Why can't girls code?


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Literally nobody thinks that coding is a "mans game"
If you have to justify your passion and skill for anything with " power!" then you're already a failure.
Go back to tumblr

They sure as fuck can code, the thing is average girl is not as smart and interested in it as an average man. Now get fucking lost.

Men are better at everything than women, even better at being women thanks to the trans meme, because men have to constantly compete with each other to impress females in order to get laid. Men also don't get pampered and handled with kid gloves. There are a million safety nets for women. There are a million helping hands when a woman does something. Men are thrown into the deep end of the pool and have to swim or sink and die. Women are placed in the shallow end with a life jacket on. The worst men are still better than the best women in everything because that's the nature of men. The competitive nature of men seeks to always raise the bar higher. The lazy pathetic weak nature of women seeks to whine and bitch and cry and yell rape until the bar is lowered to their level.

My (now ex) girlfriend's friend knows this girl. One night my ex and her friend were out getting drunk and this girl picked them up. My ex yaked in her car. I was proud.

>not phrasing it like a human being

"My exgf was once picked up by her friend's companion. My gf was drunk enough to turn her insides into outsides when she puked in the companions car. Shit was cash"

Fucking learn to keep people invested in your awful boring and unrelated story

this nigga speaking the truth. too bad this site is infested with those who actually think the way you describes and will ignore your post

this nigga speaking the truth. too bad this site is infested with those who actually think the way you describes and will ignore your post

>Why can't girls code

because women aren't as interested in STEM fields. they're more interested in become fingernail technicians at cosmetology school

screencapped, nice post

nice blog

They are also the biggest shitposters.

Coding is woman's work

Notice how in every single video it's girls talking to a face cam, and in the entire channel not a single line of code is shown, the informative media doesn't go further than graphics designer animations and emojis popping up.

I think we can draw a very valuable conclusion from this: no matter whether the girls in this video can potentially code or not: they won't because their values lie in expressing how good they are in coding, which does not require any coding skill.

user how long before we use emoji based programing language?

Because women are fucking dimwits. They have little or no interest in the world around them. They are only interested in themselves.

Didn't Sup Forums come up with one a while back?

Why is Sup Forums so triggered at the prospect of a woman being able to code?

If women are as terrible as you seem to think they are, you have nothing to worry about because you actually can code, right guys?

You are pathetic.

>a video i which a woman is actually seen coding
i think i just found the next big money-maker.
now, how to teach women coding?

dude, woman code as bad as pajeets.
>female pajeets coding.
oh dear.


because they don't have a dick

Although the majority of programmers don't actively think about women coders its hard to ignore the overwhelming majority of males in computer science and programming jobs

many people think that coding is a mans game


>92.8% Males are developers according to Stack Overflow
>No one thinks that coding is a mans game
Pick one

>stack overflow
>representative of the industry as a whole
Pick one.

I know its not a perfect representation but you can extrapolate the industry demographics from the survey


So if I asked 100 people who use the men's bathroom at a baseball game their gender, I can then extrapolate the stadium population and claim it is all men.

Statistics is not real science. It is maths and maths is not real.

this doesn't keep women from coding though, people who like programming will go into programming, simple as that. Men are more likely to enjoy problem solving than women, people won't avoid their interests because of the majority demographic.

The women who really want to do programming will commit themselves to it and these "gurl coders XD!" will continue to circle jerk the idea that they're actually being useful.

You don't know how statistics work, do you?

yes goyim statistics is just mansplaining

Well now....

Pretty much this.

I work with 70% of women software engineers
But that's because they are still cheaper in my country.

Unfortunately they are all very ugly with enormous glasses.
Most of them still live with their parents.

What country?

Statistics don't work, brainiac.

This. What country does have 70% women in /tech/?
What a moron. Please, end your life.

i have no strong opinion over female programmers one way or another, its just yet another coworker, but
>girls can code
>1 minute video
>just moving screenshots of chicks who wont shut the fuck up about their assets
>not even an "hello world" example in a jit language
holy fuck, even the lowest poo in loo tutorial video on youtube isnt this bad
thanks for making female programmers look bad

also, that channel has 28 uploads, not one has a single line of code, just some rambling, the first paragraph of wikipedia on this subject, in spoken words
>i use javascript to code androids
that channel is degrading to women, there is no valuable information there, just clickbait with hip buzzwords. fucking shut it down!

>using code as a verb

>38 posts in and no one mentions what a qtpa2t this girl is
Typical Sup Forums

i use your mom as a verb

You nerds are forgetting about someone here

>those comments.
>the the fact that women get labelled feminist and can't say what we want to say, is proving that there's gender inequality.
What a dumb cunt.
If she could think a minute, girl who get into coding doesn't complain. They just do the job, and don't give a fuck about all those things.

Girls have to choose what they do of their life, why the fuck feminists wants them to do CS ? What if they don't want or don't like it ?

women often lack the ability to think rationally in abstract terms. it's not a failure of that gender simply because there are things women can do that men can't.


This shit only happens in English-speaking countries, because they are in the traditional-self expression corner of Inglehart–Welzel Cultural Map. This is a cancerous set of values you guys need to move from if you don't want political correctness and this degenerate version of feminism. You can do it either by being more rational and realizing everyone can code if they learn and work hard, or by being less into allowing people to code just because they feel like "coder inside", coderkin or whatever is the new tumblr word for "being coder in the wrong body".

Because they need to keep them interested so they can blackmail companies into hiring them. They present it as hostile environment from the start and tell women to expect conflict, especially made up micro-aggression conflicts.
Then they can make money from discrimination seminars and lawsuits. It's a racket business.

Of course, most of these activists are just brainwashed or they are legitimately concerned when they see inane reactions to them from equally retarded men.

Good fucking god

BTFO'ed roastie detected.

this is agreeable

Because there is no such thing as radfem bullshit in glorious rational Scandinavia

Yeah but Sweden is 1/10 Muslim now. I can't speak to "radfem" bullshit in Europe, but im sure It's not a small as you think

The mood swing argument is valid. I'm a guy and when they happen I can't do shit.

such a nerd xDDD

It exists everywhere. They obviously care the most about self expression and personal freedoms. But they don't need to push their women into "men's jobs". There is less sexism to begin with.

On the other had, on the Soviet far left of the diagram, we've had women soldiers, women coders, scientists and construction workers for ages. Both Soviet block and Scandinavian countries are rational due to good public education which really does give equal opportunities to all.

That's because you're an autist (or less likely, have anger issues). Any normal male can cope with their mood changing and still work efficiently.

The tits argument applies to you too, lardo.

They have tiny brains. Just look at the average woman's skull size, There's no way anything bigger than a baseball could be in there.

And did that squirrel brain just smash a perfectly good keyboard?

my sides

cd ..
cd ..
cd ..

I first wanted to type "coderqueer", but "coderkin" is better.


Accept duck typing, faggot.

It's much worse than that, I'm afraid


Karlie hacking exposed:

This shit right here nigga



>Have a much higher chance of getting hired at most office jobs, even with worse qualifications
>Child custody by default, along with child care
>Get half of the man's money after a divorce
>Literally too many benefits to list here

MFW men are privileged.

>Literally has a guy setting up the BS on the screen for her to pose when paused at 1:05

For fuck's sake.

>>Get half of the man's money after a divorce
>but hurr durr indians are criminals for asking for dowry
white people were always this stupid, were they?