Find a flaw

find a flaw

I can't

Not being able to accept pic related

I can't

What I find weird is how normies dislike this, when it is much better than the non-SE versions

Don't worry, it will fit nicely up your ass.

Closed garden, though that's a disadvantage from my point of view. I can understand that normies who are so dumb they download everything they come across are a lot less likely to get malware on iOS compared to Android.

ITT: paid aplel shills

fuck, I'm busted :( time to make a new account

ex-iPhone 6S user here (currently own Sony Z5): AMA

Apart from the smoother, more responsive UI and decent camera, everything else is shit.

what did you eat fro breakfast?

sick as fuck cancer trips

What is "everything else"?

Do your parents know you're homosexual?

>being mad enough to make this image
>being retarded enough to post it around

Usually breakfast from mcdonald. Sometimes I make some fried eggs and toast or cereal + milk.


Every single apple genuine cable has done this to either my wife or fag phone friends. Even the old style.

kek'd whole heartedly


>Battery Life
>Charging wire
>Lack of customization
>Lack of general software control / bloatware
>Inability to expand memory
>Inability to run pirated apps
>Root access not as easy
>No affordable options unless you want a discontinued iphone4

Small, non-removable battery and no expandable storage
Chintzy charging cables made to break so you can overpay for a new one
Display too small
Sanitized OS with little customization options

It will fight you tooth and nail for your data the second you try to switch away from its ecosystem. You can't even get your carrier specific things like texts without a hassle.

found one on the street and can't find a way to reset it