Racist asshole business

if you are in the u.s. please flood their phone (716) 447-7000

they are racist wont let african americans in their shop and they are assholes please lets work together for equality and take them out of business.

Not your personal army tyrone


No, we aren't your personal army and we aren't calling your bully classmate dad's shop just because you were called a faggot (you are).

Vandalize it, Jamal. Unless you're already on strike three.


We need more places like this.


>they are racist wont let african americans in their shop

I'll be phoning in to salute them

We actually hate african americans here, you've come to the wrong place. Fuck off you filthy nigger.

This. Fuck niggers.


Fuck off, nigger.

Sup Forums here, we hate niggers too. Maybe OP should try réddit or tumblr. A lot of nigger lover there.

Fuck off Jamal

They are making America great again. Niggers btfo.

Dey wasis dey wasis

Fuck off if you really wanted equality BLM wouldn't even exist


Give it back Tyrone.

I'll be giving them 5 stars, nigger.

I'm from Sup Forums you stupid fucking nigger. We all hate niggers btw, every single Sup Forums board does. Maybe they don't easily admit it but they do.

>wont let african americans in their shop
but that is good. it's always more pleasant to shop without being surrounded by shitskins

first post, best post

This, ban curryniggers and sandniggers too and that place is heaven.