

Other urls found in this thread: 128K Teardown/21422


ur a faget

But this is old apple. The cool apple. The apple for people who needed apple.

>rotten apple

Apple wasn't cool until it became NeXT 2.0

I wanna make something like this.

>no expansion slots
they've had a thing against ports since way back, eh?

why don't they do this today, but with 15 i7s on one board?


74 series logic =/= a 1980 intel i7

Pretty good huh...

That's basically what custom boards for supercomputers are, except instead of i7s they are Xeons

Needs rice

What the fuck is rice?

Lurk more

So he meant "the mobo needs rice" or"the mobo needs to lurk more" ,am i right?

Lurk more

mmmmm Look at all those through hole components. It would be even sexier if there was some header pins to insert my ICs into


Ugly PC components thread? 128K Teardown/21422