AN 11-YEAR-OLD whizz kid has built a high spec computer from his bedroom in East London

>AN 11-YEAR-OLD whizz kid has built a high spec computer from his bedroom in East London.

>Joshua’s new Windows 10 PC is now the fastest in the Ngoka home and by far the most popular with family members constantly attempting to use it. The machine has a speed of 3:20 gigahertz and 500 gigabytes hard drive for storage.

>The talented youngster is now planning to use his new computer to design his first video game, which he hopes to launch within the next few months.

holy shit, this kid is a GENIUS

Other urls found in this thread:

> 500 gigabyte HD
> gaymen case
> Windows 10
> Video games

Complete shit

Retarded african kid,now his family die to starvation and no water+aids and cancer

I bet he's on Sup Forums right now.

i built my first computer when i was 8. but i'm white so that's par for the course.

There isn't even a video card installed... Look at that shitty lack of cable management...

I did this shit when I was 9, where's my article?

Oh wait, I was a poor white kid with no media connections

Lol, same. My dad worked as a truck driver bringing garbage to the landfill and one day he brought home a shitty broken HP and showed me how to fix it. If I had been black there would have been no father to show me how so it might have taken a few more years

>building a computer makes you a genius
Do you know how many people build their own computers?

How the fuck is this even news i was doing this shit in the 90's when i was like 3-9

Get fucked Black cunt

Most people can't assemble stuff even with a manual so while many people do build their computers it's still "magic" to the majority of people.

>>The talented youngster is now planning to use his new computer to design his first video game, which he hopes to launch within the next few months.
>next few months

it's gonna be shit

i ve programmed sonic at age of 11

Even then it's not news-worthy, most people who do serious PC gaming build their own

If this kid gets a scholarship or meets Bill Gates or some other stupid shit like that cause he's a """""genius""""", I swear to god


What vidya gaem do you think he's going to make? Welfare collection simulator?

Probably a shitty 2D plat former

>its another news story about a minority not being a complete retard

Not even a GPU. What cpu us he using?

Eleven-year-old puts together a computer with components made to be put together, has personal goal

>kid makes a computer build
>his family likes to use it
>this is relevant because nigger

Liberals are subconsciously the true racists

With countless YouTube videos online showing you how to build one.

>inb4 it's an apu

Anybody have that video of that black kid deleting system 32?

>If this kid gets a scholarship or meets Bill Gates or some other stupid shit like that cause he's a """""genius""""", I swear to god

Hey, if clock kid mohammed got to meet the POTUS, everything is possible

they wrote an article about some nigger building a pc? don't they see how fucking racist and patronizing this is?

Same shit here, my brother's friend's job went under, so I ended up with loads of server leftovers. First personal computer being 2x p3-550 with scsi drives was the tits.


That's why you never give money to the Nigerian princes


>Joshua’s new Windows 10 PC is now the fastest in the Ngoka home

>Describing his feelings on completing his task in April Joshua said: “Although I was confident the computer would work I felt happy and excited that I built something which functioned well.
>Joshua’s new Windows 10 PC is now the fastest in the Ngoka home and by far the most popular with family members constantly attempting to use it. The machine has a speed of 3:20 gigahertz and 500 gigabytes hard drive for storage.
>In April Joshua was rewarded for his achievements in computer development when he won the Hackathon competition and was given £250 from the IT based award scheme.
>Recalling his son’s initial interest in technology Nelson said: “Joshua used to play with computers as a baby. Six years ago I remember having a lap top which broke down and giving it to my son who repaired it by looking at You Tube and using his intelligence.
>His father also plans to enrol his son on various on-line courses, such as the Cplusplus, to stimulate his programming skills.

this has to be satire

Did this shit when I was 8. I'm white though, so no one cares.

>2d platformer
I smell gayme maker

Hey sweet! I love video games.

Still better than what most of g can manage

>nigger puts together a computer for his own use instead of stealing one for crack money

To be fair this is a big deal

I built my first PC when I was 9 or 10.

Athlon 64 x2 6400+, 4GB RAM, 8800GT 1GB, 250GB HDD, 750W 80+ Modular PSU and a 17" CRT...


How does this belong on Sup Forums? Because he's black? Are you some kind of racist?

>some faggot feelsthis is Sup Forums worthy
good for him but why should I give a fuck?

I'm 27 and I'm just going to build my first PC because I wasn't born in a nice white country with a middle income american family, but rather a shithole.

Good for him and I hope he becomes someone decent, maybe he becomes a good programer, who knows.


eat dick tumblrina


TBQF This could only be considered news worthy in a europoor country.

>I built my first PC when I was 9 or 10.
There's more to "building" a PC than just taking it out of the box, Sambo.

The Voice Newspaper was founded in 1982 by Jamaican-born accountant, Val McCalla, who was awarded a grant from the Greater London Council to fund his business venture.

The Voice newspaper campaigned for young Black Britons who faced discrimination at the hands of the law during the 1980s and in the wake of the notorious Brixton riots. It secured huge circulation figures from its sought after and unrivalled job recruitment section.

Over its near three decade reign as 'Britain’s Best Black Newspaper', The Voice has served the black community by giving them a voice where other mainstream newspapers have failed. It has over the years been a thorn in the side of the establishment, campaigning on numerous issues and championing the causes of black people nationwide. The Voice is a winning mixture of news, features, sports and celebrity interviews.

>Windows 10
>Now he's going to develop a game!

I built a computer that had identical specs. Except I was more than double your age at the time.

so this is pretty much a local black newspaper.

why do we give a fuck again?

>It has over the years been a thorn in the side of the establishment, campaigning on numerous issues and championing the causes of black people nationwide.


I picked out the parts myself, and installed them myself under the guidance of a friend who used to work at a pc shop.

I think that qualifies as building it.

I'd post the order, but I lost access to the mail I used to send it to my father...

>Sup Forums worthy

>There's more to "building" a PC than just taking it out of the box, Sambo

Hello Joshua
How is the 2D gayme going?
What language are you using?

>thinks he was poor

I'm dyin' over here!

>maybe he becomes a good programer
>somehow making a simple pc build is related to programming
is Sup Forums getting more retarded by the day or what?

are you retarded? I am really asking.

fucking idiot.
he wants to make a game, he'll have to learn programming, even with baby shit like unity.

I'm sure many great programmers started because of programming games.

>The Voice | Britain's Favorite Black Newspaper

Niggers. :|

kek. Sup Forums is mad Ngoka figured out how to build a PC.

>someone sends me this
>believe that a black kid build a CPU like the folks of homebrew CPU (Magic-1 anyone?)
>it's the story of a kid who saved to build a muh gaymen PC
What's wrong with the press today?

I'm really getting annoyed with all these "kid geniuses" lately

>I'm dyin' over here!

The explanation has come about
It's a nigger magazine
And since niggers can't even publish it themselves
They need the city council (taxpayers) to fund them
all the while saying that the white supremacist power structure (to which the city council presumably belongs to) is oppressing them

>following mainstream neoliberal media
>caring about the exploits of subhumans

I hate that commie jude

First a clock, now a full on computer.

Jesus, this is like Moore's law at like 3000%!

Aren't you a special a little snowflake?

>he wants to make a game
>based on putting pc components together
>based on nigger understanding of computers
>based on need of self-aggrandizing to such extent that building a pc is news-worthy

C'mon, if the kid was white you were keking hard already

I'm sure the article isn't because of the kid.
I'm sure he simply wanted to build his gaymen pc to play witcher 3.

y-you too

>5 years from now
>Joshua Ngoka is arrested after having stabbed a passerby to death under the influence of crack, having sold his computer and dreams to buy it

Really nice, I'm glad to see coverage of whiz-kids in the mainstream lately.

When we getting 4:20 GHz?

>be nigger
>build a pc when i was 10
>had to use a shoebox as my case because mom refused to spend money on what she called "kid shit"
>comprised mostly of parts in computers I found halfway broken in the city dump
>made shitty pong program in assembly when I was 11
>Middle name is Qwinnton

Where's my article you fucking wankers?

>3:20 gigahertz
>3 colon 20 gigahertz

yeah, I don't give a fuck about this kid and that he's black, but I'll be happy if he gets some scholarships and his parents get him into some PC club or something.

wish that shit had happened to me when I was 8-9

Wow king Josh. Uncle is very of you so much. I need to visit you soon. Am glad you did not buy your self £200 worth of chocolate.
Guys this is the great minds of the future.

Good on him but why is this news? It's not exactly difficult to do. Some of the shit you buy from Ikea are more complicated to assemble.

Put in a few screws, put the correct fitting cables into the right places, push the pins of the cpu cooler in, stick the RAM into the slots so the key matches the notch.
Most of this stuff has diagrams in the manuals as well so you don't even have to be able to read.

it's a local black newspapers.

Sup Forums gets triggered over niggers.

>Black Kid™ does (thing any nerd does)!

At this rate they might be on the internet before the end of the decade.

I think a lot of us have a similar story. My mom came home with a few 12 year old systems from her office when I was around 8 or 9. Probably was the only kid in grade school running NT 4.0.

>At this rate they might be on the internet before the end of the decade.
Niggers are truly innovating a lot of shit right now, take the chuduku for example

Daily reminder that a nigger managed to surpass this guy in fine motor skills and reading comprehension.

Amazing, like a window into the past.

You just wrote it

Holy fucking shit, I hate the news. Clock kid all over again, these fuckers literally do nothing.
How is having a 500GB and a 3.2GHz CPU an achievement.

If that thing has an engine in it then I've just found what will revitalize my grass track racing events.

that is built by one nigger who learned it from his father and so on. and I think he married his own sister. it's all on youtube.

that thread gave me diarrhea

I remember that thread on Sup Forums lmao
They built a plane also, failed to fly.

>serious PC gaming
>PC gaming

Chukudu (misspelled it in my previous post if you were gonna look) does not have a motor

It's a revolution though, way more impressive than a nigger building legos

Kek, those were the days.

>Build frankenputer for dad after he opened his case, saw PSU wires not connected and started plugging them into random MOBO headers until it died
>He threw it out, so no case
>Grab broken LCD monitor
>Remove stand
>cut some plexiglass, screw it on stand where monitor screed used to be
>Screw/duct tape mobo to plexiglass, duct tape PSU to back
>He still uses it to this day, calls it Conky after peewee's playhouse

Is it just me? I don't see a graphics card inside that case


>The machine has a speed of 3:20 gigahertz and 500 gigabytes hard drive for storage.

Awww this is so cute.

Well I can probably screw some lawnmower engine in there. This is going to be fucking jokes.

That's a Jew lie, you don't even need one. Most CPUs have graphics cards built right in. Some don't but you can mostly avoid them as they're enthusiast CPUs

>that is built by one nigger who learned it from his father and so on
maybe his grandson will be able to make a space shuttle out of scrapyard spare parts
maybe he gets into the ugandan space program

It's not like you can go to the store and just buy a Chukudu. There's like one guy in the Congo that knows how to make them.