What's your uptime?

What's your uptime?

>11 days

>Uptime: 4d 14h 53m
>Fujitsu-Siemens Core2Duo laptop

I just reinstalled Windows on my laptop so.. Currently is 33 hours


06:31:46 up 4 days, 14:36, 1 user, load average: 0.28, 0.20, 0.21

I unplug during thunderstorms ive had too many electronics hit by lightning

12:22:19 up 397 days, 2:53, 2 users, load average: 0.09, 0.04, 0.05
uname -a
Linux raspberrypi 3.18.7+ #755 PREEMPT Thu Feb 12 17:14:31 GMT 2015 armv6l GNU/Linux

Get on my level faggots

>what is a surge protector?

>not turning your computer off while you sleep to extend its lifespan

nice meme

>implying a surge protector will stop a lightning bolt that has already jumped across miles of air

44 days, 4:04
My work laptop. (record about 110 days until I forgot to plug it in in time)

Not fair, since it's probably used as a server or so.

>up 12 days, 22:40
>rMBP mid 14



12:48:12 up 11 days, 17:20, 1 user, load average: 0.03, 0.02, 0.05

>up 25 days, 19:40
>rMBP mid 15

chromebooks would be useful if you could install a real linux distro on it and not the gay locked down chomeos/cloud os.

Good thing you can

I shut down my system when not in use to save power. I am not an autist.

Doesn't uptime still count if you hibernate / put to sleep your laptop? That doesn't sound fair.

had to reboot when a update temporarily broke ssh or WiFi, i don't remember which right now.

its a LG laptop that I'm running mostly as a file server

8:19:07 up 3:23, 1 user, load average: 1.64, 1.61, 1.89

you guys are faggots

8 day
8 hour
1 minute

windows 10


>using a chrome book

Is this a troll thread?


my max uptime was on a amd s462 a week because i wanted to recod anime with a tv tuner but the bios of the motherboard wason good with wake up so i recorded a week wideo (UPS was present) 320x240 30fps

>complaining about chromebooks
Is this a b8 post?

ServerAuditor is one of the handiest tools; do you have the paid version? I've been wondering if it's work it for the extra features

That doesn't give me free hours on WhatPulse, though.

just turned my computer on

What laptop, familia?

Just updated to the latest version yesterday.

ThinkPad T420s with FullHD IPS screen mode.

PS I love it. It idles at 0% CPU 0.9GB RAM. Fan hardly ever comes on so it is silent. Great machine

Is it also nvs 4200m powered?

>not htop

Install chromebrew faggot




Do you enjoy wasting electricity?
I shut my computer off if I get up to pour a coffee.


This can't be real.

>614 days

That's why they made a fucking sleep function.

Remove Write-Protect screw. Flash libreboot. Boot Linux USB. Save profits.

I think he modified an actual task manager screenshot in paint. Then he made a picture of the screen like a retard so it looks more legit, or at least he thinks it does.

It's a DVR for security cameras with a PCIe capture card plugged into a battery backup.

Stop lying pajeet.
Take your poo to the loo.

perfectly possible.


It has the NVS yeah but i disable it in the BIOS and just run on the integrated. I fucking hate the nvidia drivers. they always spin the fans up for no reason

but you can control fans by yourself

>being spoonfed by M$

yeah you can but for some reason the nvs drivers can still override things like tpfancontrol. it does my head in. plus i dont need the extra perf of nvs. the hd3000 does all the windows ui stuff fine and can do 1080p60 html5 video just fine. the cpu will hit 50c doing that video playback so i have the fancontrol set to come out at 53c :) that way i hardly ever here the fan spin up.

19:55:34 up 130 days, 18:25, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05

Nope. Free version. I didn't even realize there was a paid version. I don't even see the paid version on the App Store.