Smartphone Keyboard

Now that google keyboard just had this amazing update, there is literally no other reason to use anything else.

The new update includes a mode for one handed typing for big screens, a better emoji keyboard, and an option to go to the last text field (reverse tab).

ITT: We discuss smartphone software keyboards

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>tfw they still haven't put in a number row

Sorry, it still can't handle two languages at the same time. This feature makes me swiftkey's slave, which is pretty annoying.

I prefer the Xperia Keyboard.

>TFW you're wrong.

wew, looks like i haven't got the latest update then

it bugs here, when i gesture swype a word and do backspace, in the previous version it removed the whole word, now just the last letter, fml

I really dont know how to enable it though. :') It seems more like a 'feature' when the keyboard is open but no textfield ia selected. They did however implement this keyboard pic related.

Why dont you suggest it senpai?

swiping left from the backspace key lets you delete the last couple words

You filthy casuals need to use Fleksy. It's the keyboard used for the world record of the fastest text message.



Show key border is nice. This helps make up for removing the Holo theme.
This spacebar makes precise cursor movement so much easier.
Long press for symbols is nice, especially when paired with a shorter long press delay.

That only seems to appear for password entry.

>and an option to go to the last text field (reverse tab).

>tfw physical buttons

>tfw you can select words to erase just by dragging your finger from the left.

At last! It became useful

From backspace to the left*

Holy shit I've had the update for like a week and I hadn't figured this out yet.
Google actually did something well for once.

it looks awful compared to google one

that's only for password fields. or am i wrong and you can turn it on permamently, for every kind of input?

You can't turn it on, but you can lower the long press time to 150 ms and then just long press the top row of keys and it works pretty well.
At least until they add a dedicated number row.

yeah, i use it this way now, but it's just not enough. this is very basic option and google devs should include it. if one can waste space on auto-fill words, i can waste my space on dedicated row number.

then again, every touchscreen keyboard is not enough but fuck it - i'm not paying for priv

Not these buttons, but if you hold the enter key, a reverse tab icon wil pop up next to the emoji icon. The arrows in my soft navbar are for moving through text. Like arrow keys on a real keyboard.

>forced emojis
i switched


SwiftKey is still the only keyboard that handles multiple languages simultaneously.

Why the hell do all you weebs need 2 languages on your keyboards?
You don't even know japanese, so stop pretending like you absolutely need it on your phone.

Is google (or AOSP for all that matters) keyboard still fucking shit at prediction/autocorrect for latin languages? I switched to swiftkey years ago and haven't looked back. Google Keyboard constantly ignored the existence of more than half of the verb tenses, never got pronoun affixes right and was fixated at autocorrecting perfectly written words for similar more common ones or removing the diacritic marks from them.


I constantly switch between Spanish, Catalan and English when texting people or shitposting online. Being able to just start typing and getting correct predictions without manually switching them is a godsend.

It werks for dutch and english, but dutch is germanic and english is meh. Give it a try.

- German
- English

Dunno where you got the weeb thing from.

fantastic! thanks

>tfw can't update because I like my keyboard themes from an xposed module

Should I update? The developer of the module said he can't do shit since the update because of how much changed.
>tfw when this worked perfectly like 2 weeks ago
>tfw google play services update broke everything
fuck. i just found this like a month ago too. was working perfectly for the few weeks i used it.

kill each other and then the survivor should kill himself.

There's only one single feature that makes me stay on the Xperia keyboard. If google got this feature, I'll switch.

The Xperia keyboard will seamlessly switch between your chosen dictionary languages based on what you start writing. I will often be typing messages to my friends in Norwegian, then tab into the Discord app to shitpost in English. Having the keyboard adjust to this seamlessly is too good to pass up.

xperia keyboard is the best keyboard on a tablet

Samsung Keyboard is pretty good

It isn't good at predicting English either. Especially swiping to type. There are a few words that it just never detects when you swipe unless you do it incredibly slowly.

>no holo themes
its trash

I don't like it. It types "u" instead of "you" when swiping it and I don't want to type like a 13 year old from 10 years ago. No other keyboard does this

>two languages at the same time
Thank you user, I'm gonna use that.

With keyboard borders, it's sort of a flat holo.

what is knowing more than one language
2/10 americunt made me reply


When I type "im" on Swiftkey, the first correction suggestion is "I'm"
When I type "im" on Google Keyboard, the first correction is "im"
It knows english like a retarded child and tries to suggest corrections that are identical to what I've already typed, which is pointless and stupid.

That being said, this update fixes every other problem I've had with it except that one, and the cursor moving with spacebar-drag is enough to make me use it again.

Software keyboards are all made of failure. Bring back the landscape qwerty.

You can enable the PC layout in Google Keyboard to force a number row if you can deal with the idiotic punctuation location/justification.

Kill yourself

Someone recommended Minuum, shit ain't free lad

Why would you pay for a keyboard?

You also lose all gesture features with that too right?

How good is the prediction for Swype? I don't ever type normally anymore and most keyboards have shit tier prediction always suggesting the wrong word.

People still use Swype?
I thought Swiftkey became the king of bloated keyboards a while ago

I would use that again if they didn't add support for every language other than Chinese.

And the swiping functionality is shit on that too.

Or even 3 languages :)

Swiftkey is love, Swiftkey is life

This is the only thing that is annoying me.
How can I remove this?

I write in English, German and sometimes Spanish. Sounds like you're the real weeb here.

There's no better smartphone keyboard than the one on WP

Try it, I've been using it for a while and the dictionary is shite so you'll have to add a lot of shit but I find it's alright for the most part

>there is literally no other reason to use anything else
where are the arrow keys? you know, left/down/up/right?



I used to have punctuation signs on the upper row, but after some recent update they disappeared, and I can't find the option to add them there again.

Anyone know how to do it?


>haven't updated phone in months
>see this
>still won't update

Remove all auto correct and related, turn on the setting that shows punctuation and etc for long press, and turn long press down to 150-250ms.

I keep spell check, gesture typing and popup on keypress on, but aside from that if you turn everything else off Google Keyboard becomes fantastic.

The update is horrible

Switching to LG's stock keyboard

You don't need to update your phone for this, just the app in the GPlay store

no its not
holo was black
this is some shitty blue

TOP fucking kek
So google has copied a feature that has been on LG flagships since forever and you treat it like a breaktrough?

Why is LG so fucking based on all smartphone related stuff

>removing this glorious keyboard for that material garbage

>Hello i have a shit phone


This shit triggers my autism as well.


It's a Moto E 2015. Not a flagship but not a poo-in-loo-tier phone either. Besides, it was working perfectly fine before, so what fucked up is the software, not the hardware.

They implemented a half ass way to open it on the messaging app but it doesn't even let you hit the keys.

Quick: repeatedly press the word suggestion box and post results!

I have a great day and I will be a good time to get the same as the one I have a great day and I will be a good time to get the

Post personal dictionaries

I have a great day and I will be (a good time to get the same time as well as the one that is) × ∞

So comfy

what font is that pls

I'm late as fuck but still.
Are you fucking retarded?

This. I can pull it up but it doesn't work. Probably just a bug.


I'm fairly certain that you can only get the number row when you enter passwords.

Which is annoying, considering I use the traditional captcha that usually uses numbers or letters

must know

how do you get it to look like that? are there some new functionalities?

Just buy the pass, then.

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I've never used a keyboard I liked as much as the one on WP.
Hopefully when the wordflow keyboard comes to android it'll feel the same.

What does that little red button do?

Same here
Is there such a thing as a non-botnet lightweight free keyboard? Or shuld I just downgrade

It's a way to move through what you've typed with extra precision.


that's actually neat, but the bottom + keyboard takes up like 60% of the damn screen.

>not using fleksy

Can you install iOS apps on AOSP out something?
It is a bit of a problem, but I can hide the nav bar, which helps.
(I had just forgotten.)

everything is back to normal now

>use hacker keyboard
>no default crtl key
fuck life

Been using google keyboard for the past 2 years and even with the update it still can't consistently show the right layout when I want it to.

Sometimes the new number row doesn't show up sometimes it does, sometimes auto correct suggestions don't show up sometimes it does, and that has been annoying for me a lot.

I'm happy about the hold Spacebar to drag left or right feature being added but that was long overdue. One handed mode 2small4me

I don't know. I need a new keyboard.