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Figured it out, crisis over.
But still, what a dick move from microsoft.

installere gentoo

I hope you know that Windows 7 is EOL.
Enjoy your security vulnerabilities.
You'll have to move on to something else eventually.

But W10 is bad and gentoo can't play steam games.

Go into the C: folder and delete the downloaded files.

yea, no
xp is still getting updates

Didn't they stop updating XP last year?

W10 Upgrade is basically a computer literacy test.

If you're too dumb, stupid, or technology illiterate to go into Windows Update and turn off Automatic Updates, or too stupid to google a simple tool to block the upgrade, you are exactly the type of retard who can't be trusted to take care of a computer, and MS is doing you a favor by taking over your PC and forcing you to install patches and security updates that you would otherwise click "no" to for years while installing 200 malware greeting card toolbar cancers onto your PC.

Prove me wrong.

PROTIP: You can't.

>prove me wrong
You're using an anime girl picture.

absolutely destroyed

>can't prove me wrong
>resorts to samefagging

it's 2 to 1, get fucked weeb

anime website

here: grc.com/never10.htm

There's nothing wrong with anime girls, what are you a homo queer?

There's no reason to dislike anime girls unless you're some awkward social retard with insecurities afraid of showing an animate persona.

Image board site, you got your own anime containment board.

found the fat weeb projecting social retard

anime website

Actually literate people actually read what the dialog window has to say and don't need to disable updates or use shady 3rd party tools.

Anyone who complains he got upgraded to Windows 10 against his will actually has clicked "yes" or "ok" on some dialog he didn't read.

That reflection, dood.

You got it backwards. Sup Forums is the containment board since this is an anime website.

The point of sale version is still getting updated. There is a lot of updates from that branch that apply to the normal xp pro/home products. This will be true until 2018/2019.

>Windows 10 is bad
>because reasons
>I'm just parroting assumptions and baseless conjecture made by a community well known for knowing nothing
If you really cared about your privacy, you'd use nothing but Tails to access the internet through a non-logging VPN paid for in bitcoin.

Instead you're using Windows 7 which is proprietary and made by the exact same company that made Windows 10, which on some baseless conjecture is recording everything you do.

Even if all you wanted to do was play video games, there's nothing stopping you from running Windows 10 in a VM with restricted port and domain access at the network level.

tl;dr get gud or shut the fuck up.



Oh god. GRC is still around and people listen to this tard?

>not O&O ShutUp10

This is why I moved to Linux

Anyone in here actually using 10?

>i moved to linux because i was too stupid to turn off one setting in windows

>implyng people won't be mad when those updates stop
>implying people won't be mad when a nearly 20 year old OS (at that point) is unsupported

lets face it senpai. XP users will never stop using it, they'll just get more annoying as time goes on.


I ended up fucking installing Parabola GNU/Linux. So yeah. See you later, punk.

Windows 7 is good until 2020 fām


>all these assblasted replies
>still no one has proven me wrong

>prove me wrong

Automatic updates are left on because microsoft is generally trusted to provide updates that do not screw over the user. It's so you never miss a security update.

Microsoft is actually in the wrong here by making users choose between a shitty OS being forced down their throats and security patches applied days, or even weeks, late, because they didn't catch the bulletin in time. Microsoft is doing something worse for user security

and something good for their pockets

>well goyim if you buy this enterprise professional edition you can turn off the parts you hate

Can not be proven wrong in this situation.

if you are so stupid that you turn off automatic updates or trust closed source, third party tools on windows of all things you shouldn't be using a computer

>Microsoft is doing something worse for user security
Doesn't Windows 10 have much better security?
Wouldn't pressing users to upgrade improve their security overall? Rather than having them deal with patches for a fundamentally less-secure OS?

I only install malware that I wrote myself

Microsoft legit think that everyone wants to upgrade.
They didn't stop to think that maybe some people don't want to.
Maybe people want to stick with a stable OS with a familiar GUI.
But no, they think they know what's best for literally every Windows user.
And that's frightening.
I really hope they'll realise this and keep supporting Win7 forever.
Hold me, Sup Forums.

You can go win8.1 pro and tweak it (disable hot corners,disable bullshit services and add start button) should last you longer.


Nothing wrong with liking them, and nothibg wrong with not caring about them. If you dislike however, youre just a sensible retard.

You dont mind immigrants invading your country, why do you care if win10 invades your computer

>Screenshot (2974)

>pedo calling someone a homo

Hows the tinfoil hat making going. Is that car still parked nearby that you believe has someone sat inside spying on you.
Quick to the emp shelter.

This to be quite honest

I never even had the tray icon appear