Post software or apps you hate

post software or apps you hate

I don't hate software because I don't have down syndrome.



>Being this triggered

Autism indeed.

super bump

Ghostery, just because every few weeks it pops up with some fucking bullshit survey and on mobile, the icon not only is always on the screen, but covers it as you zoom in.

thafuck is wrong with bluestacks?

installs apps i dont want. takes to long to start up. file to big clunky. and slow program. why cant they have a WEB VERSION OF SNAPCHAT. WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY CANT I SIGN UP

but none of that's true, you just have a pos computer

i cant hear you?


Messenger, because my normie friends won't use anything else and yet it hogs both storage and RAM while shitting itself on a regular basis.

woo! someone just discovered 4chanx self moderation feature

>Bluestacks doesn't install garbageware

Are you sure you're using Bluestacks? It's full of ads for shit games

i don't have to put up with your abuse
stay mad

it's been awhile since I used it but I never had that issue, I did however have that issue with the andy android emulator

y'know responding to me breaks the pretense that you're ignoring me, even if you don't directly quote me

Bluestacks is fucking terrible. I didn't get an Android phone until recently and attempted to use it, not even worth your time.

use the web version, or a light version of facebook like METAL

or pidgin

underage detected

Anything by Micropajeet.


It's great for using snapchat and kik to get nudes off girls using fake big dick pics

>implying Autism and Down Syndrome are the same thing
Check your privilege you cishet shit lord!


I like iphones
I m ok with overpriced macbooks
but god damn
ITUNES IS WORST software ever made and iphone+itunes is so badly made combination

It is reason why my Iphone does have 0 songs


Since day 1


That's clearly not Sup Forums X.

I use an old version of Andy that isn't particularly bothersome. BlueStacks is no good if you don't have the paid one.

its literally malware at this point, its hard to get rid off