>>>/edc/ general


Old thread: Post your tech shit you carry with yourself everyday. Apple products and guns are also very welcome.

What's in that pouch?


car key?
It's in the pouch so when you accidentally press the opening key it won't actually reach the car's immobilizer

Is this the daily autism thread?

Yes user, it's definitely autism thread.
Here are specs of my thinkpad visible above. What should I upgrade in it first?
I was actually thinking of getting rid of it and getting asus t100 or dell venue 10 with keyboard. Is that a wise idea?

I hope you're joking. Your machine is loaded compared to my X200 and I've haven't upgraded anything since I bought it.
Even the SSD i added felt kind of unnecessary.


neat keyring.
Is that x220?

>that keyboard

Yep. Shitty aspect ratio but nice otherwise.


that's x230 baka
Pic rel is my old T430

good choice in calculators

Either one desu senpai, the keyboard is ruined from the earlier thinkpads and that's the problem. Hardware and build are fine I guess. But why ruin the perfect keyboard from previous thinkpads.

Funny thing is I prefer x230's keyboard over x220's. The keys are bigger and illuminated in nice way.

Where do you keep all this stuff? Say I was to run at you from 30 feet away with an 8 inch knife, how would you defend yourself?

30 feet away?
draw and shoot

I just can't endorse getting rid of half the function keys and ruining the layout of the top row.

Previous thinkpads were basically a full size keyboard in a small package. New thinkpads are just apple wannabes with the chiclet and backlight.

Besides, the thinklight worked fine, sure it's not as fancy as backlit LEDs, but it worked fine.

Oh snap, the x230 doesn't have the awful trackpad? I'm actually alright with the new style keyboard, the missus has L540 and I enjoy her keyboard, even better if it's backlit.

Nope, T440 and X240 is when the extra inch larger touchpad came into play and made it even worse.

I fucking hate that new touchpad, it's pure fucking cancer.

Agreed, I might be able to live with a T430 or X230 after an adjustment period, but what they did to the touchpad is just retarrded. it's basically impossible to type on an X240 without rubbing your palm all over it.


Dont get the t100.
Have one, used windows 8, 10 and ubuntu, all of which ran like shit. 8 and 10 were slow, and ubuntu had broken drivers.

So dv10 is the only choice?
It has a slightly worse cpu - z3735f

I want a Thinkpad, but overpriced as hell in my country.

where do you live, senpai?

Argentina, nice dubs.


Kurwa kurwa