
What does Sup Forums think about Syncthing?

>Syncthing replaces proprietary sync and cloud services with something open, trustworthy and decentralized. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, if it is shared with some third party and how it's transmitted over the Internet.

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It deleted 2 days worth of work once (in php, no great loss), and when I last used it a year and a half ago, it uses lots of CPU.

Don't have an opinion right now since I'm not using it.

I use it between my desktop, NAS and laptop to sync documents and pictures. It has had a few hickups and annoying breaking changes over the years, but all in all the project is in great hands.

That being said, I still don't fully trust it fully, so I backup both my data and have a syncthing specific incremental local copy.


# /etc/cron.daily/
# Differential backup on a week, one for each day

DAY=$(date +%A)

if [ -e "$DEST/incr/$DAY" ] ; then
rm -r "$DEST/incr/$DAY"

rsync -a --delete --inplace --backup \
--backup-dir=$DEST/incr/$DAY $SRC $DEST/full

Ouch, how? Conflicting copy? That seems to be much better now.

Resource usage isn't as crazy as before because of smarter sync, but the encryption (AES) part isn't going away so it can potentially be noticed if you're on a laptop or phone.

Used it recently, concur with above.
Setting up your own owncloud server on an rpi would be smarter, not that I've done that yet.

Because I use OneDrive with BoxCryptor so anything that I want to keep as "my own" I simply encrypt before uploading it to the service.

I also have a NAS and can use CloudStation with that if I had a desire to run my own "Cloud" sync tool.

Not sure really, it was almost 2 years ago now.

I can only guess there was some timing issue where the two machines couldn't agree on what the newest copy was and so picked the wrong one.

i use it, does the job nicely

currently using it for;
- syncing porn between my phone/laptop/desktop
- syncing camera photos between my phone/desktop
- syncing documents between my laptop/desktop

All right. It should notice that by itself now.

I never sync

I manually mount or update my stuff, even calendars.

Yeah its more work, but I i dont have to rely on other people like Syncthing

>- syncing camera photos between my phone/desktop
Hm, maybe I should give this a go, or install the arm version manually.

when i first started using syncthing, i got conflicts fairly often, but with newer versions it happens less often, for a while now i've had none
haven't really changed how i've been using it, so i guess they're just handling things better now

I think bittorrent sync works just fine.

yea, it's nice

can take a photo and have it available and stored on my desktop moments later, without having to do anything

i use the android version on my phone though, it's on f-droid

>Syncthing uses an open and documented protocol, and likewise the security mechanisms in use are well defined and visible in the source code. BitTorrent Sync uses an undocumented, closed protocol with unknown security properties.

I know which one I would trust.

File system access between the android filesystem and the sailfish os can be a bit quirky sometimes, but I might be able to run the android version using the sailfish dalvik engine. Will have to look into it later, now I usually email the picture to myself and download it for later usage, or if I'm at home use sftp. Both kind of sucks.

can't really help you with sailfish os, but i wish you luck


I like the concept, but it's a huge battery hog on Android.

also, instead of sftp, you could consider rsync, it works with ssh as well, for example;
rsync -avh --progress -e ssh "phone-address:/path/to/photos/." ~/Pictures/Camera

you can set it to sync only on wifi/while charging, or disable "run in background" and just open it when you want it to sync

Yeah, I spend a lot of time on WiFi though, so that doesn't do much for me. Also I was using it to sync a KeePass database, so I'd prefer to sync via mobile data as well. I'd consider reinstalling it if they added an option to only sync when the phone wakes from sleep.

syncthing won't prevent sleep by default (it has an option to allow it)
you can also restrict which wifi networks in particular to want it to sync on

i have mine running in the background and on wifi only, and haven't noticed it use much battery

could you possibly use something like syncthing-inotify that supposedly should make syncthing sleep when there are no changes?

Thanks, I'm aware. I use `-e ssh` all the time, but I often don't want all the pictures so it's easier to just browse using sftp.

rsync is so easy, why do we need this?
just seems to make it more complicated.

I am writing my own super robust backup tool in Python (yes meme language but stfu it works great for this kind of stuff).

So far it supports dropbox, onedrive and google drive. i am working on s3 atm. it also does sftp/scp. it has the option to just do mirrored backups to date stamped folders, compressed archives with recovery records (and par files if that is your thing). for same day multiple backups it detects changes to only backup what has changed in the past few hours. I am also working on a separate service which will monitor a list of folders and do real time backups for auto versioning.

it isnt anything special but i am just teaching myself Python atm so it is a little project for myself. it doesnt have a gui yet, it uses a simple json file for config. when it gets to something i am happy with i will stick it on github i think.

because syncing between > 2 nodes are more complicated than using rsync

hell, even 2 nodes require some finesse that rsync does not give you, depending on your user requirements

not sure

this only affects local changes and when they're detected though, i don't think the periodic scans would be a major resource usage when nothing has changed, using inotify is more about making syncthing more responsive to changes

- automatic detection and sync of changes
- multiple peers can seed a file, much like bittorrent (not just for availability, but also for speed)
you could do much the same with rsync, though your scripts to do so would probably end up being a rudimentary version of syncthing anyway

rsync is the better tool for other cases, like (one way) backups, as that's what it's made for


not going to be a part of this.

>works fine after installed
>stops working after a week

>this only affects local changes and when they're detected though, i don't think the periodic scans would be a major resource usage when nothing has changed, using inotify is more about making syncthing more responsive to changes
I suppose you're right

cool, thanks for sharing

Syncing is for retards.

The one by hobbyists?

I've been using Syncthing for a pretty long time. Hasn't fucked up, that's about all I can really say.

It would be nice if it wasn't in Go so I could fix it. I hate Go. This program uses a lot of RAM and CPU.

Tried it awhile back, it wasn't very good TBQH.

Does it actually work yet?

it's pretty new, if you tried it only "a while back", you should try it again

so what do you do?

>Syncthing replaces proprietary sync and cloud services

Ooh, that sounds good, I'm tired of using all these proprietary cloud sync programs.
> Website -> About
okay, there's no about page. Not the worst web dev I've ever seen
> Continue searching site for functionality info
> Of course there is none
> Try google:

Doesn't have dropbox support
Doesn't have google drive support
Doesn't have amazon support
Doesn't have onedrive support
Doesn't have owncloud support

How the fuck does this "replace" even one of my cloud sync services?

i have no idea what you're thinking

why would it support proprietary cloud services while calling itself a replacement?

you thought syncthing was a replacement /client/ for them?

syncthing works without any backend service, it's peer-to-peer

what you do is run syncthing on your computers (desktop/laptop/phone/etc), and assign folders to it, then you assign whatever other machines of yours you want to sync with that folder

pic related, if i put a file in "~/Sync", it will for example, be synced with my phone, which i've placed on my sdcard
(left: desktop, right: phone)

>you thought syncthing was a replacement /client/ for them?
yes. This is the software I am looking for.

Something that can take the place of the desktop and mobile programs Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Amazon, OwnCloud, etc so I do not need them all running at once and can get away from the proprietary software.

Does such software exist?

not sure, sorry. but that's not syncthings' goal

The core developers are doing it in their free time yes, but they are hardly hobbyists.

I can't imagine it does, or ever will.
