Does anybody know the homepage for this OS?

Does anybody know the homepage for this OS?

Other urls found in this thread:


It's just Arch with some bullshit in the terminal.


Not in Education, Employment, or Training.orion/CirnOS

Reminder that this is a stealth desktop thread. In a few posts someone will say "new desktop thread" and the faggotry will resume, just as the OP intended.


new desktop thread

>Hex Color Finder
why would you even need such program

what year is this

its to see the hexcode of colors on screen

Newer desktop thread :^)

To find colors, retard.

a kde máš anime?

erm, homepage thread.

also, why the fuck are >/ftg/ FITNESS TECH GENERAL alowed but REDACTED not?

>not using a drawing program with that feature integrated into it, but instead downloading a whole program for such purpose.

>thinking those two were serious

ProFont, newfag

What wm is that and the panel? Pls respond

Na pocitaci co zhorel predvcerom , uz mam objednany novy zdroj.
Polsky 15 eurovi zdroj mi vydrzal zazracne 4 roky ale ze nieje v poriadku som vedel uz pred 3 mesiacmi
zatial iba gogoanime

Threads containing "desktop thread" should just auto sage but that could be abused


Yeah I would go to every
> What is best X?
>And why is it X.
>Prove me wrong.
and spam desktop thread

>what are filters

what this guy said, i wanna know what panel that is and if you'll let me scalp your config