Why does Sup Forums dislike Lenovo so much?

Why does Sup Forums dislike Lenovo so much?

Shouldn't the x1 be the official Sup Forums notebook, since it ticks all the boxes.

>Why does Sup Forums dislike Lenovo so much?
is this is a fucking joke

It's not, they've built a good line up, why does Sup Forums hate it so much when it's literally every you've all asks for. Build quality better than a MacBook, while, for the most part, staying true to what makes thinkpads great.

>they've built a good line up
they inherited (bought) good line (thinkpads) and went down quality-wise, just because it's still better than other crap on the market doesn't mean it still isn't only crap, I mean even diamond shit is still shit

>Lenovo bought thinkpad
Yes, that happens often; how's that bad exactly? They haven't tarnished it's name by making gimmicky/shit products or anything.

>Went down quality-wise
Lenovo's Carbon fiber, magnesium and Gorilla glass construction vs. IBM's Plastic.

I'm becoming convinced hating Lenovo is just another Sup Forums meme.

I own several ThinkPads. ThinkPads are definitely well built despite they got bought by Lenovo.

As a security professional, Lenovo concerns me as I (and other security professionals) have disclosed several backdoors in their hardware. They have been fixed, but it always affects trust (not that you should trust anything on the market, everything is backdoored or has vulnerabilities nowadays).

>since it ticks all the boxes

What are the boxes?

>>Lenovo bought thinkpad
>how's that bad exactly?
>>Went down quality-wise

>Lenovo's Carbon fiber, magnesium and Gorilla glass
on bestest expensivest models, most of their laptops are still like
>IBM's Plastic
it's like saying that company that makes one bulletproof car every 100 000 other cars should not be hated for making 95% of their cars bad, cuz "look, we can into bulletproof ,lel"

>on bestest expensivest models
like the X1 Carbon or the X420s?
those are the laptops that most people on Sup Forums would be looking at buying

but you* are asking about lenovo not thinkpads specificaly, you are also outside /TPG/subreddit so act accordingly
this also

Alright fair point, Lenovo isn't going to release a t420 anytime soon. And I'm sure most of their other products are mediocre. I'm primarily talking about their x1 series, which doesn't seem to get much discussion time on Sup Forums.

>What are the boxes
Everything you'd expect of a high-end product.
>Runs cool, quiet and fast
>Great build quality
>Fast ssd
>IPS glass QHD screen
>Great track pad/track point
>Supports LTE
>Great keyboard, has backlighting

You cant say that's just because of its high price either, the Surface Book is terrible and that's $3000

rMBP ticks all the boxes and is better value for money

Exactly, we're discussing Lenovo's flagship products. Which seem to be neglected and regarded trash for little acutal reason.

rMBP falls down on a couple
>Runs cool, quiet and fast
>Great keyboard

are any of the Lenovo Thinkpads good? the store near me has a T420 with Win7 for $250 and a G51 with Win10 for $200 and i need a good laptop for school

Alright, that's definitely a fair enough concern. But Microsoft is plauged with security issues anyway, so assuming you're just an average user already being shit shoveled by Facebook, Google and Micro (not a security specialist, criminal or FBI employee) It doesn't sound like much of an argument to dismiss their products. Especially since, as you said, they did patch them.

I agree the rMBP is a great machine. But the carbon x1 is the perfect blend of what makes a thinkpad and a MacBook great.

>Lightweight construction
>Glass screen
>And a fucking i7 if you don't want a 15" monster

I'll give it the MacBook has better speakers, but that's ahout it.

>Great keyboard
Implying that any laptop has a good keyboard. If you type long enough for it to matter then you should get separate keyboard anyway. That is of course if you are not one of those autists who sit at work with only their laptop, missing any additional peripherals like screens etc. If this is the case then may god forgive you your sins.

>>Runs cool, quiet and fast
by definition of ultrabook never all three at once
>>Great build quality
at price of less ports
>>Fast ssd
meh, if you can't swap drives on your own you shouldn't be here
>>IPS glass QHD screen
i overread that as gloss, tho I don't think they have matte glass
>>Great track pad/track point
point yes, pad not so sure
>>Supports LTE
considering it's laptop it's not really that important, but yeah, nice of them to install 1 additional card, now remove whitelist so I can replace with whatever I want not whatever you tell me
>>Great keyboard, has backlighting
except totally fucking last line with usable layout, backlight is not added, just moved from above-display light
I'm not saying it's bad, I'm just saying it could be better, a lot better...

True, but it's still the best and most comfortable laptop keyboard available

I usually just use a ThinkPad, route all my traffic through Tor and use a custom Linux kernel. No google, no microsoft (except on VMs to test things). ThinkPad is customized and with certain gadgets removed.

So your a criminal or autist. Nice

>Implying that any laptop has a good keyboard.
Not since the T420 when Lenovo switched but they're getting back to what really matters. And IIRC, just about every Thinkpad since has been reviewed as the best keyboard on a laptop while lamenting the difference.

Regardless, Macbooks have middle tier keyboards at best.

It's not matte glass, it has an anti glare coating pre-installed (so, basically a screen protector). This can be removed with a hairdryer and some time, i did it on mine because I personally like glossy screens. The colors, white accuracy and brightness are also noticeable better after doing so.
>Backlight is not added
For me the ctrl and fn switch threw me off, but it doesn't take long to adapt.

>Shouldn't the x1 be the official Sup Forums notebook, since it ticks all the boxes.
That's a weird way to spell xps 13.

I like the ideapad 100s. Good value.

>300 cycles
>Cancer QHD+ 13.3" screen (nice scale goy)
>Shit keyboard
>Shit trackpad

>muh memes
Fuck off lenoshit shill.

Im an information security professional. Ex-military. I know how everything works, so I just care about my family safety. I don't want corporations taking information about our interests and benefiting from them.

When you use Google, Microshit or Facebook, you are the product.

Not the same user but if you aren't going to argue the points raised and just try to marginalize it with an obvious ad hominem it seems the points he raised are all the more telling.

Zozzle, can't even argue.exe

So this is the knowledgeable Sup Forums discussion they talk so much about.

I had one. The colours on the screen were awful.

>Shouldn't the x1 be the official Sup Forums notebook, since it ticks all the boxes.

>better keyboard than anything you'd get from BestBuy

>way worse keyboard than previous thinkpads

>Better screen quality than last gen thinkpads

>worse screen ratio than last gen thinkpads

>generally worse screen than what is easily possible today (CB Pixel, Surface, MBPretina)

>Worse screen than the high res thinkpads from over 10 years ago

>Better built quality than anything you'd get from bestbuy

>Better built quality than the previous gen thinkpads

>Way worse built quality than old thinkpads

>Wasted space all around, because retarded 16;9 screen and fuckhuge bezels

>Easiliy available with cumstains and for only $100

So yes, it ticks all the boxes, apart from the last one, so all in all, its kinda meh…

Posted from my X1

Potential Solution (assuming you bought the IPS model)

You whot m8?


>Easily available with cumstains and for only $100

my fucking sides

>I know how everything works,
>When you use Google, Microshit or Facebook, you are the product.
Everyone with even a small brain knows this you retard that's why it's free to use

Fuck. There was supposed to be ticked boxes behind all but the last point.
>fucking Unicode, how do they work?
And with those fucking emojis, it gets even worse. I already can see half of those fuckers, and that is with friends who almost never use them anyways…

>Microsoft is plauged with security issues anyway
Just because lenevo rips you a new asshole doesn't mean that Microsoft should rip you a third one.

shit, i meant 460s
im pretty sure its exactly the same as the x1 carbon but beefier

If you've been using the internet, let alone existing, at all for the last 10 years your ass hole has been so brutally fucked by every cooperation of every possible sector that it's a miracle you can still shit without a colostomy bag.

Name me one tech company that hasn't had security issues
>pro tip, you can't

They killed our lord.

Good pasta my friend!

25 YEN has just been deposited into your Lenovo account.

- Jau Yao
Lenovo marketing executive

My XPS 13 destroys the shit out of that chinkpad.

Sure it does

My shit destroys the XPS 13.

>hardware backdoor

Go on..

They ruined ThinkPads. What is so damn hard to get about this? You don't just slap Think branding onto everything and call it a day. An ultrabook Thinkpad is an abomination.


it's expensive as a macbook.

But better in every way except the homosexuality broadcasting bit.

All good laptops are expensive, no matter if they are from lenovo, dell or HP.
If it costs less than $1000 new, its probably shit.

>shit screen (panel + aspect ratio)
>unix not standard
>shit battery life

my thinkpad 13 feels superior to my x220 in every way, even the keyboard is nicer and I'm not stuck with the cancerous 720p resolution of the x220

The recent thinkpads are shit meme needs to die


Fuck the x1 yoga looks nice


I'm using a trashed T450s as a server. Put 12GB of RAM in it and it's the quietest little server. More energy efficient than the Z400 it leans against.

Resourceful! That's actually really cool

I travel a lot for work and the x1c was what I received for my work computer. It broke within a month of general use and travel.

Christ what happened to it? btw a few years ago I used a screen-less T61 for a while as main computer, it was like using a modern oversided zx spectrum.

That's a shame, kinda doubt "general use" would break it though

I do like my thinkpad X200 very much.

>runs hot, noisy and slow

T420 is a 2011 model. They use Sandybridge i5 CPUs so they're not slow.

How's the battery life and display?

They make crappy products with pre-installed malware. Why the fuck would that be good?

on linux it gets about 3 hours on a chink battery.

x1 yoga is the best. still no OLED though

curious what those backdoors are and what one could do to fix them?

>preinstalled malware
not with ThinkPads

>3 hours on linux
Would not buy

With a new and original battery, that can easily be 6 hours. But even the original batteries tend to degrade pretty fast.
And besides the res and aspect ratio, the screens normally are true thinkpad screen, ie. very shitty.

The dream of every gentooman should be a T60/T61 frankenpad with the gorgeous AFFS/Flexview UXGA (1600x1200 4:3) screen, post 08/08 nvidia chip, Penryn CPU, 8 GB RAM and NMB keyboard.

ThinkPads are still the only laptop used in fucking space. Granted they're all the IBM ones, i think...

ThinkPads are cool, but fuck IBM and Lenovo for that matter. IBM is a shit organization, Lenovo is some shady Chinese conglomerate and I dont trust the Chinese

>post 08/08 nvidia chip
Nah, it's all about that Advanced Dock with eGPU. I tried the Nvidia board, even got a post-08/08 one, but it overheated even with my upgraded T500 fan and sucked away any extra battery life I would've gotten from the upgrade from Yonah to Penryn. Intel board with eGPU stays cool and isn't so obsolete.

No. There is Another.

The user claimed it was ran over, I don't believe that however as the base of the laptop was entirely fine. I think they got mad and broke it.