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should be upgrading soon edition

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Is ddr4 going to be worth it? Im checking this i5 6500 and it looks good for the price.

>wait for zen!!!


Im gonna die by then

From what you're coming from it wouldn't really matter, both DDR3 and DDR4 would be a nice upgrade, the cost difference between DDR3 and 4 is insignificant enough just get DDR4 cause it's newer.

I guess im gonna have to wait a bit more if i want ddr4 because motherboards available to me are over the budget.

My nigga

Dude you post in every guts thread, it's a nice custom paint job. But if you're so proud of it why don't you dumpster dive a core 2 quad based Optiplex some company is ditching at least? Seriously my lab just tossed 7 computers with way better specs than yours. Hell my phone I had 2 generations ago was more powerful

Was that originally an OEM pc? Cpu cooler looks like what HP puts in their business SFF pcs

Why would you change if it fits your needs?

Because nobody throws shit around where i live. I would be happy to replace this old pentium 4 for free.

Yes. I got some piece of shit back in 2012. It had a gt 640, 8GB RAM and a 3450. Then, 2 years later I bought an Antec PSU, a new mobo, case, and an r9 280x.


i need better light, its getting dark here, also some new holes will need to go in to the case, route the cables to hdd's behind

clean your shit

Nice. Specs?

Have you checked Craigslist? Even first gen i5 and i3 where I live (Tampa) are almost free, see ads for 4 or 5 year old towers and they're asking like 80 bucks for them

Looking into parts for a new build,
I'm looking for the smallest possible mATX case

is the Temjin TJ08B-E a good choice?


Waiting for 1070 here

Eastern Europe bruh. No craigslist. Im sure there are core 2 quads or something for real cheap, but im not taking money for my new pc to buy it. Gotta be patient.

is it worth it to install the software on the discs that come with different components SSD, mobo etc.?

I dont know if this is right thread to ask, but I couldnt find any better.

I asked this already in speccy thread but got no answer.

I probably picked up worst time to whole PC upgrade, but I kinda want to do one near the end of July.

Currently have i5-750, P55M-UD2 motherboard, GTX 660, 8gb of DDR3 RAM, some okay PSU I forgot the name.

Upper limit is 780 EUR. I guess I could take RAM from previous machine, just like Im intend to take all HDDs (250gb old one housing OS and two 1tb, with two additional 1tb drives serving as backups and connected externally).

I kinda wanted to take i7-6700K as CPU, so I wont have to replace it for next 3-5 years (like Im running on my i5-750 since 5 or more), but Im afraid if I could fit the money range. Also, have no idea what GPU to buy - before Nvidia announced their new line, I wanted to buy 960, as 970 was 1,5 times more expensive.

Thank you for any advices.

Wait for AMD Zen if you are going to upgrade.

if you want to save money and use the same RAM you cant get the 6**** series! you'll need the 4**** series. 4690 or 4790 5**** and 6**** use DDR4

Build in progress, SSD and Vidya cards next.


Sorry for getting angry, but Im using same PC since like 5 or more years, with last two waiting for chance to upgrade, with hearing "WAIT FOR X" all the time.

Also, I dont see a reason why ZEN should be something for me. Newly released CPU would cost a lot and so far I noticed that while AMD CPUs are good at multi-core tasks, Intel ones beat it hard at single-core tasks. And Im afraid I would have better use of single-core performance, more often than multi-core at least.

You mean the AMD cards?

Ah sorry, you mean CPU. So I guess I would need to change RAM too.

Any other suggestions?

That looks like a GTX 750ti. Is it?

Hey OP, think your Hyper 212 Evo is oriented the wrong way. Not just being an autist, think it can effect cooling performance as the mount is not designed for it to be positioned this way.

He knows, he claims it wont fit the other way, we regulars just think he does it to trigger people, or he just can't figure out how to seat it properly.

It'd be an insane upgrade from where you're at now.

Nice monitor, sleeve the rest of those cables

you've done what you can


1070 w/ blower and RBG when

postin' dusty guts

haven't set up or booted this PC in a couple months because desk space is limited and I have two laptops

could really use a vac, but I am worried about static

Working on it

About to go take some new pictures.

I know Sup Forums is a lot like Sup Forums but wrong board

Ah, I see.

it depends on what you're going to use it for

I have it and the standard fan in the front makes rattling noises, otherwise the case is ok... the build quality isn't super high quality but still decent.

oh yeah, the fan itself is shit too even if it wouldnt make rattling noises. It's too loud even at lowest setting and then it even has problems starting up sometimes, total fail..

can't the stock fan just be replaced with quieter/high quality one?

I guess new picture? I can't decide which ones I like best.

Does anyone here use Lian Li?

Looks good, nice and clean.

The M1 is manufactured by Lian Li, though it wasn't designed by them.


That front rad should be on your top exit fans.

You're just dumping needless heat back into your system.

It's not like it's really going to matter much in that setup, you'd be looking at 2-3C difference if that.


lmao check out this moron


what it normally looks like

I had to remove the hard drive cage and place my WD Green on foam rubber because of the insane vibrations that my Fractal Design Define R4 failed to stop.

Next step will be to find a better place for the SSD. It's just laying there at the moment and I can't mount it behind the motherboard because the cables of my non-modular power supply reside there.

Not done yet but it's starting to come together....
On to-do list is install a front 120mm radiator, un-kink the CPU to pump lead, and sleeve the USB3 and front panel cables. And tuck away the spare cables better.

ASUS Z97i Plus, Corsair Vengeance Pro DDR3 16gb RAM, i5-4690k, GTX980 hydrocopper, EVGA hadron air and water cooling kit, and EK vardar fans.

Again, not finished, but it's working right now. Also intend on delidding and putting some IC Diamond on.

Still a little salty about my useless 980s. But they run doom at 1440p 60fps on ultra all day, so I got that going for me.



My friend helped me build a budget workstation for rendering and video production. I think it's sexy, what do you guys think?

Why didn't you just get the Hydro version?

My computer plays so many videogames!

Nobody will ever suspect my dell is actually an asus.

it's top exhaust, and IT DOES NOT FIT IN THE CASE THE RIGHT WAY UP. The retarded mounting of the window means it cannot fit the normal way

I wasn't originally water cooling it lol.

> 2 gpus sandwiched in dell oem case

RIP your temps m8

I have the same case, i have a put the noctura resistor on the front fan to slow it down. The dust filters work great. Owned it for about 3 years and still no dust inside.Get it you won't regret it


Ho hard or go home. Leak tested this last night, doing all power hook ups now and then she will be done

Looks horribly fucked up.

It's like you wanted to do something really badass and highend with hardline water cooling, but you either cheaped out not having the budget to do a full build, or you simply don't really understand the point of a custom water loop.

You have no VRM waterblocks, no RAM water blocks, and you went with Z170 instead of x99a and broadwell-e which would actually get some good use from a nice high end water loop like that.

I digress, but you fucked up.

I got the hardware I wanted and decided to go water last second. I honestly just did it for the looks more than practicality.

I figured it must have been something like that. Not to be rude or anything, but it's far from a well thought out water loop.

Still should be decently badass, just don't expect to set OC records or anything.

>I honestly just did it for the looks more than practicality.
No shit, custom loops aren't practical.

>custom loops aren't practical
Yeah problem is he is in the inbetween zone of why even bother, at least if you get VRM waterblocks and RAM waterblocks and shit you can OC to 5Ghz+ on most CPUs safely. Making it a bit more "worth" it.

But with just a GPU and CPU on the loop you'll only be able to squeeze a very slight amount of performance more than a normal high end air cooler or good AIO. The VRMs and the RAM will end up being the biggest problem in your OC just because they're still being air cooled.

why does speccy fuck my memory clocks?

It's showing 2400Mhz DDR3... Speccy doesn't multiply it for you.

I don't plan to go above and beyond on anything as far as over locking goes. I wanted a decent high mid end system and wanted it to look nice, that's all. The loop I did put some thinking into it and aesthetically this is what tickled my pickle.

Waiting for new gen to replace my gpu! 480X or 1070 maybe!

How's the front mounted AiO user? Thinking of going with a similar solution since i got shittons of empty space in my case and i really want to try and push my 4690k up to 4ghz at least. Would mobo airflow be a problem?

I feel your pain

Its pretty good, no problems with temps or anything and nah i dont think so, i got 2 more fans in front that you cant see in the pic and theres a decent flow through the case.

Getting one or two 1080's when they are out.

I have a mate that wants a fuckhuge case
So what case is that?, he has a CM HAF Medium tower atm.. he wants something bigger and roomier heh


piece of shit and way to big, going back to lian-li next time.

He wants a full-tower if he can.. so bigger the better i suppose

Whats bad about it except fuckhuge?

How badly did I fuck up?

I'm used to lian-li, everthing is a downgrade from lian-li.

Though I guess its not bad.

why 2 cpus

To be fair, Lian-Li in that size range are $300+, and with a window $400+

Yep. Left over from a previous build. Waiting for a new GPU

workstation, nice for vmware.


>going back to lian-li next time
what would you get?

thinking of doing a similar build with some cheap used xeons for a new vm/programming workstation


Oh lawd.

10/10 would play mine craft on.


dun goofd

can't find pic of inside my pc and I'm to lazy to shutdown and take one so here's a speccy image instead.


>Buying expensive Lian li case instead of building one yourself from 5mm or thicker metal
Just make some cardboard models to make sure every hole is at right (standard) place. I welded together a huge ATX case in 2001 and have used it for five setups to this day. There is absolutely no vibrations like there is even at these Lian li cases. Welded, sandblasted and painted at work during few lunch hours and cost me like 5$.