddling them in their myriad of delusions, they a content to sit in their bubble of fallacy, wondering why the rest of the world, and why other (true) feminists hate them.
That wasn't a question about "American Feminists" or your personal grudges; it was a question of what is wrong with feminist critical theory. As in, the branch of English lit.
No EU country will extradite anyone that didn't do anything illegal specially not Tor devs because of media attention.
My post was in reference to most everything labelled "feminist" in America, as the woman in question is American. Most schools will bemoan the lack of feminist authors, and uphold nearly any halfassed attempt at poetry, literature, or other document glorifying women or casting men in a negative light. The classes are mostly a sham, and anyone who willingly documents their taking such a course is merely seeking attention for those that act like small children.
But yes, I did get off on a rant there.
imagine a book written by judith butler, except she had a bad stroke
what's wrong? it's even worse than judith butler
Again, you haven't actually said anything about feminist critical theory. I literally could not care less about your thoughts on feminism in America. If all you're going to do is keep jerking off to your preconceived notions of anything with the word "feminist" in it, go do it in Sup Forums or wherever.
So there is there some specific book on feminist critical theory that you read and didn't like then? Is it litcrit in general you don't like, or feminist litcrit specifically? You're not being very clear here.
i'm being representative, those who study "critical theory" are being general because what are they criticizing?
there's nothing wrong with "literary criticism" as such and I enjoy orwell's essays as much as his fiction
It's gonna be dangerous to be goth in Germany, more safe to get a very dark tan in order rapefugees ignore you.
You should go on the run with Weev, he's currently in Sarajevo last I heard as they don't even let Interpol in
fucking weev what an assclown
Kek, MLAT doesn't work that way. US files for extradition they don't need to prove anything.
Typical woman who runs away and cries when things get too tough. This is why you never hire a woman. Women in tech BTFO
Also if ISIS actually does troll Sup Forums (the girl not the middle east fanclub of Baghdadi or sun god) she should be careful of any statements before this is all cleared up. Remember weev was convicted because of an IRC log which "proved" he was "hacking" by iterating public information in perl
Also this lawyer's 20min speech why you shouldn't say anything:
That's my theory why Snowden can never return, he literally hanged himself with all the statements he gave on record admitting to transfering data to China/running a bot harvesting intel ect. They never have to convict him of anything related to the leaks, just illegal things he voluntarily talked about like when he admitted to breaking into the CIA staff servers so he could steal the hiring test answers.
To much media attention, they can't do shit now.
>"...with a specialisation is feminist critical theory"
I'm more surprised about the fact that there are still Tor devs living in US. You'd think they'd move to a more feasible country to work on their privacy project.
Media attention doesn't stop any EU country from arresting Assange, wouldn't trust Germany's courts to not honor MLAT
Also consider FBI may now make this a special case as they don't want people fleeing from their grasp and bringing attention to the media encouraging future flees.
I'd move to Andorra and declare refugee status
Well Assange have a court case, this developer didn't do anything wrong in particular so there is no legal reason to extradite someone.
Besides she is/was in process to get german citizenship.
Also Assange is in the UK which is #1 baby of the US.
The only ones that are breaking the law is the FBI itself.
Damn chad you must be a real pussy magnet.
When the FBI wants to talk to you it usually means they think you did something but don't have enough evidence thus are hoping you hang yourself while talking to them.
If they wanted her to testify about something it would be the DoJ card instead this is the "plz give us enough information to jail you" bait card.
They just move to Berlin because it's a hip city and it's full of self hating Germans who won't bat an eye that you don't even intend to learn the language.
If they really had to choose a country to feel safe from American jurisdiction they had to follow Snowden's example.
German politicians only did as much as necessary to not look like complete lap dogs to the Americans when the whole NSA stuff came up. Truth is they are completely hooked on secret service data they get from America and don't want to lose that privilege. But that's only one prospect. Germany just won't risk its relationship with the USA just because of a few hackers.
Even France which considers itself much more independent from the USA denied the president of Bolivia to land his plane on their soil because it was thought that Snowden could be on his plane. So even they fulfilled America's wishes.
Actually now she can get hassled by the fbi and CIA.
>If they really had to choose a country to feel safe from American jurisdiction they had to follow Snowden's example.
If I wanted a place where I wouldn't be spied on, I wouldn't choose the USSR, given that Putin is literally ex-KGB.
Snowy didn't have a choice, he would have been caught by the torture happy CIA squads anywhere else. Unless you have them on your ass, you're better in Berlin.
And as a French citizen, our country is crap if you care about freedom, they'll hapilly collaborate with whoever because security and scary brown people.
Dutch politicians support tor and encryption (at least publicly). Why move to Germany when the superior country is next door?
Or Switzerland. Or any other place but Germany.
Germany has the CCC and an already established hacker culture.
Switzerland is for bankers, not punks.
Netherlands is pretty much unheard of.
she was named after an egyptian goddess and now she will show up in every nsa search
Yeah and trying to google her blog might not be a bright idea either..
Say no more....
holland has some pretty cool laws about cyber stuff
FOIA request and go public with pictures
The Netherlands hosts a quarter of the worlds porn. Has ixquick/startpage and startmail. Net neutrality laws that ban ISP's from inspecting your traffic. No decryption orders and no (legal) backdoor orders. For a good reason. The reason is the free internet lobby is very strong there.
2 weeks ago, brussels bought 11mln tabs of iodine, one for every citizen. Similar situation in luxemburg
Holland bought tabs for ever citizen that live in 100km range from nuclear plant.
imo it is not a good place to migrate right now
Belgium is the most nuclear country in the world. That's why everyone around Belgium worries about them. Germany is stopping nuclear power. The Netherlands has one real plant. And Belgium is filled with poorly maintained shit.
I think I just read the mad ramblings of a drugged lit major.
She would have blended better in Japan or Taiwan to be honest.
In Belgium they also fear a terrorist attack against nuclear plants. Because footage was found of terrorists spying on some chief of some plant. Also some passkey was stolen. That's what I read in the news.
Lovecraft was seriously racist, though so was everyone back then.
And all that soon to be gone with the new laws pushing to hack any server/computer and sniff any connection they like.
uh, yeah, those nuclear plants were working for decades and now out of nowhere they bought tabs for every citizesn in the country
top kek senpai