
Going to learn to code. From what I read, Ruby is my best bet starting off. Is ruby the equivalent of an FRS in /o/ or is it not a meme

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I've worked in the industry for a couple years and I stay the fuck away from ruby--but do as you like, user.

Just learn Java or C++ like everyone else.

>I've worked in the industry for a couple years and I stay the fuck away from ruby

You've given no reasons. You can make this exact post about any language and it can't be disproven.

>I've worked in the industry for a couple years and I stay the fuck away from PYTHON--but do as you like, user.

>I've worked in the industry for a couple years and I stay the fuck away from JAVA--but do as you like, user.

>I've worked in the industry for a couple years and I stay the fuck away from C++ --but do as you like, user.

>I've worked in the industry for a couple years and I stay the fuck away from C# --but do as you like, user.

>learn to code
>I make le code that makes le program it's codified :)) I understand le machine code language
>le kode with klossy le ruby
this should be a bannable offense

What should be a bannable offense? No one has said anything even loosely related to any of that.

>xD one person who uses a certain language is [bad thing], haha language is bad! See?

So by that logic since there's Indians who can't code and write buffer overflow and other bullshit-vulnerable code that means C/C++ is bad? And because some feminist uses Python that makes it bad, and because some ISIS member uses C# that makes it also bad.
Your shitposting should be a bannable offense.

>learn to code
Your first lesson is about never describing it that way again.

I just want to know which language would be easiest to grasp as well as practical to use.

No one has said anything as to why Ruby is bad lol

it's a meme - a trend that doesn't have any particular use among it's competitors. start off with python, ez as fuck and libraries for everything. in a year, start learning c or java, depending on where you want to go in life (low-level or high level). voila, you're set for life.

Just learn Ruby user, it's great and the syntax is very intuitive. It's easy to learn and comfy, these autists can't give a single reason why it's bad besides "Person I don't like uses ruby, so that means it's a bad language".

If they've ever tried Ruby they'd see how comfy it is.

>a trend that doesn't have any particular use among it's competitors.

What are you talking about?

>ez as fuck

So is ruby.

>libraries for everything

Ruby has that as well.

imo its important to learn statically typed programming languages first IE java,c++, etc., it may be a little harder but will give you understanding of some of the underlying workings of objects and types and stuff.

then when you learn ruby its literally just an easier version of that.

sorry, i meant advantage against it's competitors. i've been typing wrong all day lmao. ruby is geared more towards web tech and python towards data science etc, and we have enough meme startups already

thanks for actual advice.

so by using Ruby first I'm skipping a step pretty much huh

I should've said I'm not looking for employment, rather use code for my own uses and I'm not into data science lol. Thanks for the advice

>so by using Ruby first I'm skipping a step pretty much huh

Not him but depends your goals.

In order to make shit in C++ it will take you easily 10x longer with a lot more effort, syntax looks fucked up so you'll get confused easily, etc.

In ruby it's a lot easier to just jump in and get started. C++ will take you probably at least a year to actually get to making anything beyond trivial programs that don't do anything valuable.

>I should've said I'm not looking for employment, rather use code for my own uses and I'm not into data science lol

Learn Ruby then, it's perfect for you. If you don't like it you can always try something new, it's not like you're confined to one specific language for the rest of your life

ruby is a dynamically typed language, so when you declare objects/variables and such, the object can just switch types depending on what you do to it which can get a little confusing. statically typed languages are a little more easy to understand what is going on.

What are you going to use it for?


You're going to learn programming. You're going to learn to program. Writing code is called "programming".

"Coding" is a meme term used by people who haven't written a line of code in their lives.

How is coding and programming not synonymous you fucking aspies?

This is like you faggots who go off on a lecture when someone refers to it as Linux instead of Gnu/Linux.

>"Coding" is a meme term used by people who haven't written a line of code in their lives.

Actually that's more common with people like you, go grab onto trivialities.

>From what I read, Ruby is my best bet starting off.

Where did you read that?
Ruby is a hell of a cool langauge, but I would never suggest it as first language..

Honestly, I would start with Java or even C.
For Java there's billions of great tutorials, for C just work yourself through the book "The C Programming Language" by Kernighan / Ritchie.

If that doesn't appeal to you, Python might also be a good first language.

Put some month in any of those, it wil really help you to become a good develloper.

Python is much simpler because it's "smaller" in terms of how many expressions you need. In Python there is one way to do it - and this will be tough enough if you start a new language.

Ruby has so many options, it can be very confusing, even for experienced programmers. Also you have a lot more terms and abstract ideas to learn.

One last thing:
It always depends on the TASK of the language. Ruby is amazing for programming web stuff, but Java, C or Python are just more versatile. End even if you are into the web, I'd also suggest writing a socket in Java or C first or learn JavaScript + Node.JS first.

I'm not saying don't learn Ruby, but start somewhere else and learn ruby as second or even thrid language. Other wise you might get confused or become a bad ruby programmer (writing Ruby in a "low level" way) because you can't grab all the ways of thinking.

Ah well, just my 2 ct.

user I'm telling you, when you've gained years of experience in the field and gotten to know all of its nuances, you'll understand how fucking retarded it sounds when someone says they "code".

>user I'm telling you, when you've gained years of experience in the field and gotten to know all of its nuances, you'll understand how fucking retarded it sounds when someone says they "code".


Please explain to me the difference between:

1.) Software Developer

2.) Software Engineer

3.) Coder

4.) Programmer

5.) Developer

6.) Hacker

but you know what im talking about. why are you wasting lines of precious lines of code

appreciate the insight

Go to do a job search for "coder" and see what you come up with and be sure to tell them how much you love to code at the job interview.

Programming languages are like cars. There's a ton of different ones and they're all similar enough that it doesn't really matter which you drive. Anyone saying x language is better than y is lying. They generally divide into a few different classes of language and some are better suited to certain tasks than others.
Ruby's fine but learn to drive, don't learn to operate a specific car.

>not looking for a job

nobody uses ruby anymore, learned node or python

Coding means you are taking one language (English and Math basically) and transcribing it. Programming is more abstract and relates to designing a system with behavior. Not him by the way. Also I personally dont give a shit what you call it so long as I can understand what you mean.

>Go to do a job search for "coder" and see what you come up with and be sure to tell them how much you love to code at the job interview.

Please explain to me the difference between those 6 jobs.

Sorry I haven't gained years of experience in the field like you have, please explain them to me.

dumbest post of the year right here congratulations

There isnt any difference but professional programmers wont respect you if you call yourself a coder.

1, 2, and 5 are acceptable position names. 3 and 6 are what tryhards without industry experience call themselves.

4 is in between.

Thanks family, if you could explain why I would appreciate it so I can do better next time.

Never did I once say I want to be a coder this argument is pointless lol. I said I wanted to learn to code, i.e. write code, write lines of code whatever the fuck you want it to mean lmao.

because you are reading the words so literally you make up distinction that doesn't exist
and you called math a language
and your description of programming was unnecessarily cerebral

I have heard plenty of people with far more experience than most on Sup Forums have refer to themselves as coders and refer to it as 'coding', I really don't think it matters and it's just autistic nitpicking, usually done by people WITHOUT any experience working on projects.

Kind of like the autists who go into the gnu/linux bullshit or who insist every language except their own is for autists and is SOOO MUCH SLOWER despite the most they;'ve written is fizzbuzz.

No one in the real world gives a fuck about whether you're a coder, a programmer or a developer. They know what you mean and they're going to judge you by your knowledge, rather than giving you 15+ points in their head because you called it Gnu/Linux and called yourself a programmer in an interview.

Besides you haven't even explained to OP his question, you've carefully nitpicked his use of the word "code" because it's the easiest place you could interject your "patrician opinion" because actually talking about why Ruby is bad/good is too much for you, calling people plebs is a lot easier and requires no effort.

>learn to code
They're both equally nauseating 2bh

>and you called math a language
Pic related.

They will respect my work. And I will call myself a coder.
>7 year c++ coder for Norton

He was talking about the usage of the word "code" you fucking pajeet.

>Literally ignoring OP's question even though you knew precisely what he meant because he didn't use the term you autistically decided is the "correct" term

Math is a language though. I apologize if my description of programming was too "cerebral" for you but it is the truth. Coding can be used to describe basic translation (ie French to German) while programming is used to describe the act of defining behavior (ie programming a universal remotes buttons). Again, I don't care what verb is used so long as I know what is being communicated. I have to go back to painting my car so peace to you family.

And what's fundamentally wrong with the word code? I don't understand it.

To go along with that, can you explain to me the difference between Develop and Program as well? Just so I know which term to use in which case.

>Math is a language though
it is not by any non idiotic definition
t. BSc degree in math

On a low level you are right:

Every "normal" programming language has if-statements, while-loops, data types, some input/output..

That's the level you are when you "learn programming": how do you make a programm taking an int from commandline and putting out xyz..

But then you go up one step:
How do you handle bigger data structures?
Do you encapsulate your data or do you use pointers? Strong or weakly typed? Scope of variables? Error handling?

That the level where you start to really learn a specific language, because there are already imprtant differences in what you can do and can't do between the languages.

Then you go up one step:
How would you adress a certain problems in this language? Abstract factories and other Design patterns, language specific tools (i.e. reflections)..

Then you leave the language itself and look at frameworks:
What frameworks is the langauge good in?

Then you go and fuck yourself with a cactus.

Most devs don't make it this far, for exmaple personally I don't care about C frameworks, but the language doesn't end with the if/else-stuff..

to code = to write code. Can be C, HTML, JS, ceaser cipher, morse code
to program = to write programs. Must be a programming language or a programming tool (i'd consider building machines in Logisim for example to be programming)
to develop = to make something. Literally can be anything. Making the frontend graphics, writing CSS, writing C++, anything that is actually going into the final product

That's what it all means to me, anyway

>TIOBE Index for May 2016
>May Headline: Ruby equals best position ever


>to code = to write code. Can be C, HTML, JS, ceaser cipher, morse code

Are you not writing code as a programmer or a developer? Is it really that much different that it requires a separate name to describe it?

>to program = to write programs. Must be a programming language or a programming tool (i'd consider building machines in Logisim for example to be programming)

Is a coder then not also a programmer if he is writing a program that will be compiled?

>to develop = to make something. Literally can be anything. Making the frontend graphics, writing CSS, writing C++, anything that is actually going into the final product

Are you making something when you write code(as a coder) or when you are writing a program(as a programmer)?

it would appear that it's interchangeable by your definitions.

>equivalent of an FRS in /o/


It's like saying a writer "words"; while it makes sense when used with an object ("how should I word this idea"), it's awkward and cumbersome when used in the general intransitive sense ("I want to learn to word").

But it's completely different.

Code is both a noun and a verb

I recognize that some languages make expressing certain ideas easier than others and yeah, depending on the domain of the problem you are solving you are probably going to be restricted in your choice of language.

The point I was trying to make is that language wars are fucking stupid. Just learn to program. Learn data strictures and common design patterns. Learn a functional language, learn an object oriented language, learn a logic language, learn some form of assembly and learn 12 different scripting languages. Learn how to learn and you can use whatever language is appropriate for the problem you want to solve.

So is "word". Did you even read what I said?

It's a hierarchy.

Programming is coding. Coding is developing. The reverse of those statements isnt' necessarily true though.

Developing is a superset of coding, coding is a superset of programming.

writing C++

Not in the same way though.

By all means, elaborate.

anyone else here a coder?

wanna meetup?

Coding, being a coder and learning to code has been used for many years, it's not really new and you know exactly what he meant.

>The point I was trying to make is that language wars are fucking stupid.

But his is Sup Forums you know, strong opinions, very little knowledge..

>Just learn to program. Learn data strictures and common design patterns.

Of course. You have to start somewhere.

>Learn a functional language, learn an object oriented language, learn a logic language, learn some form of assembly and learn 12 different scripting languages.

Yes, I absolutely agree. Though 12 scripting languages is a little bit much.
If you really know Perl you probably won't need Python.
If you know Python you don't actually need Ruby for scripting (not talking about web stuff here, only scripting!).
Maybe a littel bit bash can be usefull, but again if you know python you can always just use it instead of bash (might be overkill, but it's possible).

You're thinking about it wrong. There's nothing inherently wrong with saying you're a coder vs programmer or developer. Everyone will know what you mean. Its the connotations of the word that make you seem like a poser.

According to Wikipedia, programming is a super set of coding:

>"Computer programming (often shortened to programming) is a process that leads from an original formulation of a computing problem to executable computer programs. Programming involves activities such as analysis, developing understanding, generating algorithms, verification of requirements of algorithms including their correctness and resources consumption, and implementation (commonly referred to as coding) of algorithms in a target programming language."

Frankly I don't give a shit about this discussion though. Wether you call youself coder or programmer or code implementer or develloper - who gives a flying fuck (except Sup Forums) ??

I'm a CS/SE student and I have to admit that Ruby is by far the most pleasant language I had the chance to explore during my "career".
(I've worked with Java, C/C++, Python, JavaScript, COBOL, Haskell, Prolog, Bash and Ruby)

This winter I had an entire course on dynamic and scripting language with Ruby being the main language explored/used.

It is in my opinion a really cool language for many reasons:
- syntax is great and intuitive
- I like the functional aspect of ruby
- Blocks are just great
- strong meta-programming
- RVM (Ruby Version Manager) is so much more convinient than fucking virtualenv of python

But of course there is some downsides with the biggest of them all being that the community is small (compared to the python community, for instance). When you encounter a bug in your Ruby program and you try to look up for a solution, most of the things that you find are RoR related and that is because Ruby is almost only used for the web...

Also, an other downside is performance... Ruby is slow (something gotta be sacrificed for that juicy syntax and the possibilities it offers!). That being said, there's numerous implementations of Ruby such as JRuby (ruby that runs on top of the JVM) who can run a bit faster than the traditional Ruby.

So, depending on your goal and the reason why you want to learn to code, Ruby might or might not be a good choice.

Hope it helps!

You can know what someone means despite them using improper form. The question isn't whether "being a coder/learning to code" is intelligible, it's whether it best adheres to the industry's standards of terminology.

There are negative connotations with calling yourself "a coder". That's just the way things have evolved in the field.

That quote doesn't define programming as a superset. Granted, it does mean that Coding is not a superset of programming. They just mention that writing the code that is involved in programming is also known as coding, but coding can be other things as well, such as writing CSS.

Are you fucking kidding me?

I'm not gonna split the tiny hairs that sometimes grow on atomic shells.

All I was trying to do is telling you that your "definition" comes right from your ass. Now take it as a man and next time LOOK IT UP istead of making shit up or "judging by feeling".

Hello Mr. industry, guess what:
Differnt companies call it differnt names.

Put your personal preferences or your coworker joe's opinion about wording back to where they belong.

Here I was hoping Summer wouldn't start for another month.

Ruby is a great first language, fuck the haters

Ruby is like BASIC, it is nice to understand some simple concepts or to just play around with ideas but it will not pass for teaching more complex ideas.

If you haven't already decided then I would recommend learning a C language or Java instead

You think so?

# print 10 numbers (syntatic suger ftw !)

for i in (0..9) do puts i end

i = 0; until i == 10; puts i; i = i+1 end

(0..9).each { |i| puts i}

0.upto(9) { |i| puts i } { |i| puts i}

i='puts 0'; 10.times {eval i; i

u serious?

>itt people thinking programming is learning a language rather than concepts.

I use ruby and drive a BRZ. Neither are memes.


Are you implying there's something wrong with there being multiple ways to do a thing?

You aren't going to dick with pointers or memory management but it is nothing like basic, promptly kill yourself.

I'm not mad, rather irritated.

You can say Ruby is overly complex, I'll give you that. It's the most sophisticated langauge I know. But to make a comparison with BASIC is just absurd.

And now let me enjoy my soya ornage mocca frappucino while I craft beautiful things.

Not at all.
But I'm imypling it's maybe not a good thing for someone who has never coded anything in his life.

don't. If you learn ruby as first language then it will be incredibly frustrating when you try to learn Java or C after.

Just learn c++, java or python for your first language if you have no idea what you are doing. Don't get me wrong I love ruby for some things but I wouldn't use it as a "learning" language even though it's pretty easy.

hipster language, not Sup Forums hipster, rather Starbucks hipster

I like Ruby a lot.
I have helped several people learn Ruby, both beginners and devs experienced in other languages.
Ruby is not a great beginner language, imo. It is not as bad as C++ or Java as a starting point, but it definitely holds no pedagogical advantages.

That's not to say you CAN'T learn it first. You can. And you won't be permanently affected the way you might be if you start with a more esoteric language [0] or a language whose community is a shitshow [1]. Just that I don't see it being particularly advantageous. Ruby has a lot of power, and the original community (I'll say pre-2010-ish) were good devs and language nerds fleeing enterprise Java and C++ jobs, looking for greener pastures to just get shit done without all that ceremony. Others were old smalltalk fans who saw echos of that language in Ruby.

The functional-isms are great, the data-munging, text-wrangling power is second to none (with the possible exception of Perl, but ugh...). Ruby's *nix integration is fantastic and the object system is solid. Ruby's metaprogramming is great but easy to abuse. It that takes a level of discipline and appreciation for those features in order to use them well when writing mid-size or larger projects (an eventual goal for the majority of people), and those details are often lost on a complete beginner.

I like Ruby a lot, but there are other languages, like Racket or Python, which don't have quite as many sharp edges that a newer developer might cut themselves on.

Learn Rubyfirst if you personally know someone who can help you along the way.

[0] Examples: If you learn Haskell first you'll always miss the type system. If you learn Erlang first, you'll miss pattern matching or wonder why other languages don't use supervision trees.
[1] I mean in the sense of having terrible coding practices as the norm (e.g. Perl or PHP). I don't mean that in the sense of Sup Forums bitching about Hipster-SJW-whatever-the-hell it's cool to hate on this year as a social signal.

Ruby has some pretty fucky grammar. I would avoid it like the plague.

Start with python. Then Java or c++